The Truth About Antibiotics

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The Truth About Antibiotics

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When I was a teenager (30 years ago) I was on strong antibiotics for 2 years to 'cure' my severe acne. The consequence of destroying my gut was the next 25 years of horrible gut issues, made worse on a plant based diet. To recover my increasing health issues, 4 years ago I changed to the carnivore way of eating and all my health issues, especially my IBS and my lifelong acne, went away...


This is a tough one for me. When I was in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman, part of my duties was to collect specimens to be cultured. I was not allowed to read them or make any recommendations about them at my rank, but I did see the results and how antibiotics were prescribed for certain infections. In my own personal life over the many years since then I have had several different infections that caused me a lot of pain such as tooth, bladder, cyst, etc. I used antibiotics each time and got relief VERY quickly and the infections went away. When I state it was quickly, I mean within a few hours and it never came back. How on earth can I conclude anything else than that the antibiotics worked at least in these several cases for me? It sure wasn't my imagination! and these were real and painful infections. I know Big Pharma has some BIG problems but I can't throw out everything they've ever done. I need to be shown actual demonstrations of healing serious, even life-threatening infections successfully with no drugs whatsoever. I haven't seen or even heard of that in my entire life.


I had a mate that used to take antibiotics every time he caught a cold.
I used to try and reason with him not to, as he was only getting sicker and catching everything that was going around.
Eventually he did a bit of research for himself and stopped taking the AB's. His health came back, and he was able to regain some weight finally. 😃


I second the comment below. I have spent most of my 55 years being on a "healthy" vegan and vegetarian diet with some meat now and then...thank god I did as I would be much worse now. After studying people like you, Dr Gundry, Dave Asprey and others in the same vein I decided to full carnivore and do a 90 day challenge with the steak and butter gang. I am on day 9. I am simply eating grass f4ed beef, butter and pasture raised eggs with the occasional bacon treat to harvest some fat to flavour the rest. For the first time in years I am calm, relaxed, fully focused and sleep deeply. I recommend it highly. I used to have vegan guilt but let go of that limiting belief when I discovered just how many animals die when a combine harvester harvests just one acre of any crop.

The metric is called deaths per calorie. Look it it up if you are in religious denial.

Also Palm oil plantations kill thousands of orangoutangs and a myriad of other animals when they clear their habitat in the same way factory style meat is reared which I do not advocate. I support small family owned farms that keep their animals grass fed, roaming outside and allow their calves to stay with their mothers. Smallholding farms arer symbiotic and the animals manure builds soil density and mineral density. They also promote a diverse soil micro biome. If you are vegan and drink oat milk and eat soy products like fake meat ready meals you are destroying the ecosystem as well as your internal health.


As a child growing up in the 60s, in the country of a third-world country, all my childhood friends and I had many things go wrong with us from time to time, including measles, mumps, rubella, scarlet fever etc etc etc, high body temperatures (up to 42 deg C), our mother would of course be concerned and call the doctor who would go see us at home. I remember his chubby happy face saying: "he'll be alright, just give him plenty to drink, chicken soup etc" . Of course we had no fizzie drinks ever, our white skins would turn brown (skin protection? wtf is that? just a momentary hat that was uncomfortable and we had it on for about 4 minutes) in summer from being outside from dawn to dusk playing football on the beach, we would catch fish from uncontaminated rivers, would go on eternal walks through forests, climb the highest trees we could find, throw rocks, sticks and other things at each other when angry or just playing around, swim where we weren't allowed to, ride bikes without helmets and the list goes on. Never did we get prescribed ABs and we just to to put up with it. Our little, often skinny but muscular bodies had no excess lard anywhere, we would stay outside playing football in total darkness until our moms had to go get us as we would often ignore their calls to return home. Most of us are still around. (oh...and we drank a little red wine with lunch and dinner if dad allowed it.)


Such great info here, I wish we had all this info 50 years ago instead of doctors that just gave penicillin for every illness. In the 60's as young lad, when we got sick with a flu, aches and fever and all that, my parents had the doctor come over after his office hours, it was very common for doctors to make a bunch of house calls back then. Doc would show up and stick us with a shot of penicillin and get his 20 bucks and leave, we got better a few days later and probably would have without the shot. At almost 64, I have managed to stay out of the hospital and have no major illness, I now follow natural supplements, once again, great info DR


I have skin grafts over a large proportion of my body due to burns. Since then I've had a massive problem with the medical profession. I developed a rash & so went to the dr. She prescribed AB. After a week, the rash as all over me & the skin was weeping constantly & looked like it was being eaten by something. It would take about a year to improve, then it would happen again & again. I obviously did a lot of reading because of this & worked out that these were all the listed side-effects from the AB's. Whenever I mentioned this, or even showed the warning paperwork included in the packet of AB's to a dr, skin specialist, surgeon etc with my symptoms highlighted on that paperwork, they all said I was crazy as it was just severe eczema or once or twice said (after admission in various hospitals), you have sepsis, so we're sending you home (to become unalive at home I guess). Funny how I've only had this eczema when on AB's & the higher the dose, the worse it was.

So, after realising this I just stopped taking the AB's, then magicaly became much, much better & started to heal. After all those years (about 10) of taking these AB's (they even had me on cyclosporine at one point), I'm getting better. Every month I'm improving & am now almost 100%.

What have I learnt? Dr's don't know & don't listen. So I no longer visit the dr & just treat myself at home from what I can get at the chemist without a prescription. I feel much better now by doing this & I know that any harm I could possibly do would be far, far less than what the medical profession would do to me if I were to go & see a deaf, dumb & blind medical practitioner ever again.


😇 Again spot on Dr. Sam & Mark! When I was a veterinay doctor, we were supposed to subscribe antibiotics for almost everything! I did not. Later I changed to profession to a Holistic Health Practitioner for humans. 🥰
A 1000% better! Keep your videos coming to inform the brainwashed public! LOVE, Christa from the Netherlands 🥰


I asked one of our gastro registrars why they take biopsies to diagnose CMV as a possible cause of colitis. He replied because it's routinely done. I then asked if CMV was isolated (personally I don't believe it exists?) what's the next step. He replied that they do nothing. It is in this crazy group-think environment that I now find myself working. I also wanted to ask how is it that an alleged virus can be so specific about which part of the bowel it colonises. Like somehow it invades the body and just so happens to have a predilection for the large bowel but I thought better of it.


I've been thinking about why antibiotics seem to work. My wife often gets infections and is always prescribed antibiotics that seem to do the job. Through watching your videos, for a long time now, I'm convinced that bacteria are only scavengers. It makes sense as all the cuts, scrapes and gashes that I've had throughout my life, I've never needed antibiotics for the puss and swelling to go away on it's own simply just by keeping the area clean and bandaged up, and not always, even. You gave me the explanation... antibiotics that seem to work do so, not by killing off the bacteria, but by acting as an anti inflammatory. Eureka! Thank you! Now I have an answer that connects all the dots.


The more the 'medical authorities' come after us, the more correct we likely are😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅


I’ve never taken a single antibiotic in my life… and funnily enough.. I rarely suffer with any ailments. Brilliant watch as usual Dr. Sam 🤍👏🏽


After my wife who had 2 life changing strokes which left her virtually locked in we struggled for years with oral antibiotics with no respite from the uti, s we eventually went into hospital and had intravenous antibiotics....that worked.


You are waking up many people with your videos and your powerful words. Thank you Dr Sam for everything you are doing for us ❤️


I am delinquently proud to sayat 68 i have no diagnosed disease. I do use Chlorine Dioxide, Dmso, Oregano oil, Nigella Sativa, Urine, Avoid oranges, peanuts, which give me severe Arthritis. When my nails started curving inwards vertically, i started using Methylene Blue, going for helping my mitochondria.
It worked.


I was prescribed Amoxicillan every time I had my teeth cleaned. Then one day somebody from the dentist office called and said stop taking Amoxicillan. That was 20 years ago. After the mandated vaccine recently and the information that's coming out common denominator is "at the time" all the experts are so sure of themselves. A little humility would go a long way. I'm about half and half with the medical community these days. I know there are good people doing good work and I'm certainly glad they're around for a lot of things but the blinders are off. The profit motive is just too strong.


Dr Sam, her husband, and many other doctors and scientists promoting "terrain theory" are doing vital work for humanity and against the commercial machinations of Big pHARMa.


Just an observation Sam, both my adult children suffer from Colitis as do many of their friends of the same generation! It's funny really, that it's now suggested, that the overdoses of penicillin through the 90's (Dr's were dishing it out for everything almost!) and the preservatives in modern foods, together with penicillins used in poultry farming, have had a huge impact on our gut bacteria. My observation is Specialist pigeonhole us in treating the symptoms, not the root cause! Or is it just a coincidence? I probably think not! Growing up in the 60's ánd 70's foods had little preservatives, and we only ate chicken on special occasions. Factory-farmed chicken has become a staple in many people's lives, together with the KFC's Mac D's, chicken nuggets are consumed like there's no tomorrow, etc. It doesn't really say much about the well-being of our future generation's health! On the positive side, we are starting to realize the error of our ways!


Cognitive dissonance is a real thing. It is perhaps the only thing that impedes the advance of medical knowledge the care for the infirm. Science is a tool. I am heartened to see the proper use of this tool by you, your husband and others in the medical field. Science is not a book full of pictures and data. Teaching students the use of the scientific method to ascertain the benefit and reliability of theoretical models of disease and treatments will bring about the revolution in medicine that is sorely needed. Thanks for all you and Mark are doing.


Sam and Mark, you are both doing an absolutely marvelous job of exposure which I and i am sure many others are grateful for.
I have an allotment here in the UK and grow everything naturally and yes I do have my fair share of 'pests'. Since learning more on terrain theory over these last 3-4 years i am now applying this knowledge to my garden. I have recently suffered an attack on my brussel sprouts by white cabbage moth caterpillars, however there are some brussel sprouts plants that remain untouched even though many of them are at the centre of this invasion, so what is 'preventing' them from being attacked? These are questions that I am asking myself and I will find the answers.
In the meantime i have plucked them off and placed these creatures elsewhere.
Thanks again to you both, and of course the other helpful comments made by subscribers that always follows your posts.
