A Green Smoothie a Day Keeps Inflammation at Bay: With Dr. Brooke Goldner

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Dr. Brooke Goldner healed herself from lupus after discovering a whole foods, mostly raw diet. Now, she's using her knowledge to help others feel better and live more. You don't have to give up the foods you love right away. Her approach is to focus on hypernourishment and add foods that heal the body and make you feel fantastic. In this clip, Dr. Goldner shares her go-to smoothie formula for anyone who wants to feel more energized and decrease their inflammation.

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Have you tried this green smoothie yet?


I am a nutritionist, and I say the exact same things as you do, regarding smoothies and salads! People DO get very defensive when you tell them to stop eating some thing, but if you put it in a way, like “add a smoothie or salad to your day every day” it seems more doable to them. Food is so addictive that I wish I would have gotten a degree in psychology before becoming a nutritionist, because it really is like dealing with drug attic’s 😢

Great video! 😢


1. Raw cruciferous, kale, broccoli sprouts, cabbage
2. omega 3 fatty acids: chia and flax
3. Water
4. Small amounts of fruit.


That's what I have been doing for a couple of years now. A big green smoothie in the morning which consists of water, 20g of flax seed, turmeric and black pepper, a scoop of pea protein powder, 120g of spinach, 2 bananas and 100g of frozen berries. I'm glowing when I drink this that I've even had people ask if I've been on holiday!


Add some ginger and turmeric to the smoothies. All these raw greens can be hard to digest for certain ppl. Adding ‘warmer’ foods makes them easier to digest. I’m coming at this from a TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) perspective and have seen this help countless patients with digestive issues, which are endemic because of our terrible diets


I just started doing the smoothies 4
4:52 weeks ago after watching your YouTube channel. I have been searching for a way to heal myself because I was in so much pain and lethargic. I thought I was going to die if I continued this way . I’ve had fibromyalgia for years and doctors were thinking it could be lupus. My body has been hurting so terribly bad I couldn’t get out of bed and I just wanted to cry all day long because of the pain. In just a few weeks I feel better and I’m so grateful that I’m going to live a healthier life and flourish in my older years.


*Green Smoothie Recipe*

1) Spinach leaves 🍃
2) Flax seeds
3) Chia Seeds
4) brown spotted banana 🍌
5) Pineapple 🍍
6) Mango 🥭
7) water 💦


Smoothie - 3/4 full packed greens 6 cups, flax or chia, water then fruit top 25% banana mango pineapple


This protocol worked for my fibromyalgia and chronic hives. Its the best and has changed my life for the better!


OMG. This video can and will save lives! I’m listening over and over again. Thank you. A pound of raw greens a day, a gallon of water a day and omega 🙏🏽❤️🍀


Thank you once again Dr Omole on Youtube for this information. Since following you (for some years now), my kidney stage results has decrease from stage 3 to stage 1. You saved me from dialysis.Thank you and please keep the videos coming!! God Bless.


Best green juice in the world literally is the Mexican green juice ( cactus, celery, parsley, spinach, dash of lime, honey, pineapple or green apple)


I have found a recipe for the best green smoothie ever: 1 small organic head of romaine lettuce, 1 small zucchini or cucumber peeled, 1 cup of frozen banana or mango, 1 handful coriander, 1 handful fresh mint, 1 small red apple peeled, 1/2 lemon peeled and 1 cup organic coconut beverage to blend :D This one has worked wonders for me personally. Try it, it’s the best breakfast ever!!


i LOVE how this lady SMASH here greens down in a vitamix...love her hyper nutrient way..it REALLY works...


My dr is suspecting SLE lupus, glad I found your book, started smoothies. Looking forward to complete healing:)


I think I am healed(in 7 days). Will confirm with blood tests. I was diagnosed with RA after COVID vaccination (coincidence??). There is no RA in the family and never had anything of this sort before. It all started with fingers and other joints making popping sounds. Then started feeling pain in fingers and also had a trigger thumb. Had symptomatic pain in elbows and shoulder joints. Had Plantar fasciitis. I saw my body starting to deteriorate rapidly. I was terribly afraid. Did hours of research in the net. I learnt about healing powers of fasting and diet.

First attempt: I tried water fasting for 5 days few months ago. The results were remarkable. Trigger thumb, finger pains and shoulder/elbow pains were gone. Headache was gone. I was back on my vegan diet(I am a lifelong vegetarian and an intermittent vegan...)

Unfortunately, I like snacking :) I enjoyed few fried items "everyday". Big mistake. All symptoms came back, except for trigger thumb. It was painful for me to lift my shoulders above my head again(I was able to, but with some pain). Finger(s) pain came back.

Second attempt: Immediately after, I started taking proteolytic enzyme(amazon), moringa capsules(amazon), ginger powder(homemade). Took only green smoothie with fruits for 3 days with plenty of water and 0.5 cup flax seed/chia seed (Dr Goldner recommendation). Followed with only raw salad, fruits for 4 days. My everyday cluster headache is COMPLETELY gone(I was taking excedrin almost everyday). My shoulder(s)/elbow pain gone....My fingers are 90% better and it continues to heal. There is a mild discomfort(fingers) in the morning for just 1 minute, which I am sure will be gone in 10days max. There is no more body ache. I sleep like a log. I have so much energy during the day. Feeling liberated....Unbelievable!!!!

I was/am able to do the above with complete faith in the infinte almighty.

Current experiment: I am starting to include one food at a time to see how my body reacts to each food, so I will know what I can include/exclude. Slowly, I shall see what happens if I stop proteolytic enzyme also. I don't want to be dependent on supplements or any medications. I am looking at making my food as medicine.

I hope the above details will be of some help to people who are looking for a cure. Trust me, this solution is very simple and doable. There is no complexity at all in this. If I can do it, anyone can. You all will be MOST DEFINITELY healed.


Wow. Trying that huge green smoothie instead of trying to eat a big salad every day. That makes a lot of sense! Thanks so much!!


Yes you should chew your smoothie, there’s a lot of studies that show chewing not only breaks the food down into smaller particles to make it easier to digest, but it sends a signal to your brain and stomach to start production of proper digestive enzymes, which help you get more nutrition from what you eat..even smoothies.. basically the more you chew your food the more nutrients you are able to get out of them.


Amen! Dr. Goldner! This is such a great summary with golden info from Dr. Goldner! Already my psoriasis is so much improved after 1 week!


I'm so inspired by this doctor. I have Graves disease and I really want to heal naturally. I'm going to start her protocol ASAP.
