LizNews Newsletter #9 - 'The Signature of All Things' promo trailer

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I have something so very special for you today, quite out of the blue.

As some of you know, my new novel "The Signature of All Things" is coming out in October. The book takes place all over the world (beginning in England, circumnavigating the globe, settling for a spell in South America, then back to Europe, then to Indonesia, then over to Philadelphia, then off to French Polynesia, then back to Europe again) but the main body of our story takes place in Philadelphia, where my heroine Alma Whittaker is born, and where she lives the first decades of her life.

Alma is raised on a magnificent (and fictitious) estate called White Acre. When I was researching the novel, I worked hard to find an actual mansion from Philadelphia's history that would serve as a good plausible basis for the Whittaker's home. I found just the right place in The Woodlands, a decaying 18th century architectural masterpiece whose original owner (appropriately enough) was an amateur botanist. I explored that house and its grounds as intimately as I could, and then used it as an inspiration for White Acre.

So when it came time for my publisher to film a promotional "movie trailer" for the book, we decided to shoot it at The Woodlands...thus this beautiful video came to life.

You will all be the first to see it, though not by much! Within an hour of my sending you this dispatch, the book trailer will also be distributed by Oprah Winfrey, on her "Live Your Best Life" newsletter. I am so honored that she has chosen it! But I very much wanted you all to see it first.

So here you go, and enjoy!

And if anyone would like pre-order the novel, you may do so right here:

All love. And thank you, as always, for your enthusiasm,

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Thumbs up, Elizabeth ! And thank you for sharing your passion and inspiration with all of us !


these trailer left breathless :D can't wait to grab this book and start reading it <3


Fabulous trailer! Can't wait to read it...soon!


And change my mind from seeing you I think you were great for person to you are a great person so please accept my friendship circle send me an email so we can have a lil bit of a chat that would be wonderful I am very glad you learned hi I'm good just relaxing the house and start reading them your new friend and confidant and I hope you understand I act like friends I like tez here enjoy lie I have new things on the horizon so you know everybody has things going to time and one that he just wanted to know if you ever need Hickok you're more than welcome to give me a jingle ok you have a great day now


Wow! This gives me goosebumps. Can´t wait to read it, experience it.


Oh my GOSH! As if I weren't excited enough Miss Liz! XO


This book is awesome, grand and captivating .


It Appears you’ve taken a Hemingway tactile approach to this adventure immersing all your senses into discovering your characters journey. I love this piece as a writer researcher myself it opens up another world into the process you have certainly made an intimate experience out of. Thanks for sharing this with us and I can’t wait for October to read the Signature of All Things.


There is so much in your voice that brought the visions you have to me. Like all great writing I was brought into memories of my youth and the same feelings you expressed.
Entranced! Yes, I was entranced and sold by this excellent piece!
great work!


you not only look so at peace with yourself and your surroundings but at one with your writings. what a pleasure to see that evolve in someone i so identified with in Eat, Love, Pray that i read it over 10 times during the 'divorce' phase, that i heard the calamity, anger, pain and strength in that voice that helped pull me out of the looking glass. thank you, ms. gilbert, for your truth, your imagination and your courage to let others in. a blessing for everyone and a great read i am sure.


Oh Liz!  I just finished your wonderful book and I miss Alma, Retta (Retta!), Ambrose and Tomorrow Morning...everybody!  I love your writing.  And the talks I've downloaded.  Please keep up the good work of being wonderfully YOU, and I shall be over here, enjoying, and cheering you on.  Thank you!  (what's next?)


I am VERY excited for this book! You're a passionate writer, Liz and your books convey that to the very last sentence. I enjoy how you paint pictures with words and I believe this book will be no less magical than your previous works. :) This trailer was beautifully made, thanks for sharing it with us.


Liz dear, I am so very excited to read your book! I can feel the magic and inspiration in its essence. Love the metaphor for the whole world being right within our grasp. Thank you for welcoming in the muse. Best to you, Dawn Morningstar


My favourite book of all time is Signature of All Things. Just adore it so much. Cried when I read the last page as miss Alma so much. Thankyou from a Biologist who thinks of Alma every time I see moss.


I'm just watching this now and I read the book in between Christmas and New Year and The Woodlands is SO EXACTLY what I had imagined through your work that I was just smiling and kind of awe-struck by how amazingly similar it is.  I loved this story so very much! 


This is a most wonderful book and now my husband is reading and our daughter as well.  Everyone in our family is a big fan of Elizabeth Gilbert's books.  As soon as I finished this I went to the library and checked out Committed, her story about marriage.  Can't say enough about her books!


Love the trailer, the concept, the way you love your work and walk us through it with you. A happy inspiration for the day!


Congratulations, Elizabeth. :) I love right now your new book. It seems to be very interesting, I want to read it...


Cool! I'm looking forward to stepping into Alma's world and seeing through her (and your) eyes...


I am looking forward to reading it! Thank you Elizabeth, for sharing this with us!!!
