Why Everyone HATES Tahm Kench | League of Legends

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Tahm Kench has historically been one of League's most disliked champions despite being reworked many times. So for today's episode of Why Everyone HATES, we're gonna find out why!

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#LoL #TahmKench #LeagueofLegends
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He might be badly designed mechanically but he is still my pookie bear and his visual design and voicelines are peak


I cant hate tham. Hes just the best voiced, and one of most cool/unique characters in league


i miss old kench where he can devour every 10 secs, and shoot minions at people.


"on release, when using devour against baddies" had my dying 💀


I enjoy tanks and his character, design, lore, voice make him my favorite champion. Plus the devour mechanic on a catfish monster is perfect, tho I agree it's frustrating and unfun to play against.


Yeah devour is a toxic ability to use, but damn it feels good to use it. As a support main, I love when my teammates recognize that I saved them, or seeing the enemy team rage because I denied their play, but with some supportive abilities that is hard to see, since maybe you used a shield/heal at the exact second, but nobody saw that. Devour on the other hand literally has an animation where Tahm swallows his ally, so all eyes are on you. That's why I love wardens, standing in front of my ADC as Braum, or making my whole team shine with the power of immortality as Taric.

Wardens make supporting feel rewarding, because they get to be on the spotlight, unlike some enchanters who might make great plays, but fall on deaf ears because of how honest they are in practice.


“Thats twice the duration of a Morgana Q”
Oh so it’s 2 lifetimes


I had no idea he was hated so much. Usually when people talk about characters they hate, it's Yuumi, Shaco, Evelyn, Teemo, etc. Yeah, his tankyness can be annoying, but Sion and Dr. Mundo and other hard to kill tanks exist. Yeah, his devour can be annoying, but it's less annoying than stealthy characters or characters with multiple dashes or characters built around healing.
I figured he was an annoying champion, not a hated champion.


I had zero idea that people hated Tahm Kench. Yeah, he does a lot of damage for a tank but that definitely isn't unique to him when stuff like K'Sante and Ornn exist etc


since i started playing in 2016, Tahm is the champ that sold me on league for real. and he makes me smile every game i play him still.


Tahm Kench as a character is an extremely fun addition to league, and I love seeing him, I do not love playing against him, in the slightest 😂


It's strange that with just swapping places with an ult and a normal ability, tahm kench went from being a tank support with a unique displacement tool to a tank vanguard with an annoying disruption unique-ish ability and then turning his Q into a poking nightmare


old tahm had the same issue as soraka at one point, you couldnt burst her down because she would used W on herself, had armor, magic resist and ult still to survive, but you also couldnt try to burst someone else because she would heal them, basically leaving the enemy with two poor choices


Tahm became beyond broken the moment riot decided for some reason that "Hey! This TANK SUPPORT character should definitely get damage scaling with his MAX HP! Also here's heartseeker a very fun item"


I genuinely didn't realize the frog was so hated. I play a lot of tahm and think hes tons of fun, its always funny watching traditionally strong early game champs fight me assuming I won't deal damage cuz im a tank lol.


Tahm is the personification of friction combat. Because of being melee, 100% single target and 100% immobile (his W has very limited combat uses), he has basically nothing but sheer brute force. Therefore, Tahm wins out on any 1v1 because that's the only thing he can do. But here's the catch: everything he does, he can only do slowly.

Tahm will outlast you eventually, but he will never kill you fast. The downside to his near invincibility in the 1v1 is the fact that this is not a 1v1 game and he may not necessarily have the time he needs to eventually outlast his opponent. More often than not the opponent will get back up before Tahm gets to that point.

I think that's an interesting dynamic. Matter of fact, I'd expect that coming from any tank, but everyone else ends up as just CC bots who can't do anything on their own and get shredded to pieces with the wealth of %health damage, true damage and armor shred present in the game nowadays.

Tahm is the only champion I can think of who can still pull the "winning by outlasting" style. I miss that friction combat coming from other champions as well.


There is difference between people who plays LOL to win and people who plays it to enjoy its champions


better to face against Tahm Kench that understand his champ than a 0/50 yone farming pentakills with just Botrk and hullbreaker


i love how a lot of the complaints of discouraging play also count for Yuumi


This whole video just gave me mad nostalgia for season 5 and 6. Tahm is the only champion I have ever considered my main, and I had ALL THE FUN using him back in the day when I didn't despise the game. I'm honestly so glad I more or less quit league before they massacred and turned him into the blubbery useless sack of chum he is now.

Rest In Peace, the Tahm Kench you once were and should have remained.
