Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter

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In early pregnancy your baby grows dramatically, from a tiny dot to the size of a grape.

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I just found out I'm pregnant! I'm about 5 and a half weeks. I was told I'd never get pregnant! When I saw the test saying I was I cried happy tears. I'm so grateful for this little miracle growing inside of me❤


Praise the Lord my wife get pregnant after 8 years and 6 months.... Tnx God... God is great


I am currently 7 weeks 5 days pregnant with our miracle baby! After 11 years (September 9th) we conceived! We tried ovulation induction meds, numerous timing, and an IUI last Summer and we finally got pregnant on our own with nothing other than testing ovulation LH hormone which we thought we missed the window. Apparently we got it spot on!!!! Infertility is so hard. I never thought this day would come so we started the fostercare to adopt process and boom we got pregnant within a week after starting it. 🎉❤ We cannot wait until the second trimester so we can announce we are finally pregnant! 🙌 Praise God 👏


I remember watching this at 10 weeks, I’m now 32 weeks and it feels surreal having a living thing move inside you that once was this.. my brain melts when I try to figure out exactly how this is possible. God is definitely real. This is my first baby by the way, I’m having a girl 💗☺️


Every time I watch a baby video like this, I can't help but think about how amazing my Lord and savior His wisdom in all creation just blows my mind. I recently found out I'm pregnant. Me and my husband's first baby, so excited!!!


I'm about 5 weeks 1 day pregnant today and should have an Ob Scan on week 7. I hope I can see my baby for the 1st time with heartbeat. This is my 1st pregnancy after trying for 2 years. Please pray for me. And I wish all ladies here will have a healthy pregnancy!


After 16 years of marriage, God has blessed me with a miracle!


I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant and according to my calculations I am about 5 weeks, I am so It took my husband and I about 3 years to get pregnant.


Just found out I’m pregnant…probably about 4ish weeks. I’ve never been so excited to sleep to help my baby grow and wake up to say hi and talk to my kiddo.


Me and my hubby are so excited to have our first child 🥹❤️, I’ve been in awe since I found out I was pregnant. Always dreamed of being a mama 💜


I am 5 weeks pregnant i already love my unborn child more than anything ❤❤👣👪


I just found out today that I am pregnant, this video melts my heart ❤️. Am having a living creature inside, it’s such a great feeling.


After 11 years of trying, my high school sweet heart and I are finally pregnant after numerous doctors telling us we couldn't.


I'm at 6weeks2 days and still no heart beats. I'm going in this week to check the baby again. Jesus please protect the gift you given me. May this baby have strength with your love 🙏Please pray for me. 🙏


I am 5 weeks pregnant and I have tears of joy watching this video!


I am pregnant plz pray for me Allah makes my life easy and beautiful


Congrats all of you expectant mothers! :)


I’m 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant! I am so so beyond excited and blessed. Thank you God!! Please protect my baby and keep my baby healthy!


Hey there! As someone who has gone through the pregnancy journey, I find these week-by-week updates incredibly informative and helpful. It's amazing how much happens during those nine months, and I always love learning about the development of the baby and what to expect in the coming weeks. Whether you're a first-time mom or a seasoned pro, these videos are a great resource for anyone going through pregnancy. Wishing you all the best on your journey!


Everything that happens in life is by God's grace... I am now some weeks pregnant and can't wait to see the whole of the journey.... Dear God, answered my prayers after 4years of waiting... I used to cry all through and thought bitterly, out of the mockery from the villagers and other people... God has really done it in my life.... I remember when I met my gyner, she said I had homorragic cysts and I need scan of about 5000 which I felt it was very expensive... I had even consulted different doctors who would prescrib expensive medication to my... The last three days I tasted after missing my periods I was more than delighted... God you are faithful and you work miracles... I have not gone to see the doctor there after for I know whoever gave me the chance to have a living been inside is still watching over... Just proud of everything in whole.... ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Anyone who is waiting for her miracle, please the final answer comes from God... Doctors are human beings and they know little about the nature of God.... Believe and keep pushing for your miracle... Thank you God
