Why fasting bolsters brain power: Mark Mattson at TEDxJohnsHopkinsUniversity

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Mark Mattson is the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging. He is also a professor of Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University. Mattson is one of the foremost researchers in the area of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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This video has changed my life. I've lost 30 lbs in about 10 weeks! with 20 more to go. and feel great!


I've intermittent fasted for the past year. I have lost 100 pounds. Almost limitless energy. No need for anti depressants. Healthiest and happiest I've ever been. I'm 45 years old and in the shape of my life. Massive mental clarity. I have even subsided some of my health problems. I have reversed the aging process. Fountain of youth here folks. I look 10 years younger! So happy. All I can do is smile and dance.


Keto, Fasting and walking has changed my life. At 55 I feel better then I have in years. Listen to this man, You will live longer and feel better.


I give credit to any scholar who calls out the food and drug industry.


Ted Talks can be ego platforms on pointless issues but this man really convinces in a mild and intelligent tone. Wonderful lecture. Thank you Mr Mattson.


I confess that my hand had started to shake in the past. I tried to deny it. I used to fast a lot, somehow I stopped. I started to fast this year, plus getting rid of sugar and the shaking is gone.Aleluyah


I am a Muslim, I started fasting from the age of 8, at the age of 14 I was fasting for the whole month of Ramadhan, , I am past 70, and I continue to fast through the whole mont of Ramadhan, always felt great,


Hi. I'm a Buddhist priest. Thank you for this video. I can personally say that intermittent fasting has always been part of our human nature. Have you ever noticed that when you got the flu, you barely want to eat? That's your body screaming you to leave it alone so it can heal! So why is it that you force yourself into having a bowl of chili or soup?

Fasting heals you. Make you feel great and the mind is sharp and clear. Most of the Buddhist monastic community worldwide have only 2 small meals a day and this has been going on for thousands of years.

So try skipping breakfast. That's all you need to lose weight, lower your carbon imprint and feel great.


I fasted for 5 days drinking only warm water 10 years ago and felt that my brain started working much more clearly. I became also very sensitive, my intuition got incredibly strong.


An intelligent presentation without hype or sounding like a sales pitchman. He speaks to us as a adults.


Empty stomach is my friend. I'm healthy and have survived most of my friends.


I water fasted for 22 days and remember my mind feeling connected to the earth. The mental clarity was something I've never experienced before.


I have got into a weekly routine of fasting, last meal Sunday dinner until Monday dinner, only water for 23 hrs, I feel great and recommend it.
I also take a cold shower for 30 seconds after a 3 minute hot one, it's so invigorating even in the depths of winter and people say I'm looking younger. I'm 82.


"Humans live on 1/4 of what they eat; on the other 3/4 live their doctor." Wow!!


Just wowed.!!! Thank you Doctor Mattson. I'm 60 years old and I have abs, lol. I've been fasting, and during that time, I swim, cycle, spend an hour or two in the gym and it's all paying off. A true lifestyle change, you're preaching the gospel. I went in for my annual physical and my Doctor didn't recognize me in the lobby. All of my numbers, blood pressure, cholesterol, A!C etc. are great. Sharing, and subscribed.


Fasting is incredible, the benefits you get from it are borderline super-powers. They've been shoving the lie that we need 3 meals a day down our throats (literally) for years. Too much food makes you fat, lethargic, toxic, depressed, dishonest, poor and I can go on and on. The hardest thing about fasting is the fear and the withdrawal from addiction to food that you will inevitably go through at first.


Bless youtube for the 1.5x speed play function in the settings.


Intermittent fasting and keto saved my life. I couldn't even go a couple of hours without needing to eat and was a sugar addict. Lost weight, health issues disappeared (big ones). Absolutely saved me.


I fasted for 6 days and 3 hours and the result was incredible, i became more sensitive to smell and i experience great mental clarity .Life became so easy, things start working better for me, i understand coding syntax more faster .my brain begin to function perfectly as if all the cobweb surrounding it are removed...I must confess that fasting is a powerful tool both physically and mentally.And another extra benefit is that i lost 5kg.


Outstanding! I have been doing intermittent fasting for nearly three weeks and I am burning fat like never before, my former colitis and bloating have almost dissapeared, joint pain has reduced and I do have increased mental clarity in the mornings. I strongly recommend it. I loved the attack against the food and pharmaceutical industries!
