Calming Music for Cats with Anxiety! Deep Soothing Music for Anxious, ill and Stressed Cats! (2018)

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Calming Music for Cats with Anxiety! Deep Soothing Music for Anxious, ill and Stressed Cats! (2018) - Our latest playlist of music is perfect for cats who suffer from anxiety and stress. Use this music when you leave the house if your cat becomes anxious or destructive, you will return to a calm and happy cat due to this tried and tested natural remedy music therapy!

Relax My Cat are experts in creating relaxing music to help calm your cat and help them sleep. Our music is composed in-house by our team of producers, and uses binaural technology designed to relax and calm your cat. If your cat has sleeping problems or anxiety problems or is even stressed during construction, fireworks or other loud noises, you should try our music.

♫♫♫ Relax My Cat Music on iTunes:

Relax My Cat's music will help to calm and soothe your cat or kitten in a variety of situations. Minimise separation anxiety, reduce hyperactivity, minimise fear of thunderstorms or fireworks, stop unwanted whining, comfort sick or injured cats and calm your cat on car journeys - Relax My Cat does it all!

Our music is based on feline vocal communication and environmental sounds that pique the interest of cats; it is written in a musical language that is uniquely designed to appeal to the domestic cat. All of the music is recorded on traditional instruments and the human voice. No actual cat, mouse, or bird calls are used (although it may sound like it).

Relax My Cat’s music is unique, and will help in a variety of situations as a substitute for medication. We have helped thousands of cats and kittens worldwide to sleep and reduce their anxiety. Music therapy for your cat can keep them calm, happy and healthy, and it is a great way to rehabilitate rescue cats - or just get your kitten or cat used to their new home.

Being re-homed is an incredibly stressful time for cats - as they have to get used to a lot of different sights and sounds, as well as their new family and any other pets in the household. We recommend that you play Relax My Cat during this time, and it will help reduce their heart rate and relax them while they explore their new surroundings. No more whining kittens - they will get used to your home in no time at all with the help of Relax My Cat's music!

You may be litter training, which can be a stressful time for both dog and parent, and our music will soothe your kitten making your life easier. When listening to Relax My Cat you will notice your kitten start to relax, and get more used to their tray, or similarly if you are training them to get used to their travel box.

It is also very useful to calm your cat during car journeys - which many kittens find a stressful time. They may associate it with vets visits - so we recommend playing Relax My Cat's music before and after visits to the vet to reduce their stress.

The worst time of year for over 60% of cats is Firework season - the loud bangs are really scary for them and you may notice a huge change in your kitty during this time. Thunderstorms are another difficult time for cats, with the majority of cats being very scared of storms because of the unfamiliar loud noises. Relax My Cat is the perfect solution to this anxiety inducing situation - just play our music to reduce your cats anxiety and make them feel safe.

The most common problem we hear is separation anxiety in cats - being separated from you can cause severe anxiety in many cats. Relax My Cat’s music has improved thousands of cases of separation anxiety and noisy felines all over the world.

Our music will help cats of all breeds and ages to stay relaxed and keep calm. We are also on a number of social media platforms - so join our community and let's chat! We love to hear about and see pictures of your kitties!

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this is so relaxing 😩 the fleas on my cat probably asleep too


My cat was in her last moments, I was right by her side and its really painful to see her suffer. She couldn't breath properly, and would vomit from time to time. I couldn't take it anymore and told her that its ok to go, she can take a rest now, that she had suffered enough, and i said my goodbyes. Then I played this and just after five minutes she took her last breath. It really terrified me to just see her breath, her movement.. stop suddenly. Thank you for this. It is a beautiful music.
Rest in peace, my beautiful lata. :)


Was playing this for half an hour and wondering why my cats weren't calming down. Then i realised I was playing it on my headphones


Praying for all of the kitties that need soothing and healing❤


I played this when my cat was sick, she really liked it. And now, that she passed, I still play this song for her.


i play the piano when i'm alone at home, and my cat sits near by me, close her eyes and just listen. it feels like a mini concert


Everyone watching this video needs to know that they are awesome cat mums and dads ❤️👏


I played this for a kitten we rescued she was being chased by dogs and was full of fleas . We kept her for a month hoping she would adjust then we could take her to the vet and she adjusted quicker than we thought. We got her vaccinations, dewormed, and found out she was less than a month old when we rescued her. But then she fell ill of an fever at 3 months but we took her at the vet at time . She got well after some time. And now shes a healthy 5 month old kitten relaxing as she listens to this sound. 😊 🐈😊


as I'm playing this sounds, I'm trying to revive my cat 😭 she's fighting for her life for almost 5 days. She's a fighter. but now she's much weaker. please pray for my cat's recovery


Well damn I didn’t know cats had such great tase in music


I was reading a few comments and getting really sad because of all the stories about ill and dying cats, and at that moment my cat jumped on my desk so i told him i loved him so much and was grateful to have him in my life and he was looking right back at me with tenderness in his eyes ... then he bit my hand like it was the best piece of ham in the whole universe and it was his mission to shred it into tiny insignificant pieces :') i still love him eventhough he's an asshole lol


Those clicked on this video are really cared for their cats❤❤


Playing this for my 21 y.o cat dying from feline dementia, he doesnt know any of us anymore 😥
Hes had a tin of tuna and some milk, hes sat next to his favourite radiator swaying himself to sleep and purring to the music 💔


My cat died and I now wish that if only I had played this music then to comfort him atleast a little .I feel really sad for my cat and I miss him a lot may his soul rest in peace .


My cat absolutely did not care about this music. But I like it.


Playing this for my sick cat suffering from cystitis 😞 he’s sleeping now but he had a very rough night, will be taking him to The vet in the morning please send prayers so he can fully recover 🥺 it’s so hard seeing him sick, he will be 10 years June 15 ❤️


To every single cat out there who's in need of healing, having their own fight. You're not alone, buddy. You have us and our strength to aid you. We love you. We know you can heal entirely my dear feline friend. You have much more yet to live. You will overcome this. This is nothing but a scratch, beautiful. Trust yourself. Us humans trust you beyond reason.


I'm playing this to my cat Vincent as he lays dying and telling him how much I love him. My family has a big decision to make tonight I don't want him to suffer. Please tell your cats how much you love them and give them a hug for me, my only regret is that I haven't gotten to hug Vincent enough.


I'm playing this for my cat and reading all the comments, and i thought to myself i'm so grateful for my little hunter . I am an addict and when i came out of rehab i was extremely depressed, two weeks after coming out of rehab i got hunter he is like my therapeutic cat . he brought me right out of my depression and i am so so so grateful for him . i just love him to bits
to everyone who commented that they lost their cats i'm so sorry, MAY THEIR BEAUTIFUL SOULS REST IN PEACE


Plying this for my little baby oro, he had an anxiety attack. Please pray for him. I love him so much.
