What causes body acne? - Dr. Aruna Prasad
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Excess acne or pimples on the chest are just like any normal pimples. Pimples can come not only on the face, but on the upper back, the shoulders and the chest. So managing this is, if it is greasy, keep it non greasy. Soaps which will dry up the skin, after that use a moisturizer or a sunscreen on top of it so that they don’t turn into dark areas and in night there are anti acne creams available. If these antiacne creams are not helpful, then you will need oral antibiotics little long term, maybe a month or two. Consult your doctor. If it is because of excess greasiness and your soap alone is not helping you to reduce the greasiness, there are tablets which will dry up the oil secreting glands. Consult your dermatologist and they will give you these tablets for a period of 3 -6 months and these oil secretions will decrease, automatically acne will also reduce. I don’t think acne and hair loss there is no inter relationship between them. So that must be independent and you need to look at it.