Should You Buy a MODDED 3DS?

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🎮 Hey, Swizzlecakes! Thanks so much for tuning in! Today, Max will be discussing whether or not you should buy a modded 3DS! Modded Nintendo systems are... nice in fact much cooler than the normal version I'd say! But when it comes to people doing it for you it may not be a smart idea to buy from them. Let's discuss! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the short! 🎮

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Just wanted to put this out from one of my older podcasts as I've been getting this question a lot recently and hopefully, it's of use to you!


i'm actually still having mine fixed! once it does get fixed, i'm probably gonna play it more than the switch honestly :/ there are just a lot more games that i wanna play!


As a proud owner of a new 3DS XL that I modded myself, I can confirm it’s very simple


I second the part of doing it yourself. It's really not hard at all people just, don't do things you're not told to do, if you accidentally mess up the damage usually isn't terrible, you would have to be a baby mashing everything to be able to brick the system


It’s totally worth it to just mod it on your own. You get access to emulators, rom hacks, fan games and the entire DS and 3DS library including virtual console and demos. Also buying an imported model is cheaper and modding it region unlocks the system as well :)


And also, they may have done it badly or wrong, if you mod it yourself then you know that it’s done properly and you remember how you did it and what you used.


I think it's against ebay tos to sell computers and increase the price based on the software included (such as flappy bird on older phones)


From experience, the best way to buy one normally is to get a Japanese console too! Doesn't need to be bought and shipped from Japan, even just listed on eBay works. They're usually so much cheaper (my New 3DS LL was around $120 compared to the $250 average, at least at the time I bought it earlier this year) and can be modded to act as a 3DS in the region of your choice in about half an hour.


downloading those games does take a while! if it's like a 20-40 dollar difference i would buy one preloaded since it comes with games and an SD card. maybe more, but it depends on the size of the sd card.


New 3DS standard and XL is the definitive model for sure.
3D capable for games, more power for software and homebrew, better build quality according to many.


I got a modded 3ds xl with 128 gb and rlly good condition for only €132 including shipping


I would buy a modded one for two reasons

1. I'm super lazy 😅
2.I don't trust myself doing the work. I just know I will screw up somewhere even if it's easy to modd a 3DSS/2DS


I bought a modded one once because my local game shop had it and it was pretty cheap. It already came with a lot of games wich was pretty cool but all of the games and homebrew apps didn't work properly. It's not worth buying a modded 3ds or 2ds. Buy an unmodded one for cheaper and mod it yourself, it will probably be cheaper and work better


even the Homebrew channel when installed on the Wii says that you should not buy a wii with it pre installed and that you are being scammed
just buy a normal unmodded one 🤦


I got a premodded New 3DS LL! The main reason why it was modded was because I speak English and you can only change the language via homebrew on a Japanese model. It was incredibly cheap so I just went for it. Was pleased to find out it had CFW


Just bought a 3ds xl and new leaf, pokemon black2 and moon. So happy to finally try those games.


Just modded mine first timer It is insanely easy no regrets got pretends to preserve online services to


It is suprising that I found some modded 3DS and 3DS XLs, which are about the same price as a normal 3DS (105-150€)


You can save extra money by buying a japanese one. The modding process will unregion lock it


I bought a 2DS XL off Mercari from a dude for like $200 and it was the best looking one I could possibly find. I actually had no choice but to mod it because he previously modded it himself, then factory reset it and failed to mention that to me. I couldn’t download updates for physical copies of games that I bought. So I had to take the risk of modding it again just to update games and then quickly realized that since I modded it, I may as well go all in. I’ve since downloaded an astronomical amount of GBA games, DS games and 3DS games. It’s an absolute nostalgia machine.