How to Fix Flashing Yellow Light on PS4 Controller (Charging, but won't Connect)

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Do you want to know how to fix the flashing yellow light on the ps4 controller that won't turn on, charge or connect to your PS4. This is very easy to do. The first thing to do is power cycle your PS4 by turning it off and then connecting your PS4 controller to your PS4 with a USB cable, when the controller is connected, press the PS button and this should connect the controller. Press it multiple times if it's still flashing yellow. This means the controller is charging and not synced to your PS4 yet. The yellow light could appear orange for people too. ...

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Dude you’re a genius! I had tried everything! My PlayStation 4 is what controls the TV in my bedroom so when the controller didn’t work, I couldn’t watch TV. I had tried everything to get it to work. I finally came across your video. I did the steps that you said, and it finally worked so now I can watch TV in my bedroom again thank you so much!


Having a controller charging but not being able to be connect is like Manray trying to give Patrick back his wallet.


The unplugging PS power cable to power cycle and reset controller with pin or earring back was huge. Just dusted off the P4 and had issues connecting. This vid was very useful, thank you much


I’m so happy I came across this video, I was waiting for the Mrs to bring up a charger from her house to see if it would work. Waited 5 hours for my Myra to get up to mine whilst I was getting on with house duties, long story short the Samsung charger doesn’t work and came across this video just in the nick of time. Life saver thank you for this video mate!


FOR ALL, all you need to do is to connect a usb keyboard to playstation, to go on settings>devices>bluetooth devices>dualshock 4 and press on keyboard f3 and press "forget device" and then press ps button and share button at the same time and that is


Mine goes flashing into the flashing when to the consoles off.

But it's solid yellow light and doesn't respond


Finally some actual good advice and it's not like all the others claiming to know the secret to fix problems like these but turns out to be guy explaining how to take off the faceplate for the majority of the video then blows us away with his amazing ingenuity know how as the guy opens a Brand New USB port w/ ribbon (Amazon PS4 controller USB charging port replacement set) an replaces it... Btw video titles of something like: "what to do" or" how to fix" ... when everyone including video creator damn well knows it's a trick of wordage to get more views. Correct title "how to replace PS4 USB charging port" 😑


For those who has connection issues with ur controller i highly recommend this video bc it worked for a lot of people including me


The fact that this worked is so heartwarming thank you man.🎉


i have a question: does the type of micro USB cable you use matter for connecting the controller or not? because 9/10 times what I've read online is that the cable might be the problem. i've had to replace my cables multiple times just recently switching out a controller that doesn't charge with a new one, and that's the one that will charge when plugged in but won't connect.

i'll try this method though, totally forgot I could use the remote play app in place of a working controller!


I borrowed a controller from my brother but it wouldn't connect.
I didn't know you could go in settings > devices > bluetooth devices.
The reason the controller wouldn't connect coz it ran out of slots to connect to.
I removed all the controllers except mine (existing working one).
Then I connected the borrowed one. It worked like magic. Thank you.


Ps & share button works 👍🏾 thanks bro.


Thanks so much this helped a lot with my controller having the same issue, was fustrating.But I finally got it appreciate ya!


What if you cant get pass the intro screen where it says press the ps button to use the controller


just curious but what are those things on the controller? its like a black thing below the controller and something under the right joystick


Thanks for everything! This helped me and saved my whole ps4👍👍


You are an absolute legend. Thanks. My 3rd controller (which was a replacement for the 2nd which broke) did not connect for over an hour but your suggestion to use the App at the end worked brilliantly.


Thank you for this video. It fixed my issue I appreciate you


Awesome thanks bro. The unpairing and repairing worked for me.


mine still wont connect lol i tried everything
