How to Play Chords on the Piano (the 'Quick & Easy' way)

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What’s up my piano friends!! Today’s lesson I’m going to show you the fastest way BY FAR to learn and play chords for beginners on piano. In other words... the quick and easy way.

Oh, and as long as you can promise me you’ll stick around to the end, you’ll be able to play 3 FULL SONGS that you’ve heard from the radio fast using the Chords we’ll learn in the video to create simple progressions of chords that sound good together.

And I’m even gonna throw in a few “Money Patterns” to spice these up and really make them sound cool. And then we’ll cover how to deep dive and really understand these chords in case you want to use them for songwriting or producing or improvising, and how to get the left hand.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

00:00 Intro
00:33 Easiest Way to Learn Chords (by FAR…)
02:02 Get the Cheat Sheet to Make it Even Easier!
02:21 Learning Song 1: Sam Smith
04:17 Learning Song 2: Bruno Mars
07:02 Learning Song 3: Florida Georgia Line
08:30 Next Steps...

Make sure you stick around to the end - you don’t want to drill in bad habits that can be an absolute nightmare to correct in the future...

Oh, and btw if you’re a complete beginner, no worries, it’s a chords tutorial explained for beginners, and we take absolute baby steps tot make sure you’ll get it frustration-free. Don’t forget to download the Cheat Sheet to make it even easier:

2. Sign Up with your name and email (yes, it’s really free lol)
3. Get your cheat sheet!

Happy practicing!!



2. Ultimate Guide to Piano Chords (Beginner)

3. BADASS Dark Chord Progression You Can Use Today (Advanced)

Or connect with me here:

Watch me play piano at my other YouTube channel here:

Thanks for watching and subscribe if you want more online piano lessons and tutorials!

-Zach Evans

#learnpiano #pianolessons #pianotutorials #pianotips #beginnerspiano #pianosuperhuman #howtoplaypiano #easypiano #pianochords
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 Intro
00:33 Easiest Way to Learn Chords (by FAR…)
02:02 Get the Cheat Sheet to Make it Even Easier!
02:21 Learning Song 1: Sam Smith
04:17 Learning Song 2: Bruno Mars
07:02 Learning Song 3: Florida Georgia Line
08:30 Next Steps...

Happy Practicing!!



Hey Zach, I just started learning piano, my first musical instrument, age 68, and have been using your tip sheets and early lessons daily for the last four weeks. Today I was finally able to play the C-Major scale hands-together, pretty decently. I have a long long way to go to my goal of serious hobbyist but wanted to thank you for what you are doing and providing to the community. It is too early to get involved in your for-pay lessons, but I can see real progress and now know that I can eventually make use of your next level lessons. PS: I am learning guitar at the same time -- just started two weeks ago and am still in the "spider walk" stage to develop calluses on my finger tips.


This piano lesson is the best lesson on planet Earth 🌍🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Man!!! I'm loving it!!! I'm a total beginner but I've got to play piano. I got one as gift and I love it!! I played sax in my younger years and now at 63, it's piano for me!!!


Thank you so much!! I am trying to relearn how to play the piano after my brain lesion 5 years ago, I'm so excited and thankful to you for this video! 💕🎶🎹🎵💕


Always excited to see lessons from you. Thank you.


I am down for learning. When I get old, god willing, I will just sit around play guitar and piano.
Music and laughter make life wonderful.


You are the AMAZING and BEST music teacher
I have can easily understand and it works 100% quick for me
Thank you so much


Hi my friend your videos are amazing now i feel that i can play the piano after many many years of struggling thank you very much and God bless you and your family


I am so happy. I was taught the wrong way to pkay. All Iwanted was exactly what u r teaching. You are making this so simple Thanks MUCH. I WILL BE


Zach I LOVE your lessons and have purchased a few courses.
The BEST video far is the Bet that I can play Jazz. I would love to have you do more of the progressions where I can improvise over. I think that video has PROPELLED my "fun time" playing after I work on scales and other drills.
Thanks for the variety of videos.🥰❤️


Okay I made my bed on this channel and I'm supper excited. You're easily my best teacher on here. You've made this journey super fun❤❤❤!!!


Thanks so much Zack for your easy tutorials! These are simple, but will teach me how to play! I'll start practicing soon! You are my fav channel for piano!


I love this video! I took piano for years when I was a kid and nothing stuck. This method is a lot easier on my brain. Thanks so much for making this and the cheat sheets!


Zack I love your painless lessons! while chords light up and when you call out EACH letters with out going fast I cannot ever go wrong!


Hi Zach, could you please do a video for beginners on how to learn/drill/practice a new song step by step? I've been enjoying your drills on how to practice scales and have been going through your 12 week program but when it comes to learning a new song I get stuck on how to practice/drill the keys and chords and how to progress through the song parts. Could you do a super simplified, broken down step by step process of how a beginner can go about starting to learn a new song and how to get the bits down and progress through the whole thing and lock it into muscle memory? Sorry for the long explanation, I just haven't seen anyone on youtube show this in anyway remotely easy for beginners and I figured you'd be the guy to help us :-)


I love this videoI just learned 3 songs


there are like 28 lessons on this page, if you practice one a day, for a month you will be a really helped me


Your on point with teaching beginners Thank You 🙌🏽


Zach, are you taking singing lessons? Your singing voice is MUCH improved 🙂
