What is Christianity & What do Christians believe? | Christianity Defined | GotQuestions.org

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If someone were is ask you, what is Christianity, what do Christians believe, what is a Christian, or how is Christianity defined, could you answer? Those are important questions that we should be prepared to answer. In this video, Pastor Nelson answers those questions from a biblical perspective. So, if you’re looking for a way to explain what a Christian is, or have Christianity explained to you, don’t miss this video!

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Those that know Jesus know his voice. I see a lot of sceptical comments. I'd advise studying the Bible and history very well.


Hi. Thank you for explaining this. A question if I may: If my adult kids were never christened and don't go to church but do believe in God 100%, will they go to Heaven? Thank you


If you preach charity, you could be canonized.
If you preach justice, you could be crucified.


Here's my question: Where did this "relationship with Jesus" thing come from? I never heard a word about it until, at most, 30 years go. Where is the Biblical reference to this. In which version of the Bible? How does one know that Jesus is getting what he requires from this relationship? My wife lets me know verbally when our relationship isn't going well for her. Is Jesus going to communicate verbally? Throw objects, like my wife? Or is this one of those, "you'll feel it in your blood pump" things?


So if someone thinks the Bible is inspired but understands it differently than you do, does that mean he is not a Christian?


Which of the following doctrines do you think are most widely believed by professed Christians in the twenty-first century?

That God has predetermined that some humans will be saved and that others will be lost.

That the Decalogue (ten commandments) has been changed or abolished or that it pertains only to Hebrews.

That sprinkling or pouring water can be considered “forms” of baptism.

That humans have innate immortality or an immortal soul.

That tithing is only for Hebrews.

That the futurist eschatology promoted by John Darby, John Schofield, Hal Lindsey and others is biblical and no other eschatological systems (historicist, preterist or allegorical) are biblical.

That “religious liberty” means freedom to use the government (or taxpayers’ money) to promote religious beliefs, freedom to legislate morality, freedom to enforce religious prohibitions, freedom to discriminate against people with whom Christians disagree, freedom to discriminate against people whose lifestyles Christians disapprove or some combination of these definitions.

That there should be no behavior criteria for full voting membership in any Christian congregation or denomination.


This is why I’ve always said I’m not a Christian. I don’t believe Christian’s are true followers of God never have. Even as a young child I know something was not right.


If Jesus died for all my sins.. Does that mean that if I believe in Jesus I can sin as much as I want, because he already died for my sins ? I mean... What if the whole mankind did no wrong and stopped sinning, which is supposedly the purpose, then what did Jesus die for ? Did he die in vain ?


Also, It is scientifically proven that there are things that hurt even more than crucifixion... or hurt as it. Also, before christ, many died by the crucifixion method, Jesus was not the only one... Then can we say that they died for our sins too ? Or rather didn't die for their sins ?


And one last question, so who is god ?


The one and only sin ever committed by Humanity is religion.


Is it necessary that to be a Christian, one must belive in the whole of Bible? Or we can choose to disbelieve certain sentences?

Just like how to be a Muslims one must belive in each and every sentence of the Quran.


Trash the Trinity doctrine because it's not in the Bible, it comes from the Councils of Men.


There is something really wrong with saying "if we believe". How can your "belief" in a theological proposition as true give you salvation? Something seems wrong here?

Another problem here is that you forgot to say that one must worship a Jewish man as his God. This is inhuman. It's cruel to ask another human being to worship (a) worship a human being, and (b) a human being that doesn't belong to his or her ethnicity nor ancestry.

Another problem here is that one must forgo his or her dignity in his or her ancestry and ethnicity. For if the Jewish ancestry/ethnicity saves humanity (Jesus is Jewish and a God), then that ancestry/ethnicity is of higher status.

Christianity makes no sense to me and it seems very cruel to human being.
