Conquering ALL of Calradia in 7 hours - Mount and Blade II Bannerlord 100% Speedrun | version 1.2.1

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NOTICE: This video is not necessarily meant to be watched, it's meant as proof that I've done this challenge in the time specified in the title. The worst part is the intro, which got cut off because I hurried to get started with this run as fast as possible... and I was considering to EDIT the intro and several other errors that popped up throughout this stream, but if I have a single cut in this challenge, it de-legitimizes the speedrun. But if it's Streamed, it cannot be edited, and what you see is what you get: 7 hours, 6 minutes and 38 seconds of raw uncut footage, with the actual run taking 6:48:37, from the moment the character was created to the final castle I have bought. The rest is the introduction at the start and the gloating at the end.
When I say "this video is not meant to be watched" I mean that it's waaaay worse than the rest of the stuff I have on the channel. The presentation of this one is sub-par, and I intend to compress all of these 7 hours into a 10-15 minute watchable video where I talk about the tactics I've used to conquer the world in less than a day. (3 in-game years)
I'm also not 100% sure about this being a 100% run. IN MY OPINION, owning 100% of the settlements, castles and towns in the game is what constitutes a 100% run, but definitions can vary from person to person. A true completionist run can involve many things: finishing every single quest in the game (the main quest was not functional during the version of the game I was playing on), unlocking every single weapon design, recruiting (or executing) every single lord in the game - but all of that was irrelevant to me. The ultimate goal of Bannerlord is global conquest, and that's what I focused on.
As for the intro; the first few words of this livestream were meant to be: "Hello there, I am Halcylion, and this is a very special video. Mostly because it's not really a video, it's a livestream...", but because I said that phrase immediately as the stream started, I wasn't LIVE yet, so it wasn't recorded by youtube. In hindsight, I should've waited about 30 seconds, verified that the stream is live and then made my intro, but as I already specified, it was already my 3rd attempt starting it, and I was running late, but.... I rushed it. Oh well, the presentation of this challenge may suck, but the run itself was good, and EXTREMELY Lucky. Every single instance that was a dice roll was passed in the first try, and because this kind of luck won't shine on me again, I'm not redoing this challenge just to have a better presentation. That comes in the upcoming EDITED video I mentioned.

And as I say throughout this video, I was originally planning to do this stream PUBLIC, but I decided against it, and I want to explain why. On youtube, there's some... Unknown Variables that can put an unceremonious end to the stream. And because I could only do this challenge ONCE, I could not afford to risk my livestream to be taken down, so I had to do this solo. But if I did it with a live audience, I couldn't have interacted with chat anyway, since 100% of my attention had to be dedicated to whatever I was doing in-game. Even trying to talk about the things I was doing at various points was a struggle for me, because I couldn't fully focus on DOING the things I was supposed to. And that kinda made me look like a retard who can't speak basic english. Anyway, that's all I had to say about the video. I feel like I should've skipped that cringe-inducing intro I did at the start of the stream and just write everything here, but what's done is done.
But yeah, the only thing that makes this "Speedrun" worth a shit are the strategies used to bring it to fruition, and the fact that it is (or seems to be) the first. At the time of making this stream, (26/9/2020) I searched for Bannerlord Speedrun on youtube, but the only results I got were not 100% runs, so it would seem I am first. This was also my first speedrun ever, and most likely it is my last. As I say in my intro, this is not a skill-based speedrun, like Doom Eternal, or other fast-paced games. But this description is getting too long, and I feel like I've explained everything I was supposed to. Stay tuned for the condensed version of this challenge, as well as the upcoming Corporate Reports episodes.
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This *run* was done with such *speed* that I left the intro behind. Sorry about that. It was meant to say: "Hello folks, Halcylion here. This is a very special video, mostly because it's not really a video, it's a livestream". Oh well, the presentation kinda sucks, but the run itself was good, and as I've written in the description: a proper video will be made on the subject of this challenge, so stay tuned.
I could not put these TIMESTAMPS in the description, because it's too long, so here they are:
0:00 - Intro
9:34 - Speedrun Start
6:58:11 - Speedrun End
Total time from the start of the game to owning the continent: 6:48:37, which is less than 7 hours. Done on the 26th of September 2020.

I also discovered a little TIC I have when talking without a script. I ask people if they know, know what I mean? So you know, the first step to eliminating a verbal tic is to become aware of it, so now I'm punching myself in the nose every time I ask "YOU KNOW?!?!?!?!" mid-sentence. Ya know?
Anyway, unlike Doom Eternal speedruns, this challenge isn't as skill-based. Instead of fast reflexes and perfect accuracy, this run relies on forming a good plan and using the right strategies, in the right combination at the right time. And having a lot of luck, which... I did. Nat-Fookin-20 on every dice roll. The best example is the fact I've unlocked the most profitable weapon design before I even crafted my first sword, just from smelting daggers, and that shaved off at least an hour of grinding from this run.
Now I don't expect anybody to watch this thing in its entirety, but if you're considering it, think of this video as a very long... "streamed Let's Play", where the host struggles to speak basic english and fumbles words like a retard.


I was expecting a massive war campaign, but getting super rich and just buying all of the world makes sense


"Noone will watch the whole livestream"

Challenge accepted!


"Better to waste a few seconds to make up your mind than go balls deep into something and be wrong". Truly a wise man


Don’t tell yourself to STFU it’s okay bro. The commentary is fine man. Good video.


Castles and towns for javelins, sounds like a balanced trade.


Good job, now take over real world and bring us... peace


imagine selling city for 5 branches with iron on its end


"No one is gonna watch the whole livestream, so sound quality doesn't matter."

You're right on the second part, but oh boy are you wrong on the first part!


My fastest time was when I sided with a kingdom that owned more than half the world and the king died a year in. They held an election and my name came up on the list of heirs... I have no idea why that guy didn't have kids.


"Im gonna be productive today and work out on this quarantine day!" 7 hours of watching this later: "why is it dark outside?"


Man makes half million in less than a year and then gets married, see how he did it!


4:20:00 was a pretty four twenty moment. Going to see Mesui and you just casually rode past her on the bridge. 😆


Normal people be like... Oh no there is a seige, hundreds will die 😭

But he is like, oh yes a seige! I can make alot of money.


"no ones gonna watch all 7 hours" Is that a challenge? im 2:47:30 in AND IM GONNA WATCH IT ALL!


Thanks man for this video/stream you helped me a lot with the game, also you talking is not annoying it is actually also much helpful!


Cerry well played. I actualy watche it from start to finish. Congraulations on 50k. its a bit early but you're less then 100 away at this point.


Halcylion said no ones gonna watch 6 hours of this.
And I took that personally lol watching the whole thing now.


Got a good laugh out of that sweeping it under the rug thing. Most people would just lie in that situation. Honesty is the way to go.


Wow, that's amazing, I do not have the time to watch the whole thing, but getting at 6.6 speed and leveling trade to a point where I can just buy fiefs is something I just have to learn.
