This Man Does Not Believe in the Sun

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Well guys, I think I have officially seen it all. This TikToker, does not believe in the sun. Yes, you are reading that correctly, this man thinks that the sun is fake. Buckle up.

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Roy from The Office got into some weird stuff after the breakup


The best part is the fact he actually thinks it takes a million years for the heat from the sun to reach earth. It literally only takes 8 minutes


I'd pay to see this guy debate his 'researched facts' against August's reasoning.


Wow. He can literally just look up at the sky and see the sun. This is unbelievable. Thanks for the ride August.


“I don’t believe anything on google”
Proceeds to tells us how cold space is from google


I always love how these people do selective "research"... So he trusts what google told him is the temperature of space (since it supports his "argument") yet he doesn't believe google telling him that the sun (which he can SEE) exists?


There is a general misunderstanding of heat here, so let me put this clear: Heat itself doesn't travel through space. Heat is the kinetic energy of particles (atoms, molecules), the faster they move, the hotter something is. Since space is relatively empty of matter, heat from the sun can't travel through space. Hence that's why space is cold. Instead, what travels is light. Or you could say, energy in form of light. The light then hitting matter on earth, is moving particles and therefore transformed into heat. This explains too, why black surfaces get hotter than white ones: Black absorbs most of the light and converts the energy from the light into heat whereas white reflects most of it.


This guy almost makes me miss flat earthers...again ALMOST!


0:18 very common misconception. Space has no temperature. If you are in the shadow of the earth, you freeze. In the glare of the sun, you literally boil.


The fact that a fraction of people actually think like this is just terrifying…


I really feel bad for this guy I’m 22 and have a physical and phycological disability and I understand how this stuff works this is just sad to me also it’s kind of funny


He accepts the "common knowledge" fact that space is "-400+°f" but doesn't accept common knowledge like....the sun...existing


Its only cold in the shadows in space. In the light its over 300 degrees. It is kinda crazy we only get infrared heating and thats enough. There is so much heat we arent getting. Its actually really easy to over heat in space because you cant lose heat to conduction or convection.


I like how confident he is while talking about the sun not being real, I wish I had the self esteem that this guy has to do this kind of stuff publicly


Ok let me clarify some of his claims.

Light *does* takes a million years to reach us from the *core* of the sun. By the time it reaches the surface it’s wavelength has been stretched from less than an atom (gamma ray) to a protozoan (visible light we can see). And as August said the earth, sun, and rest of the solar system is 4.6 billion years so we’ve had a constant stream of sunlight for a very long time now. Also after it reaches the surface it takes 8 minutes to reach the Earth.

You do not freeze instantly in space. What will happen is you will swell, any liquid on your skin, mouth, or in your eyes will immediately boil, air in your lungs will escape (don’t hold it in or else your lungs will rupture) and after 90 seconds you will die. Because there’s no medium to carry heat away your body will lose heat over hours by radiative heat. But this does not mean the sun does this because it’s so massive and has been around for so long that it can just use gravity and pressure to maintain nuclear fusion. Also if you were close to the sun you wouldn’t exactly freeze but more stay hot and sort of burn to a crisp.

But yeah this guy is just an idiot and it boggles my mind just how insanely stupid a human can be. How he even got out of the womb, let alone lives his life, is beyond me.


This is why aliens don't even bother to probe us anymore.


He thinks the sun is fake? Alright, send him to Venus. Then he’ll see the sun at 4k resolution.


I never ever thought that some people didn't think the sun was real ....I'm shocked


His statement about 1 million years is correct if its in the right context. That is it takes about 1 million years for the energy produced at the core, where nuclear fusion and the heat happens, to travel to the outer layers of the sun. This is because the sun is so dense the light ends up bouncing all around the inside of the sun before it even reaches space. This allows the energy to dissipate, so instead of being 30 million degrees the outside is *only* 10000 degrees. However if his statement is supposed to mean that the time it takes for light to travel the distance from the outer sun to earth takes 1 million year then he's wrong it actually takes 8 minutes.


The poster child of "I don't need to pay attention in school. I'll never need to know any of this".
