The Real Ragnar Lothbrok // Vikings Documentary

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Kevin MacLeod - Ossuary 2: Turn
Derek & Brandon Fiechter - The Age of the Vikings
Brandon Fiechter - Frost Giants
Brandon Fiechter - Thor
Brandon Fiechter - Asgard
Derek & Brandon Fiechter - Woolly Mammoths
Derek & Brandon Fiechter - Ice Age
Joss Edwards Music - The Viking Journey
Derek & Brandon Fiechter - Sigurd

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Vikings one of the best shows I've ever watched and I am so sorry that Travis didn't won anything for portraying Ragnar.


He also rode from Rorikstead to Whiterun, but that's a tale for another time.


I once told a Danish friend that it seemed like a strange contradiction that today Scandinavians are amount the most peaceful and civilized people in the world, yet they they descend from the Vikings who were ferocious warriors. My friend's explanation: "We got it out of our system."


Travis . Played the role of ragnar. Was so damm good. You can feel his emotions by looking at his eyes.


"My death comes without apology" Ragnar was a badass


Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst. And corrupts the best. I never asked for power. "Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up.” - Ragnar Lothbrok - Great lines


How the little piggies will grunt ".when they hear how the old boar have suffered. #viking


Loved the video! I've been reading the Viking Sagas since Vikings came out on the History Channel. Travis Fimmel should have won a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Ragnar!


Pretty amazing how a man's deeds could get his story told for thousands of years


Ragnar and his sons got the glory they so wanted and fought for. We're still talking about them. Legendary...


Seeing how ragnars sons avenged his death in vikings was one of the most satisfying moments in any series history. I got goosebumps when just moments before the war the camera focuses on the brothers and björn making that angry badass face like he can't wait for blood to be spilled


"Don't waste your time looking back. You're not going that way."

Edit: Okay, so after like 2 years and a comment that attempted to explain, I am explaining why I posted this- and yeah, it's pretty dumb. Ragnar Lothbrok said the line to Bjorn in the show "Vikings", when he looked back at his hometown as they were sailing away, I think to go fight someone? I don't remember too well since it's been a couple years. The context is important. To those saying it's short-sighted, you misunderstand the purpose of the line.
I believe the meaning to be that if you're spending all your time looking back at the past, the places you used to be, etc., you'll miss what's ahead of you. Obviously it doesn't mean to not look back; you're missing the second part of the quote. You aren't going that way. You're going forwards, not backwards, so while it's important to look back every now and then to remember and learn, your focus should be ahead. Never forget where you've been, but don't sit and stare at it, carry it with you to the voyage ahead.

TLDR; You misunderstood the quote


I shall not enter Odins hall with fear!


Everything I do, I do for you, Ragnar


Watched the Vikings show. Just loved it. With my Persian background, I felt every second of the show down into my blood.
So much of sad moment. My wife cried a lot when LAGATA died.
Love people of Scandinavia.


“And I welcome the Valkyries to summon me home-“


I suspect that if REAL authentic ancient history was ever truly miraculously unveiled we would be amazed on how wrong we have been on so many dates, people and events. Makes me wish for "time travel" just as voyeurs to real events and people.


Ragnar: "I will walk the halls of Valhalla with Odin at my side and my death comes without apology!" Such powerful acting and story telling, I find it absurd Travis Flimmel and several other actors and actresses didn't get an Emmy or Golden Globe for their role in the Vikings. I found out after finishing the last series that Ragnar was based on an actual Viking and I had to find out myself if this was true or not, so glad I learned some history today.


Crazy! I never heard of this man until guessed it "Vikings"!!
