How to Invest in Real Estate with No Money? (Real Case Study)

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In this video, I'm going to show you how to invest in real estate with no money. I'm going to do a deep dive case study on a deal I just closed, and talk about how I've been able to buy this property:

1. While collecting multiple checks on it
2. Without a dime of my own money
3. Without using any credit
4. Without rehabbing the house
5. Without ever visiting the house or the city it's located in

All I did was control the house!

I'm also going to share how to create a 6 figure income doing this just 5 times per year AND… And how the seller made over $40k as well.

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Who is Jamel Gibbs (The Family Oriented Entrepreneur)?

"I teach real estate investors and entrepreneurs how to create time and freedom. Helping them get from where they are, to where they want to be, through proven real estate investment strategies. At the end of the day, I take the guesswork out of building a successful real estate business, moving you closer to building a life and business you love, for you and your family."

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Earnings Disclaimer:

The statements in this email are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. As with any business, your results will vary and will be based on your desire,
dedication, effort, ability to follow directions, and an infinite number of variables beyond our control.


0:00 How to Invest In Real Estate with No Money
0:48 Introduction
2:09 How I Found This Real Estate Deal with No Money
3:41 How We Structured this Deal
4:46 How We Signed An Agreement to Control This Property
5:38 How to Find A Tenant Buyer
6:46 How to Collect a Non Refundable Deposit on a Lease Option Deal
7:43 How to Create No Money Down Real Estate Deals
8:49 What to Do If Your Tenant Buyer Can't Close the Deal?
9:47 How to List a House on the MLS That You Don't Own
12:40 How We Closed This Real Estate Deal
12:59 How Much Did We Make On this Deal with No Money Down?
14:58 How to Make Six Figures Per Year in Real Estate By Controlling Houses
16:09 How to Create Win-Win Situations in Real Estate
16:59 What IF Questions and Answers
19:56 3 Things to Keep In Mind When Investing in Real Estate
21:56 How to Start Investing in Real Estate Step By Step
22:14 Closing Comments

#howtoinvestinrealestatewithnomoney #jamelgibbs #realestateinvesting #realestate #investing
Рекомендации по теме

This brother has a good heart. He’s one of a few good men out there teaching and really helping people genuinely. Thank you, Jamel.


Jamel I like your honesty that's why I am following


You need your own TV show. Your presentation convinced me to look into the possibility to get my first house. I'm researching the criteria to get access.


Thank you Jamel for your wisdom see you at the top!


I bet learned a ton from taking your advice and hearing it again in this video only solidified what I have learned. Thank you and I’m looking forward to closing my first deal from your teachings.


Jamel I appreciate the video, you broke down the transaction which helped me to visualize the approach and end game Thank you


Blessings. I'm enjoying your video content.


Thanks man for the honestly and well explained content! All the way from 🇮🇱


Hey Jamel, currently trying to do owner financing to purchase my first property, lots of misses. but I might have a good seller on my hands. hoping for the best


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Very helpful video... "What if questions leave you broke".


Bro, I'm new to your page.. Land, business & property is wat I am on NOW, BUT I'm green as shhhi... I have 3 YT channels I just started. I also just started 2 business's, . I swear man I am going to help a poor person that don't have a clue about what's going on with how to create generational wealth. The real things we need to invest in. I am a researcher, a historian, entrepreneur & a community activist... Only thing is Im on my own.. for once somebody needs to help for the $0.. I just don't understand for a person to make sooo much money on whatever they do, but at the same time charge to help someone get out of I guess some of us are just cut from a different cloth..🗣️✌️🔥🔥🔥
But I will be checking in.. cuz this is my dream.



Glad you are free. Wow!! Noise is noisy. Did the buyer get a 97k check at the end. What happened to the $750/m was that apart of his closing? I thought you paid closing. Maybe I need to rewind.🙄✍🏽


Palmdale, Lancaster, CA and Georgia are my areas of interest. Possible signs of gentrification are in play in Palmdale. Signs of other Investors postings can be seen in this area. Long vacant plots of land are suddenly being developed.


Great Jamel! You remember me i followed your channel since 2020 when you have 18k approximately subscribers ❤️


Hi Jamel; on lease purchase option...are you taking over the deed for the property along with taxes & insurance payments or just paying seller negotiated monthly amount for all ? Thanks


Hi I have a random question. Would you advise working with the sellers realtor if trying to do an owner finance situation? Thanks


Hey Jamel, I came across your channel recently and have learned so much! I am a firefighter, and I have a different work schedule than most people. Do you think having a schedule where I would be completely off from real estate for 24 hours at a time be a problem for business? And also I was wondering about if I did buy a property from a seller following your formula to use a tenant to pay for everything; how would I be able to pay the seller the 10% down payment if the tenant isn't able to do so within the first couple months of renting? Would that put me in a bind with the seller, or could I pay the seller the down payment whenever the tenant is able to pay? If you could reply back, or even make a video going into detail that would be great! Thanks!!


I really wanna do this how do I get a contract??


There is one big IF that keeps occurring to me that I would like to ask you. So, lets say you have a prospected distressed property and you want to owner finance it and turn it into a rent-to-own, or even just rent. You have spoken with the seller at length and ready to make an offer with them. Lets say you make the offer with them and they accept it. Now it seems that it is time to list the property and start looking for a tenant or buyer. How long is the closing process? and, if you haven't found a buyer by the time it is time to close, what do you do at that point?
