Angular 15: Responsive Images with NgOptimizedImage, provideHttpClient, Directive Composition API

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This video covers the three main features which Angular 15 introduced:

- Responsive Image Support with the NgOptimizedImage directive
- provideHttpClient
- Directive Composition API

Further Reading:

0:00 Welcome
1:04 Changes in Angular Material
4:14 NgOptimizedImage Directive with Responsive Images
25:20 provideHttpClient
43:00 Directive Composition API
55:00 Conclusion
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Hi, just to note that auto generation for srcset is not working any more when you provide width and height on image. Only when fill attribute is set, we will get auto generated srcsets.


Very nice explanation. I wanted to look at the demonstrated code but it looks like the referenced github repo it's the pre-15 version and does not include the changes you demonstrated. Is the demonstrated code available as well?
