What Is The 3 2 1 Backup Rule?

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We all have data we care about whether its important work documents or photos from your recent holiday. It can be easy to overlook the need to create backups for this data especially among people who aren’t confident with technology. In this video we’re going to look at the best backup solution anyone can use to ensure they never lose the data important to them.
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One of the best backup solutions out there and the one I use personally is known as the 3-2-1 method. 3 copies of data, 2 different storage media and one offsite backup. Lets look at each in more detail.
Starting with the 3 copies of data. The original and 2 copies of it. This ensures your data is protected from accidental deletion or the failure of the storage device the original is stored on. Imagine letting a friend borrow your laptop only to find out they accidentally deleted your entire photo library when they were trying to tidy up your desktop. Or perhaps your phone is lost, and your entire collection of important work documents are saved on it. If 2 other copies exist, nothing is lost.
This is because these copies are stored on different devices which brings us onto the 2 part of the 3 2 1 backup method which is 2 different types of storage media. This could mean having one copy of your data on your laptop and another on a removable usb drive, external hard drive or micro sd card. Again this is simply protecting you from the failure of one method of storage. If you buy 2 of the old spinning hard drives at the same time and store a copy on each there’s definitely a chance of them deteriorating and failing at a similar time in the future. Leaving you with only 1 copy and a limited amount of time to get a replacement before the other drive fails. If however you’ve stored a copy on a hard drive and an sd card, the chances of both storage methods failing at one time are extremely slim.
Moving on to the 1 part of the 3 2 1 method and that is one offsite backup. This may seem like overkill and something only large companies need to do with their data, but in todays world cloud backup s0oltions are accessible to everyone. Apples iCloud, Microsoft’s onedrive and google photos are excellent choices, your photos or data are stored on servers in the providers data centre somewhere else in the world meaning using a cloud storage service counts as an offsite backup. Having an offsite backup such as the cloud services we’ve mentioned mean you’re protected In the unlikely event you have a fire at home or your house burgled. If your storage media at home is stolen or destroyed, a copy of your data sits unharmed on a server somewhere else in the world. If you want to learn how long the expected lifespan of your current storage methods is, ive left a link to my video on that in the description.
I’ve also left links to some of the storage media I use personally for backups in the description. I will earn a small commission from these at no extra cost to you.
What backup solution do you use and why? Let me know down in the comments and please do subscribe if you’ve enjoyed this video and thanks for watching!
#backup #cloud #icloud