Short Men - How Tall do you Need to be for Dating, and Love?

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Height Discrimination is the worst it has ever been. Do I have the answer?

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As a 5’2 30 year old man who has never tasted love and rejected my entire life, I have given up hope.
People love my personality and love hanging around me but it stops at that: I’m never seen as a romantic option.
Some people are destined to die alone and single


Women who only date tall guys have no business giving advice to short guys.


women after gas lighting short men into thinking they dont gaf about height, tall men after attributing their attractiveness to their personality and giving short men the advice to "just be confident bro".


I'm 5'9 and I've been called short literally dozens of times, that is just profoundly moronic.


Women who are chubby or single mothers are that way due to choice, men can’t control their height.


Dude! She gives an example of a woman dating a short man. The said man is 5'10, which is tall!! 💀


No wanting a single mother is not being picky, that's just being smart.


where i disagree is that men have become picky. actually quiet the opposite in my opinion. men have no place to be picky, they are the ones being picked


I'm a short man, I had cancer in my teen years and cancer/chemo stunted my growth, I fought hard, and after high school I was in remission. I thought life would be happy, but I was wrong, as the years went on I struggled so much being a short guy, from getting rejected constantly, to being made fun of, to people not taking me seriously. Even body positive people crap on mens height. It was so painful, even more painful than the cancer to be honest. It's enough that I wish I never survived cancer, and it should have just took me out during my teens. I might have been cancer free but now society treats my height like cancer. I tried to be positive but it's just coping at this point. Now my cancer came back very aggressive, It's tearing my body, at best I only have a year to live and honestly I don't mind it anymore because the experience of being a short man is infinitely more painful than the cancer I had to deal with, now I can just finally rest and be free from the shackles of heightism.


If a woman has a long list of requirements, she has standards, not all boxes checked? she is settling.
A man has 3 requirements, not fat, not ugly, not a single mom…wow, he is a misogynist!! 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Entire bloodlines set to die off this generation and generations to come due to how shallow the internet has made us…


31 year old Man here, 5 foot 6 , being short is having life on hard mode. One of the first things women look at is height. The many times I have heard women around me say omg he is so tall and -- handsome. Or, if only you were taller I would talk to you etc. You can have a great physique, dress well, smell good but that seems to be not enough. You can have great confidence but when your dating life is non existent can you blame the person for feeling less. At this rate and my age I will probably never have my first date and my dating pool as I get older is shrinking.


Even 5’10 is considered short by this women jffffl


The more I think about it, the more I believe the "6 feet tall" requirement is just an arbitrary number that women like to see on paper, like on a dating app, but in reality they can't tell if a guy is either 5'10 or 6 feet. Especially when most women are like 5'4. Plus, all men are lying about how tall they are. Guys claiming 5'8 are usually 5'6 to 5'7 and guys claiming 6 feet are usually 5'10 to 5'11. In other words, we have height inflation, that's why 5'7 is considered to be short for a man nowadays.


As a short guy, it will be crystal clear to you by the time you're 16 or so, that your dating life is going to suck. Shorter and taller women are not going to be interested. Older and younger women will overlook you. Richer and poorer women will find someone better. On the plus side you'll develop strong forearms and wrists.


5'4". No luck with American women. Visited Bei Jing and had no problem. Married one 24 happy, stress free years ago. Best thing I ever did. I advise all men to get passports, especially us short guys.


Its all about status, and remember weight can be changed....


I don't know how one can conflate the issue of someone's height with issues regarding obesity, single parenthood, and age. Those are all separate things, some of which involve personal choices a person can make and control, versus things that one can't. Society loves to cause confusion as if there are no qualifying differences between circumstances, and makes the push that everything has to be acceptable due to false equivalencies. If someone wants to make a wise decision, then they should seek out the facts and then determine what is in their best interest, especially in this world of misinformation, con artists, and toxic people who try to get you on board with their program.


Its crazy most womens think 5ft8 to 10 is short for em, you need to be atleast 6ft to be tall its like they just only care about numbers


I am a little person, 4.5" tall - obviously every normal person is significantly taller than me. At some point had a girlfriend 5'6" - no problem neither physically nor mentally. Was in a long relationship with woman 5'4 - same thing. Social media, dating websites, random people on the street - it's like catalogs where one is "picky" due to social standards and insecurities. But in reality when it comes to actual compatibility, confidence and attitude, intelligence - when one finally grows-up and stops thinking only with their genitals and social norms, the mind switches to a completely different value system. Have confidence, people =) "This isn't an amusement park" - much respect, Kriss =)
