Coaching, Beratung, Psychotherapie - Was sind die Unterschiede und wann gehe ich wo hin?

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Hallo und herzlich willkommen zum heutigen Video!
Heute geht es um den Unterschied zwischen Psychotherapie, Coaching und Beratung und wann man wo hin gehen sollte, wenn man einen Bedarf hat.
Danke fürs Zuschauen!
Eure Simone von Confido und Erfolg ist coachbar!
Hello friends and welcome to today's video!
Today is about the difference between psychotherapy, coaching and counselling and when to go where when you have a need.
Coaching: Here the coach is your process companion. The coachee, i.e. you yourself, is responsible for the content. There is no advice, tips, etc. here.
Consulting: In consulting, the consultant is responsible for the content. You come here with your question, which the consultant will answer professionally. Here you will find answers, tips and advice.
Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy is needed if a psychotherapeutic illness is present, suspected or is to be diagnosed. Patients have a corresponding level of suffering. Here we work professionally on traumas and psychological illnesses.
Have a nice day, best regards and ...
Thanks for watching!
Your Simone from Confido and "success is coachable!"
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