Why We Never Pay Ourselves First

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We NEVER pay ourselves first, when we receive our monthly income! Watch to find out why.


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I used to think that during times of prosperity it would be easier for me to tithe and give. When lean times hit (being laid off from work over a period of 8 years), I found it difficult to tithe on unemployment.  However, I learned through prayer and obedience, no matter what my circumstances are, The Lord GOD is my provider. He has always been faithful even when I have not been. I then began tithing what I received during times of unemployment and have been overwhelmed by GOD's favor in a multitude of ways, including finding work (and a salary) that I could not have imagined for myself.  I have been tithing consistently for quite a while now and I cannot begin to tell you all that the Lord has done. Most importantly, he has enabled me to be a blessing to others.  I used to think after losing my long-time job (nearly 8 years ago), my best years where behind me.  GOD has showed me otherwise... my best years are right now. Every payday, my tithes are always 1st. All Praise & Glory to GOD in the highest!


my husband and I tithe and it's as if God stretches our finances.


Ok now! Obedience is better than sacrifice. I'm learning this. I've dealt with some trying financial situations where I've but tithing on the back burner because of doubt and fear but now I know what I have to do. I gotta stick it out and be obedient. God will see me through. Thanks for letting the Lord use you guys! I'm so inspired😊.


I loved this video! I clicked on it because I was very curious to know why y'all wouldn't pay yourselves first & I was humbled by y'all's answer. I have been very sporadic in my tithing because I felt like I deserved to pay myself first & bills/living costs and then just give what was left over if there was any. As I was watching this video I went ahead and wrote out a check covering 10% of my paycheck to tithe.Thank y'all for the reminder that our money really is God's anyway & all He asks is that we give back 10% of what He has blessed us with. 


It warms my heart/soul to listen to TRUTH. God really doesn't "need" our money.
He's GOD....and as our loving Abba, He desires the best for us. Through the tithe,
He teaches us obedience, discipline, restraint, faithfulness, prioritizing, etc. The list
goes on and on. He keeps revealing things as we mature in Him. I am loving that
you are sharing "life" lessons. I pray that God blesses your going out and your
coming in, in the name of His precious Son, Jesus.


I have been watching your blogs for about 3 days now and this is my absolute favorite video so far...My wife and I are also faithful tithers and we love that you put God first. I pray that God continues to multiply you and i want you to know that what you guys are doing is beneficial to the Kingdom of God, many of us "church folk" are " good christians " yet we waste the our masters goods...thank you for the gut check lol...God Bless


Amen!! I love your heart for speaking Biblical, financial truth! I couldn't stop saying "Amen!" As I watched this! Love you guys and truly respect you for your boldness and wisdom! God bless you guys! ~Rachel


Very nice and purposeful video. And you guys are a hundred percent correct about your finances not cooperating with you when you're not giving God his 10%. if I had to pick an example for my income before I started tithing I would compare it to a football team that won one week and lost the next. You never get ahead. When you tithe it's obvious that God is working with you in ways that you can't on your own. You guys keep up the good work God bless.


Amen Amen Amen, give it back to God first. Love this video.


Thank you.  I have tears in my eyes because I think I've taken my blessings for granted - I've not given true credit to God...I've got a lot to think about here.  I'm loving your channel for so many reasons.  Looking forward to the next video.


Thank you for sharing your testimony . Keep up the great work :)


I always pay my tithes and offerings first and I pay myself second. I love your channel. Its definitely a ministry. Keep teaching. God bless you and your family.


I'm very spiritual I'm one on one with God! But I believe and practice in giving. When my kids were growing up I would cook a ton of food and look for the homeless I put money in the poor box! I know I have plenty and I'm so blessed. I try to count every blessing everyday! There are people who would kill to have my life. Example I have chronic back pain but there are people who would kill to feel what I feel PAIN if your paralyzed you feel nothing. I feel pain BLESSING COUNTED! Like subscribing and learning from you guys BLESSING COUNTED!


Thank you very much, this came at a good time...


Thank you!!! This has truly blessed me, i have struggled and still struggling in this area i admit it! But i know and believe God's word to be true, i just have to apply it to my life! I truly thank you for your teaching and sharing because it is a blessing to so many of us, knowledge is power! Keep me in your prayers as i keep you in mines😊🙏🙏🙏


Okay, thank you for the conviction! I WAS doing this, and I'm not sure where I fell off, but my God is more than worthy! And I can't follow some principals but not others...


I love this! Shad & I have been 10/10 (Tithes/Offering) since our marriage. Living off of 80%. We haven't missed one dime! Yet, since watching your videos we are seeking ways to be better stewards over the rest. We should have a plan soon. :) I appreciate your ministry!


I'm so thankful someone dispelled that philosophy!!! ❤️


Love it! You guys are so spot on. It is a privilege to give a portion of what God has given me back to Him. Blessings, Tania


This is what we do too, we made a vow at the beginning of our marriage, and when we didnt do it consistently, we saw the lack. Once we slipped, we knew that it was a non-negotiable. And we have been truly blessed, in good times and bad, and we have been on both sides. God always provides.
