Why You Should (NOT?) Back: DC Super Heroes United

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#LiegeOfGames #boardgames

DC Super Heroes United. CMON. The "United" System.
But is it actually "better?"
Or has it peaked performance wise or innovation wise?
Also breaking down expansions and ranking them content wise for those interested.

Thanks for watching!

Time Stamp:
00:00 - The United System
00:51 - The Buy In Point/Price
02:03 - Marvel Reskin
03:22 - $250-300 = Lifestyle Game
05:35 - Embarrassment of Riches
- Unique(ish) Characters = Some YOU WILL NOT LIKE
06:30 - Expansion Content NOT EQUAL
- Exclusivity Varies
08:40 - Every Expansion Breakdown
- Value & Mechanics
16:53 - Final Thoughts
- Expansion/Add-ons Rankings
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Campaigns (kind of) were announced earlier today


Just what I needed to hear. I passed on all the Marvel sets in the past so Im new to the "United System" and it's great to hear someone explain what these expansions offer other than characters.


This system is by far the most played game with my family. I doubt I will go all in but right now I am sitting at Titan pledge with 3 expansions (Arkham, S.S., JLA, and painting guide). In my opinion the strech goals are the best of any campaign with every second one being a villain. Villain variety make this game sing


DC blows them all away. You know ALL- IN is the Way. =)


So I'm here for as much Batman stuff and War Of Light. But they were freaking DEVIOUS with their splitting of all the Bat content as well as putting the FREAKING GREEN LANTERN RINGS separate from War Of Light to make you feel more FOMO on not having all rings to use in the War Of Light.

But I'm here for JSA because:
- Shazam, obviously.
- Legacy characters
- It being exclusive. Wish it wasn't or I'd wait for retail.

Gotham City:
- Batman. It's Batman and I gotta have it and I hate it. At least Catwoman and Red Hood are villains too and not just Bane

- As you said it has all the villains you want, and that includes Mr. Freeze for me

Suicide Squad:
- Harley
- Value in the box is insane.
- Peacemaker
- King Shark

War Of Light:
- Since all the other Bat stuff is spread out, if I could only get ONE expansion THIS would be it. War Of Light is the Infinity War of DC and it is the coolest thing.

I might honestly go in for the campaign decks JUST for the WoL story deck alone.

As for Sidekicks, yeah I wish this was just included for free as a Stretch Goal. I just want Dex-Starr and Bat Hound. It's so weird that it's an exclusive and I dunno how I feel about it.

Lantern Corp isn't great value. It just isn't. And to separate the green lantern rings from War Of Light is just scummy.

Metropolis is coming to retail, and I don't care about Lois or Superboy enough to give more money than I already am. I'm sure Supes fans need it day 1 but I can wait.


I'm so torn on what to do with this one.

As of right now, I think I'm going to go in for the Titans pledge now, and add in 3 expansions during the pledge manager: Arkham Aslylum (looks like a great set of villains), Suicide Squad (I loved that movie so I'm into the characters, and you can get some nice gameplay out of everyone being dual mode), and Gotham City (Batman is one of my favorite super heroes, so I'm really into all the stuff in his universe).

But that all-in is calling out to me. I'm trying my best to resist it, but it is nice having everything. Although on the bright side, I'm not actually getting any FOMO this time around!

Thanks for the video!


Sold all of my season 1 and 2 of Marvel for this. I really enjoy the game, but I much prefer DC to Marvel. Also, they just added campaign decks tracing comic storylines which is amazing to me.


I'm more excited for this than the Multiverse. But I know I will not get this played 50 to 100 times. So I'm going with just the base pledge which seems to have a lot of content.


No mention of Gold Batman and Superman to play now that’ll cost you a pretty penny. CmON dishing out promos for games yet to be delivered or campaigns ending - loss of words….


Great overview. I’m going for just S Squad and Arkham, but no Titans for me


Contrasted with DCEASED - which was very clearly experimenting and iterating on Marvel Zombies in some compelling ways - DC united just feels like it is reiterating Multiverse word for word.


I dont have any Marvel United, so im going all in.
I did the same with DCeased


getting base, Arkham Asylum and Suicide Squad. Great game modes, many interesting character and villains (unique). good addition to the rest of the United stuff.
don’t think it’s gonna be fresh anymore in another season. This one has some great stuff.


I am thinking of backing for the first time and your video is the best review i've seen. Huge thank you for spending the time and honesty.


I’m definitely in for base pledge. Trying to decide between Metropolis, as I’m a massive Superman fan, or Arkham Asylum for the new mode and rogue’s gallery.

This is easily the best of the campaigns in my opinion. Even though I like the characters in Xmen season more there is so much new and refined stuff here.


I don’t understand why titans is the best expansion bundled of all seasons period . Can anyone explain? To me just super friends with stretch goals is by far the best value for money


I just don’t get the Titans expansion- looks friggin boring…not sure why you think it’s a no brainer? I’m actually getting put off by the number of stretch goals - like am I really interested in having a million minis with cards that are pretty similar to the rest of the cards? Anyway - may back base, SS, Arkham :)


I went all in on all three Marvel and play it with my kid weekly. We've played nearly every hero we have from sets 1 and 2 and as East Coasters are waiting on set 3. When I heard this was coming I made a list of the 10 heroes and 10 villains I wanted.

Heroes: Supes, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Green Lantern (Hal), Green Arrow. Villains: Joker, Lex, Darkseid, Gorilla Grodd, Reverse Flash, Trigon, Mirror Master, Sinestro, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Lobo.

So far, I get almost everything in the base pledge and little in the expansion materials... although there are characters in those expansions that are attractive, they're not looking like enough reason to go beyond base pledge. I'm wondering how many people may downgrade to a base pledge - and staty there - before this thing ends.

It also seems odd that they have a lot of low A and high B characters out there - but not enough to carry a second season like MU did with X-men.


there is only one reason not to back it: storage space


They already have campaign decks for $15.
