7 Strange Things Empaths Do that Only Authentic Empaths Will Understand

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7 Strange Things Empaths Do that Only Authentic Empaths Will Understand.

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"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :


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#SpirituallyGifted #Spirituality #Personality




6 Unusual Things That Happen Only to Spiritually Gifted People:


Empaths are unique and amazing individuals, and they are the most sensitive people among all. Empaths can feel the feelings of others in a way that most people might never imagine.

If you come across to this video, then chances are you already suspect yourself as an empath, and therefore, you want to know the exact signs that you're an empath. Well, personality is not something that you can describe easily. After all, everybody has their own unique traits. But most empaths do have some similarities in terms of how they spend their energy and interacting with society.

Since they can feel the energy on their surrounding, empaths usually have a profound understanding of the universe around them. While we believe that almost everybody has a sense of empathy, very few are rather what we call authentic empaths.

Authentic empaths possess some strange behaviours that distinguish them from others. So, in this video, you can see some strange things that only authentic empaths have so that you can have a profound understanding of these amazing people.

Please watch the rest of the video to see all lists ...
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Agree with all of this .You must set boundaries. Don't allow anyone to mistreat you. Keep your self respect no one deserves to be demeaned and disrespected.


Yup that's me all the way! I didn't understand it and often felt confused and very lost. Then I learned just recently the word EMPATH, and it explained my whole life.


Quarantine was actually one of the best things to happen to me. Super recharge of my soul


Empathy without boundaries is self destruction.


I’m so happy I found this channel...

I don’t feel so alone anymore! I have never met someone else with empathic abilities....so I kind of just assumed that I was weird and all alone.

Thank you so much for giving me a community ❤️


Not strange to me at all. I can tell when someone is lying to me, and I’ve also been helping other people my entire life, often to the detriment of myself.
So, although I do understand the reasons for the belief that you cannot help others first before yourself mantra, it’s not true, as I’ve proved for most of my life.
It took me a long time, (and after a lot of narcissistic abuse) to start to put myself first and establish healthy boundaries for myself.
I’ve detached myself from everyone else’s problems and I don’t get involved anymore.
I observe/listen, but don’t supply input.


I ♥️ Empaths... The true gift to this world 🌌🔱


All of them!
Also people want to hang out with me all the time, because I understand them...
Yet it is so draining to me!
It takes me some time to recharge


Starts at 1:00. 1. They take on others' emotions. 2. They put others first. 3. They get drained easily. 4. They're able to feel the energy of animals or even inanimate objects. 5. They tend to attract broken people. 6. It's hard for them to say "no." 7. They can see through lies.


Being an intuitive Empath is the Greatest Burden in my life that I have had to struggle with. It's both a blessing and detriment as I have experienced each point discussed in this video. Further, it doesn't help that my Twin Flame is an Emotional Vampire and is currently running. I'll end my writing here as I can go on for hours.
Thank you for this video - I've watched your other content and so far, all of it's been on point.


I feel bad for empaths that don’t know they’re empaths. I feel like many are driven to suicide before they realize how gifted they are.


This is incredibly accurate..and reassuring. Thank you.


I can feel my best friend’s physical pain through the phone or if she is exhausted. I’m constantly worried about my 18 year old cat- any sound she makes, because I can pick up on it when she is sick. Sometimes I wish I could shut this off and just be ignorant to the world, lol, but I guess this has it’s benefits also.


I'm an empath I guess I love God. And the energetic fields are off in the world. In 2013 I fell in love with a Narcissist it depleted me. And it damaged me. I ran in 2015 it's 2019 I'm just getting over the trauma endured. Everything in this video is legit. Especially 7
Godspeed God bless


A handy hint for Empaths, in need of 're-chargeing' - is helpful to all Pepole.
Go bare foot in the grass, on a beach. It's also helpful for the realy 'rundown', lay one's self, out on the ground, for a couple of hours, re-chargeing, from the planets free supply. 🙏☺️


A friend sent me this video because it describes me, and is so very helpful! Now I understand myself, even the part about feeling something for animals and plants!


Since I was 4yrs old I’ve always known when adults were lying to me and I still do now.


I always thought something was wrong with me. I am getting a better understanding of what I am now.


I am an empath. I have known this for many years. I have now been drained to the point of isolating myself from most others as I can no longer bear to start my days with tears over the many images of cruelty I see daily. Nor can I bear most others pain. It is felt physically, mentally and emotionally and gets to be just too much now. Rather than say no, I just stay away from most. At almost 70 years old it is the only way. Every one of these points is spot on and there are more.


i can feel lies through text messages and if around the person i feel very uncomfortable and angry hate fake people if you have a problem with me I'd rather know your entitled to your opinion not everyone's going to like you just don't be a manipulative shifty sneak keep it real just my opinion I can feel negative energy miles off hate it
