12 Years of Full-Time Travel on a Budget! Woman Shares Her Experience

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We've been following Nora from The Professional Hobo for years now and she was a huge inspiration for us when we first got started travelling full-time and trying to sustain our travels by working online.

We recently (and finally!) had the chance to meet her in person when we were both in Toronto at the same time, so we sat down and asked her all about her digital nomad lifestyle.

In this interview, she talks about 2 of the key things that make financially sustainable travel possible: reducing your expenses, and finding a way to earn money as you go.

She also talks about the challenges and rewards of the lifestyle, including surviving 3 natural disasters, 3 tropical diseases, the theft of her passport, and much more.

Some of the resources she mentioned in the video are super helpful and we've included links below so you can check them out:

How to Get Free Accommodation Around the World eBook:

Financial Case Studies from Long-Term Travellers:

Nora's Annual Expense & Income Reviews:

Follow Nora on Social Media:

Thanks for watching!

Mat & Danielle


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Music & Song Credits:
All music in this video was composed, performed, and recorded by Mat of Exploring Alternatives.

Editing Credits:
Mat and Danielle of Exploring Alternatives

Filming Credits:
Interview by Mat of Exploring Alternatives

Travel Footage & Photos from Nora Dunn

Thumbnail Photo Credit:
Nora Dunn
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You can follow Nora's epic travels on FB and YouTube :)


My late son always said he would do this. Lost him too early but nice to share every one else’s travels as a way to remember him.


Fantastic video. I am so glad to see you got women following unconventional lifestyles. I am 68 and a widow. My nomadic existence starts this May 2019. Different at this age...I have saved money and healthcare. Hope my body doesn't betray me!!!


The more I travel, the more I see that the people are same all over the world! Totally agree with Nora! Travel is the best antidote against prejudice!


This is the kinda lady who needs to he teaching cultural studies at universities.


Finally! Someone who actually shares all the info about their money. Too often people skip the fact they already "had money" before they began their travel lifestyle, leading you to believe they magically did it all with nothing. They always say they sold everything but leave out the part where they have a trust fund or a big company to sell off.


Nora Dunn's perspectives about travel have encouraged and inspired me to pursue this kind of lifestyle. I feel like I don't belong to an organization or a company and just remain as an employee for the rest of my life. I consider myself a free soul who wants to experience the world. I'm building the foundations of my plan to pursue an online career and save up before I start traveling. My first destination would be Southeast Asia since this is the region where my country, the Philippines, belongs, and explore other countries either at the end of this year or the first quarter of next year. And, who knows, I might find opportunities in Latin America or other parts of Asia or Europe. Thank you so much, Exploring Alternatives, for your insightful videos! Why have I just met you now? :)


I've been living in Hawaii for 9 months, free accommodation, organic fruit and veggies included and getting paid. This chick was a huge inspiration. Now I'm headed to Alaska for 2 months, free room and board. I'm making money freelance writing and through music production.


LISTEN TO WHAT THIS LOVELY GIRL IN THE VIDEO SAYS... TRAVEL SLOW... pro travel advice .... agree 100% :)


What's fascinating about Nora, is how profoundly happy she seems with her situation.I guess that says something.


I watch several YouTube videos on how to trade in the stock market but haven't made any head start because they are either talking some gibberish or sharing their story of how they made it and I do not want to make mistakes by taking risks in my own hands


I like the "slow travel" term. I'm the same way, I've been traveling full time for 3 years and I stay about 3 -6 months :). Lovely video!


Too short!! I could listen to her all day!!! This is my dream!! 😍


This was one of your most compelling videos. Great job! Can't wait to learn more about The Professional Hobo!


Well when you have a very useless passport that requires visa... For almost every country it ain't that easy. Canadian passport is powerful


This is literally my dream. Have to admire her fearlessness :)


Damn, it's like she found the cheat codes to life


Awesome! What I love about this channel is it’s not only incredibly entertaining, but also a wealth of information, with a lot of wonderful people who I wish I could sit across the table from and listen to their stories. Would love to listen to a longer format podcast that could accompany these... though I’m sure a ton of time and effort already goes into making the videos! Thanks for sharing :)


10:10 - 10:54 - Profound words of a person who has experienced the world at a deeper level. Very impressive! loved hearing your experience


This is a great life style....
1. see the world
2. dont be bound to one place
3. do what you love
4. learn new skills...

man I need to travel more with my channel.
