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There is power in having a sacred space. Here’s how to create your sacred space, along with 3 ways that this will benefit and empower you. Creating a sacred space will improve your ability to manifest!

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#howtocreateasacredspace #sacredspaceformeditation #lightworkersandstarseeds

In this video, I'm going to show you how to create a sacred space and also explain why you need one right now, especially if you're a Lightworker or going through a spiritual awakening. So let's begin with talking about why a sacred space is so important at this time. Creating a sacred space for yourself is the beginning of truly acting like a creator and strengthening your ability to create. It's especially important for Lightworkers, Starseeds and all of us going through a spiritual awakening.

Now I talk a lot about raising your vibration and consciously evolving the energy state of your body, your mind, and your emotions. Creating a sacred space represents expanding that effort beyond your body and into your surrounding physical space. There are three main reasons to do this. The first one is that you need a way to not feel completely overwhelmed by the world events in this global crisis. The energy on this planet right now is extremely chaotic. There's a lot of heaviness, anxiety, and even depression in the air now. Because we are a collective, you will still be affected by this energy to some extent, even if your personal situation is still okay. And if things are difficult for you, this overall heaviness in the world will only serve to make you feel worse and increase your level of anxiety. A sacred space is going to provide you with an a way to get away from all of that energy. The second reason to create a sacred space is because it is empowering.

You are exercising your capability to create a desired area of positive energy around you that goes beyond your physical body. It expands your sense of command over a space that is beyond yourself. This will exercise your creative energy “muscle” and make it easier to feel inspired to create something wonderful in your larger life's circumstances. The third reason to create a sacred space is because it provides you with a physical, creative oasis of positive energy that you can enter to tune into your higher self, your angels and your guides. It will instantly relax you and raise your vibration. It gives you a space where you can think clearly without negative influences impinging on your consciousness. It provides you with a space where you can meditate, let go and release old thoughts and energy that no longer serve you. In short, it will just make you feel incredibly great!

Now let's talk about the different ways that you can create this space for yourself…

Copyright © 2020 by Saratoga Ocean
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Hello Saratoga. I live in a small house and my daughter and my boyfriend live with me. I meditate and set intentions in one of the 2 living rooms when no one is in there. I do like to listen to nature or new age music, I love to hear Indian flute music and I also love to hear singing bowls from YouTube. I have a pink Himalayan rock salt lamp, some stones that have been prayed over, a selenite quartz wand to cut cords or negative energy and sage and lavender in a spray bottle. Years ago when I was married and lived in a much bigger home, I had a 12x12 beautiful sunroom that we had built. I chose a pretty pink floral carpet, had angel statues, candles, beautiful nature CDs and when I had the tv on, I always had a spiritual station on satellite TV. And the sunroom backed up and faced the woods, it had skylights and it was beautiful and felt sacred. I do have a 12x12 deck currently that I would love to someday be converted to a sunroom. Anyway, I always feel inspired after hearing you talk, and I am grateful to you my dear friend. I am sending you love and blessings. See you at the next video. ❤🙏🔥


I have a couple of sacred places in my apartment that I really love. One of these places have a lot of crystals, candles and plants, while the other have a painting of our beautiful planet, surrounded by angels.

I love your idea of being intentional with the kind of energy I want to bring into these spaces so I will try that (especially with tuning into where I came from)! What a great idea! Thank you, Saratoga!💓


I always express heartfelt gratitude for your concrete clear and easy but powerful messages I usually take a walk in the forest where I creat a golden, sacred and serene space for myself. I also imagine a golden light of peace and love and harmony surrounding the new earth plane.


A big thank you for all the powerful enlightenment. Much Love unto you.😇😇😇


I enjoyed your sharing & teaching, thanks Saratoga! Well done, you rock! 😊🤗💛🙏💞


Ohh yeaa, , I got one with candles and crystals. It feels great. xxx


Thank you Soul Sister 🙏 💛 💓 ❤ 💖 I'm working on getting one. I trust the universe will influence this in a very positive way. We're totally on the same wave length! Love and light yoyr way. Blessings ❤.


Thank you for all your videos does give a different perspective on this ascension!Love it ! Namaste


Thank you Saratoga. This goes so deep with me. I get it. What a sacred space can be and how important it is to create it consciously and with intent. Excited to take the sacred spaces I have created in a limited way and re-create them in a more powerful and purposeful way. So appreciate and value all that you are expressing here. Very very helpful.
Much love to you!


Thank you
Only things I might add is aromatherapy with essential oils in a diffuser and sage or some other way of clearing and cleaning space.


Words cannot express my appreciation and love for your
I listen intently and absorb the valuable advice..I love your help in creating a sacred space...I know it will help me tremendously... Love and blessings to you and yours ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖


Thanks for this video.Keep going to enlighten a lot of people around you


Ah love this video Saratoga particularly because I’ve been feeling very drawn to doing this at present. I have a sacred space anyway but have been enjoying adding to it.

I love a clean clutter free space but with things that I’m drawn to around me. It’s where I meditate and exercise.

I have a lot of white and greys in my space and I have included a salt lamp, diffuser, lamps on dimmers.

I have a selenite lamp and selenite pieces placed around which I’m very drawn to as well as a Buddha heat lamp, a rose quartz ball, books, candles and throws.

I like to ensure to use nice natural scents too. It’s a space I do feel very much relaxed and peaceful in and funnily enough, anyone that has been here says it feels very calming so I think it has a good vibe here anyway. ☺️

Thank you again Saratoga for these wonderful ideas and reminders.

Much love and Namaste 🙏🏻❤️


Hi Saratoga! What do you think about Merkabas and wearing them on necklaces? Are they genuine protection or invented by the bad ones? Thank you 💖


Hi Saratoga! Question...what kind of computer do you use for recording videos? And if different ... for doing your work and running your channel and business? Thx for your work!
