The Oculus Dungeon Heroic ✓ Wrath of the Lich King Classic (WotLK Classic) ✓ Warlock ➤ Gnome

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Today we are going to play Oculus Heroic and complete the daily quest which begins at Dalaran - Timear Foresees Centrifuge Constructs in your Future! The dungee is quite unusual. Most of the time you have to fly dragons. The last boss must be killed with dragon skills. In the group necessarily one must take the dragon tank (red dragon), one player must play as a hil (green dragon) and everyone else for dps (bronze dragon).
#WrathClassic #WotLK #WorldofWarcraft
Bosses in the dungeon:
3:35 Drakos the Interrogator
9:50 Varos Cloudstrider
13:25 Mage-Lord Urom
15:40 Ley-Guardian Eregos
#WrathClassic #WotLK #WorldofWarcraft
Bosses in the dungeon:
3:35 Drakos the Interrogator
9:50 Varos Cloudstrider
13:25 Mage-Lord Urom
15:40 Ley-Guardian Eregos
#worldofwarcraft #wotlk The Oculus dungeon heroic
The Oculus Heroic Guide - Glory of the Hero Edition!
WotLK Oculus - A comprehensive drake guide
The Oculus Dungeon Heroic ✓ Wrath of the Lich King Classic (WotLK Classic) ✓ Warlock ➤ Gnome
World of Warcraft The Oculus Heroic Dungeon Run Wrath of The Lich King Classic
The Oculus Dungeon Guide for World of Warcraft
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Wrath of the Lich King, The Oculus Heroic Dungeon
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World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - Dungeon: The Oculus
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