Super Dragon Ball Heroes Fight Song (Instrumental) | DBH Theme Song Ultimate Collection

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#SuperDragonBallHeroes #DBH #SDBH
• As part of the 10th anniversary of Dragon Ball Heroes, Columbia Records and Bandai Namco have released a CD (and digital) of DBH's main tracks.
Dragon Ball Heroes is a card game exclusively for Japan, and these are the main themes we hear in trailers / openings. It's only promotional and doesn't intervene in the original canon of Dragon Ball.
• Track list:
1. DBH 10th Anniversary Remix
2. Dragon Ball Heroes Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
3. Dragon Ball Heroes Galaxy Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
4. Dragon Ball Heroes Jaakuryu Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
5. Dragon Ball Heroes God Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
6. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
7. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Universe Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
8. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Big-Bang Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
9. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Fight Song (Original/Instrumental)
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• As part of the 10th anniversary of Dragon Ball Heroes, Columbia Records and Bandai Namco have released a CD (and digital) of DBH's main tracks.
Dragon Ball Heroes is a card game exclusively for Japan, and these are the main themes we hear in trailers / openings. It's only promotional and doesn't intervene in the original canon of Dragon Ball.
• Track list:
1. DBH 10th Anniversary Remix
2. Dragon Ball Heroes Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
3. Dragon Ball Heroes Galaxy Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
4. Dragon Ball Heroes Jaakuryu Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
5. Dragon Ball Heroes God Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
6. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
7. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Universe Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
8. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Big-Bang Mission Theme Song (Original/Instrumental)
9. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Fight Song (Original/Instrumental)
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