Kingdom Hearts 2 - Dearly Beloved [Extended w/ DL Link]

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"Before we begin, I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for my life, and all the gifts which I've been given in it, including the ability to make this extension."

"Alkahest"s original upload of this video was over a decade old and had nearly 11 million views. There were hundreds, if not, thousands of stories, memories and tales told by the people in the comment section.

Seeing his channel disabled and all the videos being taken down with it, made me really sad. His extensions were always with me in hard and sad times.

Even if this reupload cannot replace the beautiful comments that were once written, it carries the memories of them...

Thank you Alkahest, for your extension, and the memories you provided, and made. Thank you Yoko Shimomura, for composing this beatiful track.

The audio belongs to Square Enix. I don't own anything. This video was uploaded for promotional purposes. I do not make any money out of the video.
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This game saved my life as a kid forever grateful the older I get


I've lived alone for a full year now. This entire time I felt like I didn't exist. I may as well have been a Nobody. But I was contacted by an old friend who thanked me for caring for them and saving them from being taken advantage of. This person is now thriving in college on their way to make something of themselves. To anyone reading this, don't dismiss your impact on people's lives. Realize your worth, and you'll see a world of opportunities


This is one of the most beautiful versions of "Dearly Beloved", in my opinion.


This song overcomes a great sadness, walking toward brighter places with the solemn strength of having overcome dark times.


As beautiful as this is, it hurts. Because it brings back a rush of memories that you can never get back or experience nothing like ever again


Distant hearts, when rejoined as one...
May find the light within.


Sometimes when I start this game up, I can't help but sit at the title screen and listen to this gorgeous composition. Yoko Shimomura is absolutely magnificent.


This song always makes me cry, it just takes me back to my childhood and my best friend... She passed of a terminal illness in 2017. I miss her and those innocent times so much. She got me to play Kingdom Hearts and it was one of her greatest influences. Oh, how I wish I could have spent one more day...


This music is my heaven, my home, my life. There are a lot of pieces of music, songs, that I just love so so much, but this is the peak. The relationship I have with this music is so deep I’m not even able to explain. I can just see all my life, like a movie playing in front of me. Kingdom Hearts is one of the greatest things in my life. This game saved me, it saves me everyday and it gave me so much beauty that I wish everyone could experience. This franchise is my heart and my soul, and I’m thankful for this every single day of my life. I grew up with this story and I’ll cherish it forever. Thanks Kingdom Hearts, just thanks ❤️.


As children, we listened on Playstation in a dimly lit room, dreaming of the future. As adults, we listen on YouTube, tears streaming down our faces, dreaming of the past.


Dear Kingdom Hearts,

I'm writing to express my deepest gratitude for everything you've done for me. When I was a kid, I was bullied and felt like I didn't have any friends. But then I discovered your game, and everything changed.

Through your story and characters, I learned about the power of friendship and the importance of believing in myself. I felt like I was part of something bigger than myself, and that gave me the strength to keep going.

I can't even imagine where I would be today if I hadn't found you. You showed me that no matter how dark things may seem, there's always hope. You gave me a reason to believe in myself and the people around me.

So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for saving my life and showing me the true power of friendship.


Me ❤


Alkahest's upload and comments that i remember is now passing through in my mind. Everything is changing, nothing stays the same except our memories....


This is the only Song that is able to make me cry since my fathers death. Kingdom Hearts 2 was a game that my brother and i liked to play it, since it was a birthday present from him. i always remember the times with my father, they will never come back, but it brings back the good father-son times we had which just makes me cry every time i play it. Even now i will try to move forward.


Thank you for re-uploading. I had spent nearly a decade listening to Alkahest's upload of it... I hope new memories will continue being made.


It's odd, to be filled with such Nostalgia so early in life. You hear so often as you grow up of how it'll feel, traces of experience, muddled with time and yet fondly remembered nonetheless.

The melancholy, I didn't expect it tonight.

But, I have so much more life to live. I'm only 22. Recently diagnosed and medicated for a disorder I'd only heard about a year ago. Things make sense now, I feel in control like never before.

And yet, I look back here, this music thawing my disjointed memories and reminding me of the person I was. I see that kid, lost and scared, stumbling about in the dark on his own despite knowing deep down something was wrong.

He didn't give up. It came close a few times, it really did but at every opportunity, he chose to be better. To be that stubborn little bastard he'd seen on TV and Video Games.

And now, I lay here at night, turning to the next chapter.

I'm learning to drive again, learning to relax, got a new job and I've even got a tentative plan for the future, even if it means starting over again. I'm still that kid but I wouldn't be where I am without the little guy who found peace in this Title Screen, in this game.

The past fills me with a soft sorrow and a warm peace in equal measure, and yet the future calls out to me, the future that little kid had always wanted. I'll take it in both hands and make him proud. I'll add to this collection of disjointed memories. I'll add the laughter, joy, love, excitement, pain, peace and perseverance of a lifetime as the man I've always wanted to be.


My exwife loved the KH series. Though I lost her in the end, Ill always love the woman I fell in love with and married before she became someone else and abandoned our marriage. Ill always remember what I had with her, even if it wasnt always good and didnt last, nor was it meant to.

My only hope is that there is one more out there, one to forever wipe away the pain and allow us to have a better future than the past. Its the one of only two things that keeps me going anymore, besides video games and all the joys the y have always brought me.

I send this message to my future love out there. I am here, I am waiting.


I would sit for 5 minutes at the title screen just to listen to it, such a bittersweet, soothing melody.


Nothing will ever hit like this song. It reminds me of the childhood I lost, the person I used to be, and the things ill never get back. It reminds me of when my family was around, when i had good friends, when i was just doing whatever i wanted whenever i want and having true freedom. It brings me back to the love i once i had for everything and everyone in my life and the terrible things i went through, coming out stronger and more joyful than before. It pains me deeply and comforts me to hear this song. I wish i could be that person again.


Such simple and clean notes... amazing how so little could leave such a strong impression.


Funny how a YouTube video had such a big impact on my life. Not only was Alkahest’s extension of Dearly Beloved II my introduction to Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, but it was also always there for me when I was sad or when I just felt like listening to this beautiful song (Everyday, basically).

The funny thing is, I’ve bought KH2’s Soundtrack on CD but somehow listening to it on there just doesn’t feel the same as Alkahest’s video, even though it’s still the same song.

Thank you for reuploading this.
