THE FATHER | Official Trailer (2020)

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Anthony is 80, mischievous, living defiantly alone and rejecting the carers that his daughter, Anne, encouragingly introduces. Yet help is also becoming a necessity for Anne; she can’t make daily visits anymore and Anthony's grip on reality is unravelling. As we experience the ebb and flow of his memory, how much of his own identity and past can Anthony cling to? How does Anne cope as she grieves the loss of her father, while he still lives and breathes before her? THE FATHER warmly embraces real life, through loving reflection upon the vibrant human condition; heart-breaking and uncompromisingly poignant – a movie that nestles in the truth of our own lives.

#Sony #SonyClassics #TheFather #OfficialTrailer #AnthonyHopkins #OliviaColman #MarkGatiss #RufusSewell #ImogenPoots #OliviaWilliams
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That hits close to home. I looked after my mother and father when they declined with dementia. My mother was an angelic but forgetful saint, my father was paranoid and hostile. He had always had control in his life and saw every bit of it slipping away. As hard as it was to cope with him, it made me a better person. For the first time in my life, I had to love another person unconditionally, with no emotional reward.


Sir Anthony Hopkins wining oscar again at the age of 83. What a legend. Its not acting its an art for him.🎩


*As a person who's been around (too) many people with dementia, I am shocked by Sir Anthony Hopkins' performance: it is spot on, and by far the best depiction of dementia I've seen on camera. He really deserves his Oscar.*


People talk about horror movie being scary. This scares me more than anything


This film is less of a story and more of an experience that attempts to put the viewer in the place of someone suffering from dementia. I know a lot of people don't like how it's often difficult to understand what's happening in the movie, but I personally loved that because not knowing reality from mental fabrications made me truly feel like I myself had dementia while watching the film. Also, it makes you sympathize with old people, which all too often doesn't happen in our society. This movie is a masterpiece. That's really all I can say about it.


20 years working with dementia patients and I'll never get used to this disease it's absolutely devastating to see.


The Oscar goes to Anthony Hopkins I want him so much to win


I did just watch it. That last scene with the nurse is a masterpiece. Still feeling tears coming out.


This is the first time ive cried in a movie theatre, this is the most heartfelt movie i have ever, ever, ever, EVER watched! and I cannot believe all the trailers of this movie has less than 1M views. This is truly a masterpiece!


This is probably the most beautifully executed movie I have ever seen. No exposition or out-of-place dialogue was used nor needed; you can really feel this movie.


This reminds me of my mother who took care of my grandparents (her parents) when they both fell into dementia. I'd seen the unconditional love my mother gave to them and she even had to sacrifice her career, and you couldn't hear a single complaint from her. But despite that, she still managed to be a mother to us and helped put food on the table. Dementia is no joke. I would always see my mother cry at night as she knew her parents would never be the same again. Love your parents people!


Both my parents developed dementia in their late eighties, it is truly devastating to have to completely change the way you talk to them, understand that they are not the same parents that you, ve known all your life, relate to only the things they understand, and avoid discussing things they, ve completely forgotten, eg their house being sold, their beloved cat no longer alive. It’s heartbreaking 😢


The fact that Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman are in the same film makes this a must see.


This is not a story, this is an experience that i just lived watching this masterpiece. i got frightened and scared, weak and afraid, and in the end, very sad. i can't describe how this movie was hits different than any other.


Did you watch an old man struggling with dementia? I watched an actor winning an Oscar. Respect!
God bless those who care for their elderly parents until the end!


This movie is excellent. Very cleverly done. At first we thought we were seeing flashbacks, but then realized we were experiencing what the father with dementia was experiencing. We were as confused as he was. It was an eye-opener. Dementia is about more than just getting forgetful. Anthony Hopkins deserved the Academy Award. Wow. What a performance. But warning. It's heartbreakingly sad. I now know. I have to do something to help my father.


Anthony Hopkins is king, one of the greatest actors of all time.


My mother did exactly the same thing. The family would hire a caregiver and my mother would end up screaming and yelling at this person end up firing them. She wanted to stay in her apartment did not want to go anywhere else. Stayed in the apartment watching television 24/7. Started to accuse everybody of stealing things as she would misplace. Anthony Hopkins did an amazing job representing this nightmare illness.
My mother 93 years old passed away just a few months ago. I'm in her place now and watched this film last night.
Very real and very depressing.


This touched me on so many levels. Not only Sir. Anthony Hopkins is of the same age as my own father, but I had to slowly and sometimes painfully learn how my father looses grasp with the reality, while slowly decaying into dementia. Also touching is that actor, Hopkins used his own true date of birth.


It’s y’all in here talking about awards for incredible performances, while I’m having an anxiety attack about this being my future with my father, for me.
