How You Know If You Have Peripheral Nerve Damage

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Peripheral nerve injuries often go undiagnosed by the medical establishment. Patients can suffer for years going from doctor to doctor searching for relief.
Dr. Tim Tollestrup is a Nevada-based pain-focused peripheral nerve surgeon. He has treated hundreds of patients from all over the world for conditions previously considered untreatable.
In this 25-second video, Dr. Tim Tollestrup explains how to tell if you have a peripheral nerve injury.
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Incredible we are in 2022 ...and you get a answer like that ?


Same case for secondary glossopharyngeal neuroglia causing entire left Neck mandable and jaw bone pain along with reduced motor and sensory function of left arm and shoulder


Are there any other doctors besides Dr. Tollestrup that do the surgery? Traveling to Nevada is really a tough one.


I get knee pain/weakness lower back pain, leg pain . Weakness of leg . Pain while sitting on hard surfaces or bowel movement . Is this piriformis syndrome or peripheral nerve damage doctor. Im interested to get in touch with you


I was diagnosed with RSD-CRPS 16 years ago after a slip and fall at home, broke my 3rd metatarsal in both feet and was diagnosed around the 7 month mark after a 3 phase bone scan. Ive had 3 SCS's implanted over the years, my current one is a NEVRO hf10. This monster has spread everywhere including my pelvic floor (Urologist dx'd it 10 yrs ago) I'm turning 53 next month and feel like im 100. Ive had countless epidurals, injections, and recently my PM Dr did a nerve burning procedure that has made my neck pain worse. Ive got arthritis, stenosis and a few bulging disks in my spine..Would this or any other procedure be beneficial for me? Im in Oklahoma and would travel anywhere to be able to have a break from the unrelenting pain. My dream is to be able to stand long enough to do dishes without flaring up and holding on for dear life to get them done.


I have a question my dad fell 7 years ago and he had neck injury slight Spinal cord his neck bone compressed the spinal cord after the surgery and Physo therapy he is back 60% normal but walks unbalanced and he has a weak hand and leg one side is weak he feels his hands and legs & numbness what do you recommend


Which of cranial nerve's damages can cause palate tense, spine tense, change spine's curves and others sympthoms in tensions muscle head's area? What can I do with it? Any emg, usg, cbct with contrast can help? My disability are bigger and bigger:( Sorry for my english


Is peripheral nerve and pudendal nerve the same thing? As I have been in agony for about 2years with the symptoms of pudendal nerve?


My doctor said if gabapentin or lyrica didn’t help there is no solution. Neither helped and both had lots of side effects. I guess I am going to suffer the rest of my life? 😢😢 my feet are on fire, moving into calves now. Does anyone have any suggestions?
