Yuan Ti | Player Races | 5e Dungeons & Dragons | Web DM

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Yuan Ti are classic enemies, but with Volo's Guide to Monsters, they became an awesome, dark, and powerful player character race! We're talking about some ways we like to play these intense AF snake people!

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Pruit: *Makes out with snake*


I don't know if this was the intent, but I can totally see Yuan Ti having a charisma bonus and being emotionless as tied together. Sociopaths through history have those two traits ascribed to them, and with Yuan Ti being that sort of horrific cruel evil, it sort of made sense to me. I see them being very good at twisting people to do what they want.


You've done bird people, cat people, and now snake people.
*What about Lizardfolk?*



No thanks, I've already got a soda.


I actually play a pureblood divination wizard on Wednesdays. He can see the future so he left the Yuan Ti cause he knows there will always be adventurers to put them down so why would he want to play for the losing side


I played a Yuan Ti Conquest paladin, went around weakening world governments and starting wars all over. Assasinated the Elven royal family too. Apparently he is the final BBEG of our subsequent campaign. Respek the snek.


Oooh just had a thought: Black adder Yuan Ti Noble played like Rowan Atkinson's Blackadder.


when a Yuan-Yi spy is so badly treated by their society that they decide to live in the place they used to spy, & open a bar/inn/game house/saloon called Snake Eyes


Love the idea that they are ageless. They have all the time in the world to think about something.
Snake Sages!


I had a city of Yaun-ti that devoted 3 generations (6, 000 years) of their people to doing good and right acts in the name of twin Coatle gods that promised these Yuan-ti to have holy salvation of they did this. A civil war erupted and the good aligned yuan-ti are at the brink of collapse and asked for aid from the near by high elves (desert dwelling in this setting thus near by the Yaun-Ti jungle city.) To assist in defending the Holy temple left with the 5, 999th year coming to a close and needes that temple to be open and clear so the twins can come to this plain and heal the souls of the Yaun-ti and release them from the evil contract signed by the Yaun-ti of many millinia ago. This was done around lvs 5-8 and we still talk about this particular set up and city 3 years later. A player from that game made a yuan-ti from that city 2 campaigns later.


I have an idea for a Divine Soul Sorcerer Yuan-Ti where the Divine Being (probably a Chaotic Good god) basically put all of those removed/suppressed emotions back in, and now the Yuan-Ti has to learn/quest to deal with said emotions


I made Bedouin nomad groups of yuan-ti that were more like wanderers and traders, more like khajiit from TES but I didn't want to use tabaxi, had a lot of fun with them.


I like going against type by casting my Yuan-Ti as a Druid of the desert. True neutral seems more fitting to me than Evil.


snakes scare me...a person with snakes for hands is my literal hell


Celestial Warlock with Couatl patron that has turned you to it's side.


Just made a Beastmaster Ranger with a pet flying snake from a Yuan-Ti temple and this has been great information. Perfect timing!


I once played a yuan-ti bard and used the charlatan background.
My instrument was the pungi flute and I just used animal friendship to tell the snakes what to do, before I started playing, so i would look like I was a snake charmer.


“they don’t have emotions” is a silly thing to say in regards to a living thing, do to most all living things having some form of reaction to a threat, which often can be described as fear, the oldest and strongest emotion, or something like fear which I’d still consider a primitive emotion, and as for the Yuan-ti can actually feel pleasure from torturing people for Merrshaulk, which means joy is something they can feel so I’d say they less “don’t feel emotions” and more “suppress emotions”, hence why the flaw “I feel twinges of emotions” exists for Yuan-ti.


The commitment to that intro, bravo my dudes bravo!


I once played a Yuan-Ti Enchantment Wizard. I told every NPC I ever met that I was an emissary of Draconia (black Dragonborn) and that I was there to help.... my party never realized I was plotting to become their leader and lead them back to my clan to convert or eat. I also had a fallback plan of teaching all these uninformed people’s that Yuan-Ti are actually Dragonborn and that we were all lawful good peoples or something. It was a great run. Blew someone’s mind that I wasn’t Dragonborn after the 4th session and 100th “Draconia thanks you” lol
