Calming TV for Cats : Cat TV - My Garden Birds - Relaxing Nature Music for Cats to Sleep

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Calming TV for Cats : Cat TV - My Garden Birds - Relaxing Nature Music for Cats to Sleep - 8 Hours of spectacular cat tv featuring the most beautiful garden birds and calming nature music that is sure to relax your cat or kitten, aiding with separation anxiety and stress. The perfect cat calming aid to help your cat remain calm and sleep while you are out of the house.

Video Produced by Paul Dinning - Wildlife in Cornwall
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My cat was very sick and I had to have her euthanized yesterday. I played this for her the whole afternoon while saying my goodbyes, and she went peacefully at home surrounded by the love of her family, our voices, and to the sounds of this video. Thank you for this content.


I have a new cat that used to be very active with her previous owners, she is not allowed to go outside yet since she has only been here for a few days.
She became very depressed, sleeping all day and uninterested in anything, until I showed her this video, she leaped up to catch the birds and wanted to be petted afterwards because I fooled her. Then she walked over to her untouched foodbowl and started gobbling it all up. I am so happy and thankful now, I was a point where I didn't really know what to do with her anymore and here she is finally eating! :D :D :D


Thank you so much for having this here. My sweet kitty George had a medical issues lastnight and it was time to let him go this video helped calm him and take his sweet loving soul to the next journey. It ment so much to see him focused on something else. Rest in peace my handsome boy George


my pet kitten climbed onto my bed and was extremely hyper, so I played her this video. I thought she would try to jump at my laptop screen, but instead she climbed onto my lap, stared at the birds for about 15 minutes, then fell right asleep. right now we're snuggling and she's purring. thank you for this!


Damn so beautiful... I played this for my baby ...*Lucky Girl* she passed away enjoying listening to this masterpiece ♡ Thank you so much for making this & Please know how many cats truly love this ♡ and People, R.I.P. my sweet sweet Angel lucky girl ♡♡♡


I was lying down on my couch, laptop on my lap. Cat came along, he wanted his spot. I pushed the laptop back to my knees, cat climbed on me. I finished my video, then I figured I'd come here to spend some quality time with the kitty. As soon as I put it on, he perked up, sat in a loaf on my tummy and stared at the birds. We were like that for 30min. :)


My kitty Qui Gon Pee Pee and I fell asleep watching this last night. He never woke up. I’d like to think that he passed peacefully and as happy as possible. Thank you for this video. I’ll always love you Qui Gon, and miss you forever. Rest In Peace, you were the best kitty ever.


Not a cat, but as a human I found this to be very relaxing and pleasant to listen to while studying. I really appreciate the lack of any kind of music and just the sound of nature 🙂


This is one way to groom a kitten without it going round in circles!! Thank you, he really enjoyed it and gently pawed at the screen to touch the birds.


I work from home and my cat will come up to me several times crying for attention and wanting to play. I turned this on and he went straight to his spot on the couch to sit and watch. And the relaxing sounds are definitely a bonus to my work day


I never thought I would be fighting over the tv with my cat. He gets cry’s when I try to watch my shows. He will literally sit and watch these videos all day. I shouldn’t complain. He’s an old man and it’s so nice to see him doing more than sleeping. It’s also soooo cute!


My old cat loves watching your videos -- its one of the last ways to get him to perk up his ears and be very alert. I appreciate this daily video routine I can give to him.


My cats love this! I found this super helpful when we were at the veterinary office recently, and my little cat was nervous and wouldn't stay still. Then I put this on my phone and she calmed right down and sat on my lap to watch her favorite show! The vet and his assistant thought it was adorable when they came in and saw that.


This is the most relaxing cat video I've found so far! My cat loves this. She sat in my lap watching this for a few minutes before she fell asleep.


i play this in the background while i work. i'm right by a window so it makes me feel like i'm outside in the most peaceful nature. Side-note: my cat doesn't enjoy this as much as me lol


I play this for my kitty when I go to work. When i come home I see little paw prints on the tv screen 😂. Love this.


after 3 minutes cat leaped from my lap to get a bird, , then stopped realizing he had been tricked when he reached the tv. Smugly walked away., 10/10 will watch again!


This is a magical video that calmes down my ptsd. Thank you so so much <3


My cat was very stressed out by a thunderstorm going, so I tried clicking your video in hopes he would calm down. It worked! 17 minutes in and he's beginning to relax a bit, and curling up to rest. Tao and I thank you.


Title : Calming TV for cat
My cat : sleeping, ignore the show
Who's watching : Me
