I Asked Tech Employees if they think AI will replace their Jobs

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Will AI replace tech jobs? In this video, I asked tech employees to share their views on the future of AI and its impact in the tech industry.

What are your thoughts on Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Let me know in the comments below ⬇️

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▬▬▬▬ ⏱ Timestamps: ▬▬▬▬
0:00 Introduction
0:13 Chuong
2:59 Michael
5:29 Anne-Marie
8:37 Naomi
11:45 Lasith
14:26 Sanah
15:56 David

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Don’t worry, they’ll be plenty of jobs in the Human resistance fighting against the robot overlords.


What I don’t understand is why people think AI will create new jobs. The only reason previous technologies created new jobs was because they were not replacing intelligence. We still need experts to communicate with AI and conduct research, but there will be less demand for mid or low-level tech or science jobs.


I agree with the first guy.
We actually have a LOT of automation already in tech.
Look at app generators, low-code, no-code solutions, containers, etc.
The roles will simply change to higher level thinking.


I haven't watched this but I expect there will be a lot of optimism bias displayed.

BTW, when it comes to disruption, keep a few things in mind:

1) Technology doesn't have to do your job as well as you do it; it just has to do it cheaper enough and good enough to put you out of work.

2) Sometimes, a successful innovation is actually not even good enough, but it still displaces real workers because it's massively hyped as better by investor money spent on hyping it.

3) The funny thing is, not every good idea succeeds . . . but also, not every bad idea fails.

4) If you think you can escape disruption by becoming something like a plumber, keep in mind that as more and more professions fall to disruption, the additional unemployed will retrain for the few remaining professions, so there will be plenty of people competing with you for plumbing jobs. You'll be like those workers waiting at the factory gates every morning during the Great Depression, hoping to get a few hours work that day.

5) This will even affect physicians and dentists: once everyone is out of work, how will they have money to pay your bill?


The eyes of CEOs shine every time they mention AI nowadays, they think of all the jobs that AI will replace, their stocks will go through the roof as soon as they start saving big money. The thing is, with millions losing their jobs, who's going to buy their dumb products? I think that that's what all these CEOs are not considering. Probably governments will have to jump in at some point and create subsidies for people. Winter is coming folks, get ready because we've seen nothing like this before.


If AI is going to replace human workers in the scale people fear, there's going to be a lot of unrest worldwide. Millions of jobs being replaced means a lot less taxes being collected. If people lose their jobs, that means less money in the economy.
In this case people can't afford to spend as much as they used to. This will also affect businesses. Their customers would be in less favourable economic situation to continue their spending habits.


I think it’s the wrong venue for such a question. You’ll get an echo chamber response. Maybe go to a business owner conference and ask them if they would hire developers or just have ai do the work? Also I think replacement is not the keyword here but displace or even devalue tech jobs. When you use replace people will be defense but devalue would be more devastating and more realistic.


I think everyone underestimates how simple and repetitive their job actually is when you break it down


The people saying there will be no job loss from automation are delusional. Governments will have to step in to keep the Capitalist economy going or people will have to move beyond Capitalism.


Programmers will not lose their jobs, because the clients will ask for more, or the companies will be able to provide more for "the same price" so they would be more competitive. The ones that chose to provide the same quality or amount of features, with fewer programmers, will eventually regret it, as they will stay behind!


I am an 8 year experienced engineer and I LOVE AI, why? Because I finally get to have what I want! Instead of begging an animation company to create an anime of an underrated game we loved, AI will now be able to do that with improvements over the next decade, INSTANTANEOUSLY and FREE!

Of course that has nothing to do with Engineering so now I will answer from my perspective. My org already uses chatGPT or bard. Actually only execs have access to chatGPT (wtf right) but we can get around it by using bard (I prefer gpt)

Anyways heres my experience with it as a senior Engineer:
It cannot solve contemporary problems. AI depends on preexisting knowledge set. It cannot brainstorm NEW solutions. All those beautiful websites and design patterns it uses in generated code? All that my friends already exists in abundance on the internet, and realistically no company actually needs that stuff in their existing products. So who does that really benefit? Either new entrepreneurs or students who want to build personal websites, but then again theres many free services like wix that have existed for a decade that offer free website building and allowes for easier customization too...with chatGPT or other AI tools, you need to assume the person knows what they are doing with the generated code otherwise it all looks geberish to a noobie. They still need to buy custom domains and configuring a payment model for traffic, such as the loadbalancer and AI doesn't have access to your credit cards nor can it create accounts on server providers like AWS or Azure nor can it purchase domains.
However this DOES mean less need for web designers or front end engineers, not fully extinct but fewer jobs in that area.

So I think SRE and Devops Engineering will be the most in demand tech title in the next decade because at least for now, AI cannot solve incidents such as service unavailability or major network disruptions or the ability to scale up or down as needed. Youd have to feed the entire company's codebase to an AI model and no company is gonna do that to expose their proprietary product tech to a vendor AI's servers as has been shown with samsung. And even if the companies build their own models that will require building their own datacenters with expensive supercomputers that requires at least a decade to setup, not to mention maintenance...so who is gonna be supporting the platform during that timeframe? We get about 5 software incidents/2 weeks, and everyone of the solutions was unique and never found on the internet. So how will AI be able to help here? It wont, at least for a very long time. When I used it, it spat out the same recommendations you find everywhere:
1. Restart
2. Check configuration
3. Check credentials
4. Check NSG's

Etc. And none of that was helpful. The problem turns out to be an expired certificate in a keyvault after support engineers analyzed the traffic logs. Another incident was sonething wrong with the palo Altos. Stuff like that AI cannot recommend unique solutions for the meantime because its dependent on existing knowledge bases


My biggest concern about the statements these people made is that they don't address the possibility of (and in my opinion, strong current trend towards) complacency by societies, industries, companies, communities; complacency to settle for what works versus what is actually a good worthwhile endeavor for the long term; complacency to just live in an ai-driven society that revolves around tech that would appear to perform "thinking" effectively despite its true shortcomings.


As a result of AI i think:

-less entry level roles it’s already hard to crack the job market as it is in Europe many people need master degrees and multiple interview rounds

- middle class is going to keep shrinking (staples of the middle class such as mid level bankers have shrunk incredibly due to tech most productivity gaings going to the top)

- more senior roles, senior positions are still going to be needed and will increase inequality either you are in or you are not.

- people that lose their jobs and don’t retrain are going to be left behind it’s easy to say new jobs are being created but retraining takes investment, time, willpower, gives stress and is easier said that done kinda like the «learn to code » saying 5 to 7 years ago but now AI can replace then what are we going to say « learn to be a data analist or scientist »


I don't think ai will create more jobs like internet did. Unlike internet ai will not require any human to operate it. Ai will be a perfect replacement for human workforce in future


As a content writer, I have to be honest. I wonder why I’m not laid off yet when Chat GPT can generate texts in an instant in my writing style when I prompt it do so. I use Chat GPT daily and the way I ‘redeem’ my job is by somewhat personalizing the text. The job I do is repetitive since I write articles related to the pest control industry. My industry is very much stagnant which makes it perfect for AI to take over. That being said, I’m upskilling right now to marketing which is another field that can easily be automated with generative tools lol so either way, I’m screwed.


I personally think AI will replace more jobs then people realize. And thats largely from a financial perspective as its undeniable that tech companies have made decisions in the past that were to the determent of their employees and for the betterment of the bottom line and share price. I don't think AI will ever completely replace a lot of roles but the end result will be less people being hired due to companies having a financial incentive to do so by forcing new and existing employees to use these tools as a time and cost saving measure.

Just observationally being in my 30s, a lot of entry level software engineering problems can be solved today using commercial tools like ChatGPT Plus (GPT 4). LLMs are going to be the Human-to-AI interface as LLMs grow to allow access to tooling and AI models that are trained for 1 specific purpose. And on the research side, those application specific AIs are the most interesting and potentially job destroying. There are medical AIs that can read X-rays better then Radiologists; Nvidia's purposed projects internally and with partners like Adobe are pretty groundbreaking as well. Will they replace 3d Artists who are currently employed at VFX companies or game studios? Probably not all of them, but the level of work a single or small team of artists will be able to create with these AI tools means that a lot less 3d artists will need to be hired on for a commercial project.

I see this same thing happening in tech, more so when companies start to develop their own LLMs that are trained internally on their own codebase and tools. Everything though, its still a year or so away. We are in the Commodore 64/Apple 2 era of AI as an analog to the rise of the computer industry. But with libraries like Pytorch getting better and better, while also becoming easier and easier to use with more and more people knowing how to create AI models - combined with the fact that the hardware required to train internal AI becoming cheaper and cheaper through innovation and cloud computing providers competing on pricing. I do not think companies creating their own models is far fetched or Sci-Fi at all. In fact, almost every company I know is doing exactly that today and it could be just 6 months to a year until they feel comfortable deploying these models internally or releasing new products to the public.


id like to watch this video in 10 years, to see the results, either their opinions are gonna sound so arcaic or be validated


Awesome work Lucy! Really interesting to hear the opinion of different tech specialists in different fields of the industry.


Keep in mind that compared to normal algorithms, AI (neural networks) have inherit error margins. So, there always needs to be ways to make sure whatever is produces works correctly. Images and videos doesn't matter as much as who cares if some pixel is off, but other stuff it's more important. Code works or not to compile for example. You can look AI to redo it, but then someone needs to make sure the logic created does what it should.


"If you love tech and you're excited by tech, you should just give it a go, nothing in life gives you full answers, you're never going to be 100% sure whether is the right thing but thats part of life" Thank you for this for the third person <3
