Adam Savage's Favorite Tools: Safety Goggles!

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After a recent shop accident that required three trips to his ophthalmologist, Adam is a convert when it comes to wearing safety goggles for all kinds of operations in his workshop. Today he tells the story that that shop injury and gives his pick for his favorite go-to safety goggles for everyday shop use.

Adam's Everyday Carry in his apron:

Shot by Adam Savage

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#AdamSavage #FavoriteTools
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as my shop teacher once said, you can still grab and walk with a prosthetic limb but you cant see with a prosthetic eye


Eye doc here. I’ve seen the horrific things and I’ve treated those horrific things. The Dewalts are hands down my favorite. They are what I wear in my shop. And they are what I recommend to patients. Worn over prescription safety glasses, they provide better protection and they help Rx lenses last longer.


I’m a nurse. I wear these in COVID rooms. They’re super comfortable, and don’t fog.


Does this mean we will see a day when Adam is wearing a respirator?


Adam: "I'm grateful that in 40 years of making stuff, Ive only had to visit the doctor twice.."
Me: "Seems pretty good"
Adam: "... for my eyes"


"Years ago.. when I played the saxophone"

First of all, didn't see that coming at all
Second of all..
How have I near heard this


I'm imagining the lecture Adam got from his ophthalmologist.


I remember adam talking about his eye in a podcast a few weeks ago. Glad it's fully out now.


So, I'm supposed to believe now that the next time we see Adan using a power tool he'll be wearing those goggles?
Yeah, right!


Here’s mine :

About 5 years ago and just before I went to work in the morning I decided in my wisdom that it would be a good idea to use the dremel to shorten a tiny bolt that was just a tad too long.

Annoyingly I couldn’t find my safety goggles, and thinking it would just be a 5 second job I carried on.

Didn’t feel anything dramatic initially, but an hour after the job was done I felt that there was probably some dust on my eye - tried washing that off but no joy. It started hurting like crap the next day, so off to the hospital I went..

The eye specialist took a look through the scope and said “it seems there is a metal shard lodged in your eyeball.. and it was probably quite hot when it impacted cos it’s caused a burn... and it’s started to rust...” 😱😱😱😱

Long story short, he managed to get the shard out of the eye (thankfully it was 3mm off and on a part of the eyeball where I wouldn’t notice the scarring), And I’m perfectly fine today.

So goggles, everyone!


"weird, specific type of face" is pretty accurate to me lmao

still wanna protect it tho because it's MY weird, specific face


"I don't like being lucky. I like being smart!" - Han and Talon Karrde having a stare off


Adam, I’m a public school teacher, and I was struck by the truth of your statement, “A low threshold of entry encourages use.” It is the same in any classroom in the world—we learn to guide our students to grow in their understanding of the world and to wrestle with challenging ideas by presenting a path that appears less intimidating in order to build their confidence to learn to explore the world on their own. Thanks for so eloquently sharing your wisdom. It was appreciated.


Was drunk last night and watched the first season of mythbusters for the first time in ages. Adam, you’re awesome and I have learned so much from you over the years. Also, you’ve aged like fine wine!!!


Side shields and impact rated glasses Adam.
That way you are always wearing your safety goggles.
I worked in a furniture manufacturing plant for 8 years.


2:52 Well..i think we can all agree, we *need* a video of you and a saxaphone..


I purchased these goggles along with a nice case for them on Amazon, and I already love them! Thanks, Adam, for a great suggestion. I have several other tools you've recommended in m cart to buy as money permits. I wanted to share my story of eye damage. I have managed to escape eye damage from most dangerous maker projects, shooting guns, and lots of yardwork. But a long time ago I did landscaping for a living and was hurriedly flinging pine bark mulch out of the back of a truck into a new flower bed to get done and go home for the day. I managed to get a tiny piece of bark lodged in my eye. What a painful injury! I also had to go to the eye doctor to get it removed, and she said it scratched my eyeball. It was sore and burning for several days after that. I was super careful from then on. I plan to use these goggles both for maker projects and yardwork such as weed whacking. Thanks again for the great suggestion.


Glad you came around and start wearing your PPE.... it’s a lot better then being in the ER and loosing something that you could have avoided. Stay Safe Everyone!


Adam I appreciate you showing the young and upcoming makers that they need to practice safety. They want look up to you and aspire to be like you you showing them what they need to achieve this is great. Please keep this up.


This will be the second of Adam's videos that I'm forwarding a link to our OSHA teacher. Gotta love it when a well known professional posts "lessons learned" - especially someone of Adam's caliber and fame. Admire a man that not only admits mistakes, but helps others learn from them as well.
