3 Hours And A Dream [Genshin Impact Geo Only]

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Genshin Impact version 4.5 is here! This patch brings us Chiori, Arataki Itto, and Albedo on the Chronicled Wish... all at once.

With just 3 hours left on the current 4.5 banners, we give one last attempt at snagging one of the 5 star weapons that would massively boost our character's damage... But is there enough time?

Geo is often viewed as one of the 'worst' elements in Genshin Impact... Time to try and change that. Can we beat Genshin Impact using ONLY Geo characters? Only time will tell.


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this account is 100% going to clear the abyss before spells only, isnt it....


Geo only feeding my insatiable hunger as always


Tips from an Itto main:

- Itto’s bulk of damage comes from his burst which buffs all of his damage by a ton. Burst whenever possible and make sure it’s paired with Gorou’s burst if you’re going to be moving outside the area where his skill would sit. Gorou is Itto’s rock and they will always be the best synergy on your account.

- Don’t underestimate Ushi. When you’re bursting Itto throwing out Ushi is the equivalent of a nuke. It will be one big burst of damage, and if you time it right you can get it twice. Throw Ushi at the beginning and end of your burst. Try not to use it out of burst unless you really need energy.

-He has special charge attacks that rely on the amount of geo damage he’s put out that do not consume stamina, so unlike characters like Hu Tao you don’t need to worry about sprinting with him. If you do not have any stacks of his special charged attack avoid charging because he will only perform a very slow spin and it can eat up time and put you in an unfortunate situation for dodging. If this happens cancel it immediately.

- All of his talents are worth leveling so plan to get them all up pretty high. His kit is centered around everything getting 10x better when he bursts so everything gets buffed in it.


Ok i literally went "OMG WHAT, NO WAAAY" out loud when i saw the golden glow because i was NOT expecting It to happen!!! Damm Geo only is getting so lucky!


I find it funny how there are 10 Geo characters and Java has 8.
The only 2 he's missing are the alphabetical first and last. Albedo and Zhongli. Once he gets those two, he can say he has every Geo character from A-Z.


dude the last minute grind gave me flashbacks to 1.3 when i was a new player desperately trying to get xiao. i still don't have him lmaoo


The fact that you got to floor 11 already is actually insane
And then there's spells only


The Geo Only is so lucky!! Not only you win two 50/50, but you got Itto's weapon early!
It took me almost 200 pulls to get it on my account! 😭 (got Chiori's weapon and Skyward Pride before getting it)
But at least Itto came home in 30 pulls!


"but in my defense, I'm lazy."

Relatable, I don't wanna say how many Spectors I've walked by only to need them like crazy later one.


Java did you know that there is a cat at Asase Shrine in Inazuma that gives daily quests? It's basically like another daily commision everyday, plus you get a cute cat statue. You cant do it on Geo Only because you have to use Hydro to clean 4 areas of the shrine, but you should be able to do it on your other accounts!


Java: I miss windtrace, when we going to get another one?

Me, who gets anxious every multiplayer minigame: Oh God please no, not again, not people 😭😭


Kinda crazy how java managed to survive the sheer onslaught of geo banners this time round, the only things he really didnt manage to get are albedo and chioris weapon


for itto, you just normal attack until u see the glowy thingy and then charged attack

if u want an actual combo tho, throw ushi out at the begining of the rotation to get up to 3 stacks, then when its his turn at the end of the rotation, na (to ensure his burst gets gorou def buff) q, e, na x 2(optional based on how many ss stacks u have), ca's, na until glow, ca's, e, ca


u know ur early when people start blessing ur family 😭


I think that, seeing how they chronologically put windtrace the last times, we might get it in 4.6 (that would be funny to see Arlecchinos running around and terrorizing the poor rebels).
I hope so at least, windtrace got to be one of the most liked events in the community, and for a good reason.


Oh yeah baby 5 episodes in a row all we need is more five stars in a roww 💃💃💃💃


imagine that there is actually a reality where we 36* clear the spiral abyss before getting Zhongli


Congrats on getting the Redhorn, AND beating floor 11! Have fun on your trip!!


i'm absolutely loving all the videos about geo only, they even make me wanna play genshin, but after star rail i left that toxic relationship and got into a less toxic one LMAO


Your luck on the geo only account is so goated

Edit: both chiori and albedo are happy with harbinger of dawn so theoretically you could just save another r5 one for him instead of getting uraku misugiri in the future
