Dissociative Amnesia – Psychiatry | Lecturio

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- Assessment of dissociative amnesia
- Types of memory
- Differential diagnosis for dissociative amnesia
- Other diagnoses
- Ganser syndrome
- Trauma
- Types and subtypes of amnesia

Dr. Farrell is a Harvard Medical School faculty member and board certified psychiatrist with a private practice in Boston. She has experience in patient care, teaching and in treating psychological disorders in various settings, including the Emergency Department, inpatient units and outpatient settings.

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Dissociative Amnesia (Psychogenic Amnesia) — Causes and Treatment

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I remember telling my parents I had memory loss when I was like 12. They said its not possible for someone that young not to remember things. I just remember certain bad events, like being locked in my room for days and stockpiling food, physical abuse, etc. but i feel like its worse than that I just dont want to remember. And I wont do therapy to remember.


It is very hard to try and be so present because you know youre likely to forget that important moment youre having.


Many people are distressed and upset by dissociative amnesia though. Finding out that time has been lost and not being able to account for it can be terrifying to many. Not being concerned, i.e. 'la belle indifference' seems more related to conversion symptoms, so saying that people are not distressed by DA isn't correct in every case.


I have lost many years of my early childhood due to sexual abuse when I was 3 and again at 7. I have huge gaps in my memory and don’t remember most of my childhood. I also suffered from eating disorder, drug and alcohol abuse, nicotine use, depression, anxiety disorder and multiple suicide attempts. I’m now 52 and nearly seven years clean and sober and five years off cigarettes and I no longer suffer from depression or anxiety but I have developed chronic headaches and migraines which I still struggle with. Luckily I have discovered that eating a carnivore diet has helped my headaches where nothing else has. I think my brain is just hardwired now to be super sensitive and I attribute that to trauma. I’m now generally happy though and have good relationships with my family and kids. Thank god I stayed alive long enough to be able to really live!


Please never say that people with dissociative amnesia aren't concerened with their memory loss. It's extremely harsh. Invalidating what others go through isn't nice.


Could u talk more about amnesia from child sexual abuse, such as not remembering your childhood except a few flash like pictures


I don't mean to be rude, but this gal just just grates on my nerves.
Don't act like we don't give a crap about our memory loss. It sucks. Just because we're not yelling about it, doesn't mean that we don't hate it.


I love the epigenetics component. I suffer from dissociative amnesia trying to heal from childhood trauma and it has ALWAYS been bothersome to me. I don’t know anyone who has experienced it who isn’t bothered by it. I’m not sure where you got the information that we’re cool with it


How can I describe my mom
Since I was a child my mom was in her late twenties It's like her mind is on deserted island surrounded by fogs Since I was a child I heard my mother had a nervous breakdown She couldn't remember her birthday She couldnt remember her past
She was in her own world She love babies She had plan to having a lot of kids She had gave each babies name She love keeping the house clean and reading the Bible Since I was a child I never see my mother had anxiety, depression or anything to make her feel down She was overprotective mother Sometimes my mom talk nonsense You wouldn't understand her What she talking about
The doctor says she had mild schizophrenic or dementia
I didn't see that in her
When I was taking care of my mother She was going Mercy hospital for treatment She started going to the program by herself. She started being independent for herself One day I don't know What kind of medicine? They gave my mother But on that special day She asked me Where's her brother? I almost broke down and cried My older brother told me our uncle passed away a long time ago by accident The medicine was working and her memory is coming back. The medicine has side effect I'm remember that her tongue get swollen and irritated
But thing change my father took my mother back home He had took her off the medicine maybe this might be the answer why? Something happened to my mother life something terrible that make her lose her memory
When It was in the 60s I was birth in 1971
My mom passed away May 27th 2012 by stage 4 of cancer She didnt know her birthday
System gave her birthday on December 12 1944 if she made on 12/12/12


Researches have proved that Dissociative Amnesia is not only a disorder, rather serves as a coping mechanism for childhood trauma such as sexual abuse. Therefore, Dissociative amnesia is often associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. What is your view point regarding it? Discuss your answer with logical reasoning and researches


I saw this story about this boy that saved his friend from being choked to death. He remembered he blacked out only. Years later he found out he hadn't blacked out. He "stopped functioning" and he actually got the perpetrator and almost beat him to death. He "woke up" outside the building safe with his friend. After that episode, he couldn't stand the sight of blood and couldn't, like, defend himself from physical violence. And he lost that part of his memory, but to him it was because he had blacked out, he didn't know he had almost killed the perpetrator trying to save his friend.

And that is why I'm here XD, I'm trying to figure ou if what that boy had was Dissociative amnesia


I started to get amnesia since I went through trauma last year, I developed tics, an eating disorder, paralysis, joint locks, seizures, chronic fatigue and more in the span of less than a year. During October last year felt like hell. Every day I panicked and I couldn’t do anything. It felt like I was going to reexperince the same thing that caused all of this. The medication I was on at the time only made my OCD worse and it gave me bad thoughts and made me sh. Now I can barely remember a thing. I don’t know how I’m still in school. It’s only been a year. A goddamn year. Part of me wants to get admitted to a psych ward to just try and fix me. All of me wants to get answers. I’m tired of this fog hanging over my head like my memory is just on the other side. I’m only 15. I don’t remember my childhood. I don’t want to have this happen to me. I don’t know what my future even looks like. But then I remember that I’m so small compared to what’s actually out there and in the end nothing really matters


This video literally matches perfectly


Think I might have developed something like this from just really bad social anxiety. My brain just works on autopilot and has done for the past few years, and I barely actually remember things that happen in my life.

I used to find awkward silences unbearable, but in this like permanent brain fog I'm just not affected anymore. Which I guess is sort of the point of the brain developing it.

Unfortunately, not remembering things that happen in my life gives me nothing to talk about in conversations, which makes the social anxiety even worse.


Thank you Dr.Helen 🌸 Awesome explanation..


Why do you say people don't get upset with dissociative amnesia? I get upset and I'm trying to recall details but can't.


At the age of 47 I would never thought this would happen to me


There seems to be different types of this. I have just forgotten certain traumatic events right after they happen. I only forget like 5-10 minutes max. I don't know if It counts as dissociative amnesia or not. It only happens when I can't handle my emotions. I looked it up and dissociative amnesia is what I found, but I will just consider them to be memory blackouts and won't tell people I have amnesia, because I can still remember everything else.


i am diagnosed with this disorder. i just realized ive been dissociated my whole life and very likely will forget all of it. i am absolutely terrified.


Well explained ..recommended me any abnormal psychology book ..in which explained disorders their symptoms etiology and treatment ...please
