Infant Safe Sleep Practices - UC Davis Health

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What are the safest practices for putting an infant to sleep? An expert from the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis takes viewers through the different steps, showing viewers what is safe for an infant and what can be dangerous for them.


At UC Davis Children’s Hospital, we put your child at the center of everything that we do. It’s personalized care, uniquely sized for your child. You’ll see it in our child-friendly designs throughout the hospital, our farm-to-fork approach to dining, our playrooms and teen rooms and our team that feels like family. UC Davis Children’s Hospital is Sacramento’s only nationally ranked, comprehensive hospital for children, serving infants, children, adolescents and young adults with primary, subspecialty and critical care.


0:00 SIDS and the Importance of Safe Sleep Environments
0:50 Examples of a Safe Sleep Environment
1:38 Tips to Avoid SIDS
2:15 Sleep Sack and Swaddling demo
3:10 Recap of Safe Sleep Tips

The information in this video was accurate as of the upload date, 11/17/17. For information purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice.

#SIDS #SafeSleep #UCDavis
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as a mother myself co sleeping has been the best practice for me n my baby to ensure we had enough sleep in the first few years of his life. this one size fits all type of video just instilled unnecessary fear and panic for 1st time mothers


We in India have known nothing but co-sleeping and haven't heard of any casualties or mishaps ever. I am sure a majority of the population here doesn't even know of bassinets because sleeping away from our babies has never crossed our minds.


Eeeish. Here in Africa actually like 99% of us grew sleeping next to our parents until we could talk. Most parents won't sleep with their infant not nearby. Cultures are different

P. S y'all can Meehee meeehee about infant mortality rate in Africa which you don't even know but I know that that isn't fact. I have never heard a child who died coz their parents slept on them. There are other factors for high infant mortality and this must be the least of them


I’m a light sleeper. I find it easier to sleep with my baby. He doesn’t sleep in his crib or bassinet for long. 10 minutes at most.


I firmly disagree with a mother sleeping away from her baby. It’s also quite unfair to instill fear in new Mums about the best practices for baby care. I am having my 3rd child and lying down with my babies help us all get sleep. The idea of mama waking up a million times a night to head to a crib is unsafe for both mum and baby as they BOTH need sleep.

New mums need practical advice on how to navigate the tumultuous months that come with taking care of a new one, Encouragement on how to practically do it best and not lose their minds and How to create the safest environment for both - For one to heal and the other to grow.

I do agree with a few of the points in the video but many are flawed and absolutely impractical 😅

Here is what I’ve learned in my journey.
- Yes, You CAN lie down with your baby.
- Do make sure they are on their back.
- Best to create a space for them on your bed
- Do not surround that space with pillows. They are a hazard mama 🙂
- Don’t let smaller siblings sleep on the bed with them. They might unintentionally roll over 😅
- If your baby sleeps best on your comfy chest, then go for it. Make sure there head is in a safe position. Make sure YOU are in a safe position too.
- Do not fall asleep while best feeding your baby. (With the pain that comes with it, it’s probably not possible; but hey you never know. Just be cautious 😅)
- A crib is great to get the baby learning independence early. Otherwise they will most likely not want to leave your side/arms/glorious mummy smell whenever it’s nap/sleep time. This makes it extremely hard to get anything done.
- Lastly, do research all you can. Talk to other mums, YouTube sparingly, consult a midwife etc… In the end, find what best works for you and baby.

All the best mama.
Do not let such videos scare the life out of you. Sure, it’s always best to be cautious but do your research and find what works best.
Somehow God instilled something in us that make mamas make magic happen.

You’ve got this.


The one time I actually found my newborn choking was laying on her back not on the same bed as me and her milk had came up and I heard her choking. Now she sleeps comfortable on her side next to mama 🥰 just like my first child who is now six ☺️


All of the mothers saying it's not true be happy your kids are safe but not all had the same experience as you did. And they didn't say they will die 100% , may and can are not same as will.


What animal sleeps away from the youngest? Bedsharing is natural and safe as long as you don't smoke or take drugs. If the baby gets hungry, you feel it right away and breastfeed before baby is too upset. If baby is no sleepy but you are, he or she will stay quietly by your side because of the cozy feeling.


To any new parents out there, safe co- sleeping is far safer than trying to care for an infant with no sleep! It is vital to research both. Follow the safe sleep 7 if the baby is in the bed with you. More parents end up sleeping with their babies than admit it. But everyone should know 5he safe sleep practices in case it happens for you! Follow your instincts mama and papa


nah my first and second born have been sleeping with me, and they are safe and its easier to feed them. Besides here in the philippines not everyone can buy a crib.


With my first born i used to make a mistake and fall asleep with my daughter on my chest ill be in bed laying on my back with her laying on my chest and holding her by her back i did that at least 4 times and she was okay all i can say is thank you father god he was protecting her and keeping her safe i didnt mean to sleep with her but at those times i wasnt getting alot of sleep and rest now this girl about to be 9 years old this year. So now with my second child just make sure to have in own bed in his crib only for naps n bedtime.


Me, 28 and my brother, 32 were raised sleeping beside my mother. We are still alive. Now my baby sleeps beside his mother comfortably. No issues so far. Anything that causes respiratory issues to a baby should be avoided and I guess every parent should know it before having one! I'm a happy daddy now. Happy patenting. ❤️


I'm a mother of 3 and a light sleeper. I have slept with my babies next to me and on my chest. They just sleep better. I say use your better judgment. If you sleep hard and not in one place then don't do it.


In the Phil. we sleep with our babies.


I think balance is key. Try to have your baby comfortable in all positions of sleep. Also, consider afternoon napping with your baby next to you, and leaving them alone at night or when they are a bit older (3months onwards). It’s important to bond with baby, but also important to have them develop a sense of independence.


“Your baby should sleep in their own sleep area” Easier said than done.


Bed sharing can be done safely and it is sad it isn't talked about enough and just said to put them in a bassinet or crib. When you're so sleep deprived and your child cries non stop and only stops when they are near their mom if you're not a heavy sleeper I think for moms sanity they should absolutely bed share. Better to be somewhat rested then not at all. More mistakes happen when you're sleep deprived then not.


If you are a hard sleeper, put your baby in their bassinet or crib. Otherwise, you should be fine with having them in bed with you!! 😄 We have really safe sleeping practices over here in the UK, my mum sometimes had me on her chest but she was a very light sleeper.


I am so glad you are spreading awareness that co sleeping is not safe.


As a new mama who is terrified of everything, reads labels 100x over again, and would go broke if it meant my baby girl being comfortable and healthy, I don’t understand how this happens so much. I truly do not. Are there studies showing how many of these parents drink or use narcotics then lay their baby next to them when they are intoxicated? Rolling over onto them or not checking that blankets and pillows are removed from the bed? I sleep next to my baby girl every other night when her colic gets bad and never have I ever even thought I would or could cause her to suffocate or be in danger whilst sleeping. At the slightest noise she makes I shoot awake. I think more research needs to go into the actual environment and other practices that we’re going on in the home. Babies don’t just die… I am not trying to parent shame or come across as ridiculing - but it is so common in other countries to co sleep and I just believe forcing these fears down new parents throats on top of everything else you worry about when having a child, is sort of Ill educated. Vigilance and common sense seems to not be a common thread when an infant/child dies.
