Introduction to Dostoevsky (as Philosopher)

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Link to the letter I mentioned as further reading:

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My favourite quote is Ivan's "all the wisdom in the world isn't worth a single child's tears, I hold this to be true- even if I'm wrong"


When I was a senior in high school, one of the 5 credit classes I took was solely about great literature, with 12 novels on the prospectus over the school year (this was in the late 70s, so there weren’t college level courses as is defined now). “Crime and Punishment” was one of those novels, and it absolutely changed my thinking….not about life, necessarily, but I definitely caught glimpses of the immense intellectual and psychological world; I felt my mind open in a way I’ll never forget and, thankfully, I’ve never allowed it to close. Dostoevsky’s thinking was so beautifully profound, that when I came to passages that moved me, I always had to share it with someone, something I’d never done before. I’ve never forgotten.


11:50 Here is the rest of the paragraph. “ Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”

Without a single doubt in my mind this small paragraph has had the most profound impact in my life. This made me fall in love with Fyodor writing


Your analysis of the idiot was the best I have ever heard. Everyone I have heard talk about the book seem scared to touch the psychological motivations of the characters, which ironically is the whole point of the book, and they only end up giving a brief synopsis and a surface level analysis.
This was what I have been searching for.


I finished Brothers Karamazov last night. I barely slept. I was weeping helplessly as I closed the final chapter and could not control myself. I'm not even sure that I yet understand why I was weeping so hard, but I know that this book as deeply affected me right down to the pit of my soul. I can feel it. I don't think I'm the same man who opened up the first chapter of this book a month ago.

Thank you for your analysis. Videos like this are really helping me to begin to understand what is happening to me and why I was so affected by this book.


Nietzche is definitely an excellent motivator, but Dostoevsky really knows how valuable it can be to let you take a break and really make you feel relaxed.


This is the best interpretation of Brothers K I've ever heard.. That Ivan "loves the idea of people" but doesn't love actual people." is brilliant. Loving people in your life is far more important and requires real work.


I really am not a spiritual person, but the story of the grand inquisitor truely touched me. I struggle with a lot of negative and judging thoughts, finding myselve in the role of the inquisitor. The idea that all my thoughts lose their meaning in the face of actual love brings me to tears.


Thank you for this video. This is the best resource I've found so far on why reading Dostoevsky is so rewarding.


i think dostovsky is the caring mother and neitzche is the strict father


I got a lot out of listening to this and I’m an ardent fan of Dostoevsky. I absolutely do not think you talk to slow but rather other you tubers talk ridiculously fast. Keep up the great work.


Thought you were dead man.
Never stop doing these, I'm buying all the books you're recommending.


Reading Dostoevsky really changed the way I see things it was eye opening in so many levels
Dostoevsky is my soulmate


This is my favorite video on YT. I come back to this video often and it has proven a consistent source of inspiration and comfort. I have a deep appreciation for Dostoevsky and analyses of his works, but yours is the most coherent and approachable dissection of Dostoevky's philosophy that i have ever heard. Thank you for the time and energy you put into making this, from what ive seen in the comments, it has impacted many more lives than just mine.


This is one of the greatest videos I've ever seen in this platform, this really gave me a lot of insights about life and how life a life removed from isolation we are all embracing.


The beautiful way in which you articulate this thesis made me cry. I hope you know that your work is changing lives.


please keep making videos. this has been the most impactful youtube video i’ve ever watched (and i watch a ton of philosophical/spiritual videos)


You had me thoroughly engaged from the start to the finish 💖. I didn't move! Thank you x


I have gotten to 3:46 and stopped to absorb just the initial views of each author about love. Then I decided to read some of the comments and I am stunned at the honesty of self-reflection and open vulnerability of the commenters. What an amazing thing for a "literature-philosophy" video to evoke. I can't wait to see the rest of the video. Why Alexander Y, you deserve alot of credit as well as your viewership.


My friend, this video was incredible. I especially loved your comparison of Neitzsche and Dostoyevsky along with your commentary on the Grand Inquisitor. You catching that the Inquisitor’s interpretation of love is really his own power was something I had not realized in my own reading. Thank you for this.
