Why I Hate Superman

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Growing up I never liked Superman. He was one of those characters that I couldn't get invested in.

#cartooncollege #superman #supermanoftommorow
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Hmm, I see your point, but let me ask you this ; out side of the movies, how much do you know about the character Superman.

Like ...other than his powers, weakness & origin what do you know

"Hes invincible, nothing can hurt him" well ... not really

I can't tell you how many times hes lost to DARKSEID, Mongol, heck even LOBO, there was even a whole comic series called " the DEATH of SUPERMAN "

Maybe you only watch the movies, and that's fine, but i tell you, they're FAR from the sorce material.

Superman has some of the best stories I've ever read, im not thrashing you for not knowing the character

But this is pretty baseline for any Superman argument like... ever

You could say the same for any superhero,

HECK, Even GOKU, but they both understand the difference between power and controlling and harnessing power

Clark has to constantly carry the burden of controlling his powers,

imagine having super hearing and hearing peoples screaming from thousand miles away, that's horrifying

but the best things in his life were his Ma and Pa. They taught him, despite the burden, hes can still be the best man as simply being clark, a man who cares

But sadly much of his personality has been lost on screen due searching people not liking him being a "boy scout"

Hopefully James Gunn will give us the most best on-screen version of the character


Thank you. I use this defense when debating with Batman lovers ;) #Superman4Ever
