Blender 3.0 - Realistic Smoke Tutorial - Part I - Scene & sim setup

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Here's a free tutorial on Blender 3.0 realistic smoke.

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Blender has come a long way and I was very happy with the result, decided to share it.

This is a 2 part tutorial.

In part 1 we will go through scene & sim setup
In part 2 we will go through material & render setup

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This is awesome! If you want to change scale all at once, not x, y, z individually. Click and hold in the x value box, drag down to the z box, all will highlight. Then all 3 will change when you type your value.


By “flip book” if you meant like a preview of the simulation. Then if so, you need to bake the simulation. Then go to where it says “view” on the top left (next to where it says “select, add, object”). Then click “view port render animation”, let it render that real quick. Then go to “render” on the top left. And click “view animation”
And you should see in real time how the simulation is looking.

And to see the shadows and just a bit more of the simulation you can add a “sun” just to see how it’s looking.

Love your videos man, you’ve upped my game. Specially with the material for a realistic fire ✌🏻


my ears are hurting but damn it was worthit thanks for the tutorial


Very nice thorough tutorial! I have one HUGE recommendation. Given the quality of your voice and microphone, you NEED to have closed captions as an option for those who are hard of hearing. At least try to get some auto- or community-generated captions. Seeing the greyed-out CC button was the biggest challenge I had to watching this video. I have to mentally steel myself to handle the audio quality.


Hey I love your tutorials, they're the best smoke/sim ones I've ever seen. Just a suggestion but It'd be really great if on the next video you enlarged your UI by changing the 'resolution scale in the preferences>interface menu from 1.0 to something like 1.5. It'd make the settings so much easier to see.
Or just capture a smaller window size. Right now trying to follow what you're doing on a laptop screen is nearly impossible -- also a 1080 capture gets very blurry. Ideally a higher-res screen grab would help too.

Thanks so much for these.


Woah this is dope. Thanks for putting this out, i will for sure buy this in support. Would be interesting if this could be applied to tracked live footage, say for instance smoke out of the barrel of a gun. Would require some modification though


Thanks for the video. I’m trying to get it like yours and I followed all the settings but the issue I always have with blender is that it’s slow to preview all the settings to be able to see what effect changes in settings have. I’ve got a quick pc too. So you tend to go over and over tweaking settings without knowing what they do. Then you render and it takes ages to come up with an output file then you realise there are things a little wrong and you are back in the merry go round again. It would be so much easier if in blender you could see things rendering in good quality in real time because then you would know what the effect of each of the settings will have when you know what effect they have


I don't know why 3D programs don't have the presets set up so you can just drop in and have the smoke look great to begin with...


Great job! However why smoke spread out first 40 frames? Can I increase these frames?


Why the need to repeatedly reset the Domain Type in the Fluid settings to Gas (such as at 6:00)? Does this flush the cache or something? It would seem that settings are a parameter that should be remembered by the application.

(As a newcomer to Blender, I was super happy to find this series but some things about this application bend my brain.)


at the 4 minute mark you pull another window from the left. how do you do that? I don't get that when I try it


My smoke has some obvious banding and stepping issues. I tried high resolution division, high sampling step and noise or no noise. I just can't get rid of it. It's really driving me crazy.


Javier Berdem is that you?!?!
Great tutorial!


Why does my smoke disappear after the first frame of the animation?


I did everything, but I didn't get the same result. will you please help me?


can you please make clouds like Promethius Movies Alien planet starting scene


Great Tutorial! However, how do you replace the monkey with TEXT and add the collision FX like you did so the smoke bounces of the monkey?


when i press adaptive domain my smoke disappears


for some reason my smoke simulations are not high quality anyone maby know why?


The result looks great, but unfortunately the way to get there is not very well explained. In many places you are too fast. Always remember, there are people who are new. A good explanatory video can take longer. It would have been good, for example, to activate the display of the buttons and to mention them briefly. This may be clear for a professional, but it is important for people who are learning Blender, as they consolidate their knowledge through repetition. It's not a good thing when you're more busy stopping to rewind the video and trying to keep track of everything.
