The ONE thing that keeps you a beginner rider forever

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There is one major difference between good riders, and bad ones. It's something experienced instructors can pinpoint the first time they meet a student, and know whether they'll be one of the good riders, or not. Luckily, it's something within our control to change.

It essentially boils down to attitude: are you curious? Do you ask a lot of questions? Are you willing to put in the work, and keep taking classes? Do you get frustrated when you make a mistake, or do you persevere and keep trying?

The Psychology of Success: Praising People for Effort vs. Ability

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5:17 Oh my gosh... please note I am only talking about USA's method of getting an M Class license being less extensive than other countries I listed - I am very much PRO USA!

This video has some mistakes in editing, and some clips of my skin looking like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. I wish I had more time to make my YouTube videos better... but even if I can't package it perfectly, if I think what's in the box is worth sharing, I better share it!

What do you think - do you think you have the right attitude for becoming a great rider? Another important element I forgot to mention, is TIME. What are you putting your time in? When I dedicated back to back days in class with Jerry a couple years ago, I was able to accomplish his course on his Harley Sportser and his wife's EletraGlide. Now that I've been spending Mon-Fri days working, and then making or learning about making videos in the evenings, and then Sat/Sun chores, my own skills are currently not where I want them to be. If you don't use it, you lose it. I may need to be making serious changes with where I allocate my time that may affect this channel if I want to improve my skills faster. Here are some videos from the instructors I talked about that are great about not just the technique, but the mental aspects as well:


Hey Doodle, thanks for the shout-out this week!!! I love your enthusiasm for riding, it is very infectious.
We are all still students, look at the best riders in the world on the MotoGP circuit...they still have rider coaches.


One of my favorite saying is, " I don't know that I can't yet. " Now my son says that.


Girl, I have been riding over 36 years and have traveled all over the United States and Canada on my motorcycle. I still take advanced classes to keep my skills sharp and I practice whenever I have time. I think oil, not blood runs through my veins. I moved to Florida several years back just to have a longer riding season. Traveling on my motorcycle is my jam and practicing my skills is an important part of being able to ride in many weather conditions and road conditions. Keep up the hard work and you'll be more confident every time you saddle up. Peace Love Ride


Relax, breathe and have fun. Don't over think things.😁


Every days a schoolday. You have the right attitude and determination. I've been riding 40 years and I'm still learning and, hopefully, improving. I've met riders who think they know it all and are Gods gift to motorcycling, they are the dangerous ones. Stay safe young lady and enjoy the experience. From the UK 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇺🇲🇺🇲


hi, even after 3 years of posting your videos, i thank you for it. I am at the fear of dropping point. i just bought yamaha tracer 900 gt, almost new and spotless... i am glad to hear there are other people with exact same fears. btw, i am too a short rider (5, 47ft) with a big bike now.


Yes! Attitude and not giving up is everything.


Doodle, you are an amazing asset to the motorcycle community. Your attitude and honest and truthful perspective is just what new riders (like my wife & I) need to wade through all of the nonsense out there in this industry. We can tell you care about your hobby and how others can become better informed and trained. Attitude is EVERYTHING and yours is first-class and sincere….keep up the great work. We’re huge fans and are rooting for you to reach your own goals while we all go along for the ride. Ride Safe & God Bless.


The people that road dirt bikes when they were kids have a huge advantage!


Not only have I been riding for 50 years, I am one of the highest certified ski instructors in the East. Our Mantra is, "Safety, Fun and Learning".

If you don't feel safe in a situation, your brain is in "Fight or Flight" survival mode and just wants to get out of Dodge! Zero Learning happening, just survival instincts.

If you are not having fun, same kind of thing except you are bored, disinterested and want to find something better to do. Your interest is gone and again, zero Learning.

A great instructor puts you in a safe environment, Teaches at YOUR level to make you feel safe and makes it all FUN at the same time. LEARNING goes through the ROOF !

As usual Doodle, fantastic video and hopefully very helpful to newer, less experienced riders as well as more experienced folk that are trying to UP their game.
Peace Doodle!
Ride SAFE and be SAFE!


I rode at an advanced level, started at 7, raced motorcross, started riding street bikes at 16. Took all the classes, and did the practice. Have at least 350, 000 miles under my belt. Only been down once, had a lady run a red light on me, came to a stop then just pulled right out! Haven’t ridden in 20 years, thanks for reminding me to take my new bike to a parking lot and practice with it! A couple hours in a parking lot and I’m close to back to my old self.


As a musician, the same applies.

That’s also why the “talented” kids don’t really go on to do much after high school usually.

I wasn’t aware of the study. Thank you.


Doodle, you are such a refreshingly honest person!, and you definitely have the right attitude! One should never stop learning and reading and studying and finding ways to integrate what we learn into our riding styles. You are correct in saying that the mental aspect is everything!


I can tell your determined to get this down. We are with you Doodle.


So glad you started this channel, not just another good moto channel but one with a slightly different perspective than most others. Look forward to watching things progress from here.


You touched on the key, IMO, to being a good rider and that is, never stop learning! Another valuable learning tool is riding in all types of weather. Just ride ride ride!! I’ve noticed the more I ride the better reactions I make in hazardous situations. You do a great job on your videos and I enjoy them!


Thanks for your honesty! That "Riding Journey" playlist is a must!


Hi!!! Thank you for shining light on this matter… Im a 51 year old young lady starting to learn how to ride. My first time on a bike kind of traumatized me but like you said ATTITUDE is everything. Thank God for my sense of humor and determination…you also inspire me girl so please keep posting… love your videos…


Never had a lesson in my life but I must be doing something right because I have never had a accident and not even come off my bike in way over 40years. 50 years riding .
