Queen rearing for Beginners!!

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In this video we cover the 1st part of beginner queen rearing. Making the Queen cell Starter!

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HEY all I will be posting/editing the second and remaining videos in this series below!


One of the things I see consistently in queen rearing videos is that they are done by folks with large apiaries and an abundance of colonies and a huge number of bees on which to draw. It would be awesome to see videos aimed at the small scale backyard beekeepers with a handful of hives advising them on how to get started with fewer resources than a larger operation can bring to bear. Stu


Tysm for this video. My fiancé has a bee business but is having to buy his queens. So I have decided I'll start a queen rearing business and he can buy them from me instead of having to go somewhere else. I'm hoping I can find other people to sell the rest of the queens I make, too, because I'll be making more than he needs every year.


Kamon, you and Ian both have a very casual confidence in your presentation style that makes your videos easy to watch and enjoy. You certainly go into each video with a goal in mind, and after a few laughs, a cat or two, some insights into Jimmy's eating habits, and if we are blessed a giggle from behind the camera, You get there!


Going to have a go at this myself this weekend, your video are very informative not just on the grafting but the full process.


Hi Kamon, many thanks for the great video on queen rearing. Looking forward to the next video 👍


This should be a very interesting series! I’m waiting on the next video! Thanks Kamon & Laurel for taking the time and effort to produce your videos!


Coming from California and I got to say I have learned so much from you! Thank you and keep it up!


Thanks for starting this series. Look forward to the next.


Its great to see beekeepers reclaim his very important aspect of our Hobby or Trade. Anyone can do it with a little practice and it is very rewarding.


Techniques are on point here.
A well spoken and descriptive video.


This will be my first attempt at rearing queens. I look forward to your upcoming videos on the subject and I hope to share my experience with you in the upcoming season. Thanks again for your informative videos and I hope you have a highly successful year!


I don't often comment on videos but I must say I thoroughly enjoy all the content you provide here. Your videos are both informative and entertaining. You have true talent for beekeeping but also for presenting! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us fellow beekeepers!


Thanks for doing these grafting videos! I’m very excited by these!


Hello once again Laurel & Kamon, thanks for the simplicity. HAPPY 🐣 EASTER!


Very nice videos....I'm beekeeper from Greece 🐝🐝🍯🍯🍯


Hello Kamon! I always wondered how this was done. You explained it well. Thank you! And thank you, Laura, for the fine photography. It's not Easter any more - but He is still risen! God bless, from Miles and Carla in S.E. WA State.


I'm learning a lot from the videos I have 6 hives and you are helping me a great deal thanks


Unbelievable! After watching your videos, I shook 8 frames of nurse bees into a 5 frame nuke and after trying to use the Nicott system unsuccessfully because the queen wouldn't lay in the cups, I grafted and got 5 cells to take. These are the biggest queen cells I have ever seen. I'll be making 5 splits on Wednesday and putting the cells in Thursday. Having now gotten familiar with grafting I'm going to shake in some more nurse bees and try a second round. Thanks Kamon.


I’m amazed that in all that mass confusion and upheaval with bees all over flying you were not stung once in your loose veil and t-shirt! Great video! You’re advanced! Queen rearing isn’t that easy! Best Wishes! (Me? Ain’t raising queens anytime soon...sitting in my New York City apartment waiting for the Coronavirus to get me! -Pete, Elmhurst, Queens)
