Teaching With The Chosen: Jesus Eats With Sinners, Matthew 9:10-13

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This video excerpt from The Chosen was created for the educational purpose of enhancing your study of Jesus eating with sinners as described in Matthew 9:10-13.

Before or after watching this video, you may want to carefully read the scriptural text and look for similarities and differences between the text and video. Consider asking questions such as the following: What parts of the scripture and video clip were the same? Which parts were different? Why do you think the movie directors made the decisions they did? How would you film this scene differently? What does the video add to your feelings and understanding about this scene?

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The whole point of Christianity is that none of us are good enough on our own, but the only person in history who was good enough to earn heaven by living a sinless and humble life had laid down His own life dying the death we deserved for our sins out of love for all of us.


This is what we need to be doing. By we, I'm referring to is the Baptized Born Again Believers. To walk in his footsteps is to be like him. Not to judge (it's above all of our respective praygrades) but trying to get everyone who hears the Good News to stop sipping on the World's Kool-Aid.


You know.. I've always wondered to myself on why I prefer befriending someone who isn't near perfect. Someone who has troubles in their lives, emotionally and physically. Someone who simply is just surrounded by darkness. And this video explains it very well why I prefer befriending and even dating someone like that.


Sending Love and Care❤️May GOD Bless us all🙏


The centurion loves Matthew so much he just can’t formulate it


I love this story so much, I got a cross with Luke 5:31-32 tattooed on my arm as a constant reminder to me.


Love what Peter replies the hippocrites, " you seem to be having trouble finding your words man" ...😁😅


And still church people won't get this ...


Allot of people would still act the way the pharisees did here. Remember! Our jobs on earth is to live like Jesus so never be ashamed of sharing a meal with people who are looked down on in society. As aunt lucy said in paddington bear; If you look for the good in people you'll find it and thats what Jesus did.


Imagine them telling Jesus get a job and calling him lazy
