3 Body Problem (2024) Netflix Series Review

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In the Netflix adaptation of the international best-seller, 3 Body Problem, by Cixin Liu, a young woman’s fateful decision in 1960s China reverberates across space and time into the present day. When the laws of nature inexplicably unravel before their eyes, a close-knit group of brilliant scientists join forces with an unorthodox detective to confront the greatest threat in humanity’s history. Should 3 Body Problem be on your bingelist? Thanks for checking out my 3 Body Problem (2024) Netflix Series Review!


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My couch rating system:
5 - A must-watch - do not pass this one up
4 - It's really good, you should see it
3 - It's OK - maybe good for a rental
2 - It's not that good and I wouldn't recommend it
1 - It's terrible and I definitely don't recommend it
0 - Cutting off a finger is better than watching this

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Not dumbed down? There was a conversation in the first episode where two characters just keep saying dumb shit like 'science is breaking', 'people are not keen on science being broken' and 'I don't understand the science that's broken'. They must have said science and scientist 20 times in that one scene, it was laughable.

Instead of the cool scene in the book with the billiards/pool explanation, we see an animation and it's described as 'fuckin Alice in wonderland'.

The show is very obviously dumbed down




I'm glad that you mentioned the hesitation you have from not knowing if this story will get to play out in its entirety. I feel like this is more of a recent problem, despite the reality that shows get cancelled all the time.

One promising series that I invested time in, and felt burned by, was Raised By Wolves. It streamed weekly on HBO/Max and is now completely gone from the platform. This trend in streaming services has me cancelling services and running back to physical media.


In Liu's book, the main characters are Chinese, but many (maybe half) of the important people are people from all over the world, including Japan, the USA, the Middle East, Africa, etc. However, in this show, all the main characters are British, and there is no Chinese (at least no Chinese citizenship, I mean the role, not the actor); even if you look like an Asian (Mr. Shi), you are born in Manchester, lol. It gives me a feeling that you are trying to persuade everyone that the British are leading the task of saving the world this time and none of the other countries is important at all. Either the producer cannot admit the contributions and ability of China and other non-western countries nowadays and in the future. Or does he think the Western audience is too dumb to understand a story that is not 99% British? As a person who has read the books 5 times, the director or the producer does not deserve such a good story. Please leave it for some more talented person in the future who can understand the world to shoot it.


Only watched the first episode, so far. My main issue is, that beyond the detective, I cannot stand the modern day characters.


“I haven’t finished reading the novel yet” says it all. There is Chinese adaptation of the book and it’s far better series


A few days ago, Tencent released a new version, which was re edited by the director, removing some unnecessary plot elements. There are only 26 episodes, which looks even better


In the book, the main character is not a young woman and does not work with a team of scientists, but a middle-aged family man and he works with a detective. So I don't know how it's identical. There are scientists, but they are part of a secret society (and rather under investigation), and there is a young woman, but she kills herself at the beginning.


I hope this show gets enough love to warrant more seasons. The real action happens in the second book, with a pretty huge time jump. That's the stuff I want to see D&D tackle. Looking forward to starting it tomorrow!


I watched this Netflix version with dismay. The Chinese version which you can see on Prime is way better, even if somewhat tedious.


The potential for the show not to get a season 2 is a Netflix issue not one with the story itself.


I’ve read the first 2 books….blew my mind like no other sci-fi ever. I also watched the 30 episode Chinese show series, it was pretty damn good too. I’ve been anticipating March 21st so now I get to watch the Netflix version. I’m so excited…yay 😁


I'm so excited for this but also anxious because Netflix always seems to cancel shows I love (the OA, Sense 8, Anne with an E, Santa Clarita Diet, Glow, Mindhunter, 1899) and loves to cancel them when they end in cliffhangers. It's infuriating. I guess I can take comfort in the fact that at least I have the books to read if that happens with this one.


🗣I HIGHLY recommend watching the 30-episode Chinese masterpiece, Three Body (San ti) directed by Lei Yang on Prime Video!👍🏾👍🏾It’s an excellent rendition of the first book!!!


All the haters need to calm down, be happy your favourite series received a half decent adaptation, ask other fandoms how bad it can be. R.I.P Dark Tower and Wheel of Time 😢


Loved books! But I'm not going anywhere near the Netflix series until it's finished. I'm not chancing another GoT finale scenario 😂. The Chinese TV adaptation was pretty good tho, but too long at 30 episodes.


Have you seen the Tencent series adaptation of the Three-Body Problem? If so, how does it compare to each other? I have seen that series, so I have much anticipation for this with caution.


I've watched it. Tbh I'm beyond disappointed. Won't be watching until they finish all seasons and if the reviews improves I might pick it up.


Creators Dumb&Dumber that fucked up game of thrones, despite Martin helping all the ways he could and even revealing major plot points to them? These guys, that hated Daenarys so much and loved Arya too much, they simultaneously created a show both too woke and cringe-sexist??? These guys, that brag about killing dragons off in their show? These guys... No thanks. The North remembers. And I am not even that much of a fan of game of thrones in the first place!


The Netflix adaptation is drastically different from the book and the Chinese adaptation. It...fits the "modern audience" trope. Makes sense since the adaptation was done by a Berkeley graduate who has done only 1 other film.
