How To Create A Desktop Shortcut In Windows 10

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Yes really!

You have probably read the video title and wondered just what the mary jane I have been up to!

Well to be honest, when I received the question from a viewer with "Hey Mike, how do I create a desktop shortcut in Windows 10?" I was at first thinking I was being trolled!
But no, it is a genuine thing.

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If like me, you have grown up with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 etc, etc. then you have probably created a whole bunch of shortcuts over the years and just got used to it being a simple case of finding the program or file and using the mouse to right click then choose the send to desktop or create desktop shortcut option. Sound familiar?

Well welcome to the brave new World of Windows 10! Try and do the same thing, I dare you!

Yep, it doesn't work. But there are new ways of creating a desktop shortcut, and in the video I will show you both of the options I use.

Do you know any other odd Windows 10 quirks that were just fine before, and are now missing? Let me know your Windows 10 woes.

And as always, I've been Mike. This has been Mikesunboxing Reviews and how to, and hopefully, I will see you all in the next one.

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This helped so much. Trying to set up my new laptop. Old laptop was from 2011. Major time difference.


Hi Mike how do you put the red comments on the thumbnail. I have a Mac


Well we don't make art without paying attention to the details.


I was hoping this would solve my problem, any ideal how to save a desktop short cut on a HP laptop windows 10? I don't know why they are making it such a mystery.


Thanks mate! I got really annoyed with my computer for a short while there :-)))


Windows 10 = Making you rethink everything you know about windows.
It was stupid idea to remove this option, i'm sure there is a logical reason why we can right click in the start menu and send to desktop from there but it is annoying


Thank you! It's not a stupid question. I'm old and not savvy at all! I do know my way around XP halfway decently, though. lol


When you doing the Keyboard Layout ??, lol


So here's a challenge. How does one create a shortcut to a specific youtube video, that retains the yotuube shortcut icon image?
