The Quantum World of Digital Physics: Can a Virtual Reality be Real?

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Playlist: Do We Live in a Simulated Reality?

The Quantum World of Digital Physics: Can a virtual reality be real?

"Quantum physics requires us to abandon the distinction between information and reality." Anton Zeilinger

Part 1. Information and Simulated Reality

Digital physicists suggest that all realities are virtual which means this is as "real " as it gets.

Digital physics sees everything as information, it provides a different way of describing what is happening at the quantum level. Seeing as the universe appears to be composed of elementary particles whose behavior can be completely described by the quantum switches they undergo that implies that the universe as a whole can be described by bits. Every state is information and every change of state is a change in information. From this it can be said that the history of the universe is in effect a huge and ongoing quantum computation.

Digital Physics tells us that all information is processed at the boundary of the system. For those who are familiar with the cellular biologist Bruce Lipton and his work in epigenetics you may see a correlation here. Lipton tells us that the cell membrane is the "brain" of a cell. As Above, So Below? Could what we know as our universe really just be the endoplasm of a holographic amoeba?

Part 2. The Simulation: Joe Rogan ~ Terence Mckenna ~ Neil D. Tyson ~ Robert Anton Wilson

"The idea is that in the future, humans will be able to simulate entire universes quite easily, and given the vastness of time ahead, the number of these simulations is likely to be huge. So if you ask the question 'do we live in the one true reality or in one of the many simulations?', the answer, statistically speaking, is that we're more likely to be living in a simulation." Physicist Silas Beane

Edited by: Kevin Russell
Speakers: Neil D. Tyson, Terence Mckenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Joe Rogan!

I believe that reality is a subjective experience, defined by the individual user through perceptual modalities honed within the nervous system.
What a mouthful! Now let's break it down:
Your body is a flesh machine, and you are at the controls. However you want to experience reality is entirely, and ultimately, up to you.

The Internet, and innovations of the 21st century, have given humanity the opportunity to implement tools found in every degree of life; psychology, neurology, biology, philosophy, mythology, technology, etc. When nueroplasticity and the ability to change our perspective is coupled, latent patterns of reactionary behavior atrophy and die off, allowing neurological evolution to ensue.

Learning to control the neocortex gives one the ability to have power over their perception of reality, versus being subject to our biologically reactive chemical responses. Essentially, to reason over reflex.

God Is the Machine

What is Information?

Digital Physics ~ Musings on the Nature of Reality

The Clockwork Universe - Who are You in a Deterministic, Materialistic & Reductionistic World? (HD)

John Wheeler and Digital Physics
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Consciousness comes hand in hand with language.


It's so intriguing considering people are fascinated with games like the Sims, where u give reality to what we know as digital.  If you also ponder on the existence of digital imagery in itself, being that it is manipulated light particles such as the energy in our universe, it's easy to understand the illusion we call life.


when someone comes back from a near death experience they say it was more real than the reality we are in now....I believe death is just waking up from this illusion...everything will come back to you..and you will look back on this life as an experience among all the others you had...its a game..we are in a game.


McKenna was a genius dismissed as a madman by far to many people


Dr. James Gates is the one that found computer code that describes the fabric of the universe which was not acknowledged in this video but it contains a short clip of him discussing this at 9:37. It is not just computer code but error correcting computer code. Look him up if you want to know more.


A VR/sim model satisfactorily explains not only the DS experiment but any "apparent" retro-causality as well, via the simple idea of "rendering". & its the only idea/model I know of that can make sense out of QM's weirdness & everything else we've discovered as of yet. The Idea that reality is information based is no longer fringe physics but not exactly mainstream yet either. why? because it conflicts with their belief in an objective, deterministic reality. We went from a Newtonian clockwork universe to a more modern view of GR & QM. Yet each contradicts opposite halves of Newton's objective, deterministic clockwork universe as well as each other. Very few physicists have taken this any further, they are @ the point that reality is information based but fail to accept the fact that, this implies there be something other then the physical universe, because a VR can't logically compute itself. Even a 3rd grader familiar with video games can tell you that the game world & the computer must be in different "reality frames"(in so many words). The Digital Physics scientist Edward Fredkin refers to this required non-physical aspect just as "other" & physicist Tom Campbell invokes a more sophisticated "LCS" (larger consciousness system) as a kind of cosmic mind of which we & all creatures are a piece of. But most scientists/physicists don't even take it nearly that far. A sim model also predicts a "constant" speed of light...which is the maximum refresh rate/outer time loop which would be our plank length/pixel size divided by delta T/the refresh rate. & a VR model can explain entanglement as just a kind of "if/else statement" in that all the pixels on the screen(our 3-D space-time) are basically equidistant from the processor, which in turn can perhaps help explain the holographic principal. As far as the DS experiment goes, what gets rendered is just dependent on the "availability" of the "which path" information in this reality. so It does now seem to all be coming together with math/physics & computer science/information theory etc. Does this really mean that our universe & perhaps our very existence just results from a program running on an Alien computer or by our future selves ? Possibly, but Not necessarily. I like Tom Campbell's view that Consciousnesses itself is the computer/mind running this probabilistic sim & its just a natural system, which avoids an infinite regress of sims & replaces it with a process fractal. But that's a huge paradigm shift in its infancy, so I'll just leave it @ that 4 now. If ur in2 these Ideas check out Edward Fredkin, Nick Bostrom, Brian Whitworth & Tom Campbell to name a few.


with a lot of people who take advantage of quantum woo woo these days its easy to dismiss this as wishful thinking but the explanation given in this video  really struck me as vary logical and worth investigating further.


If one looks closely enough at the universe, one begins to realize that we are not separate from the universe but part of a vast interaction realizing itself. We are energy. Being energy we have the properties of energy; that being, energy never dies but only transforms it’s state. We reinforce our limitations, or have our limitations defined for us by a constant bombardment of sources seeking to maintain that perspective we so automatically accept without question. 


If we take this knowledge into consideration with the federation/Pleiadian" channelings that have been going on since the 20th century, then the Reptillian reality is merging with our reality because we are prone to violence, and we give rise to strife, which brings us closer to their vibrations, and therefore become a reality to us. Just like the Pleiadians, and Agarthans, tell us that we must acknowledge their existence, and become peaceful, like they are, to bring us closer to their vibrations.

If this is all relative to our collective consciousness, and these other beings, supposedly thousands of years older than us, have figured all this out, then both dimensions and reality are one in the same. The strands of existence are just on different vibratory levels. If we are negative, and cause strife, murder each other, enslave each other, and be angry, then we will be moving towards the vibrations of existence in which such entities exist in general. If we are happy, work together, peaceful, and at one with our selves, and those around us, we go up in vibrations, bringing us closer to the benevolent beings these other races claim to be.

You need to explore both sides of these topics to understand that they may in fact be one in the same. Other realities could literally be effecting ours by crossing the boundaries, and the only way to merge, is by making our reality as close to theirs as possible. This also explains the UFOs seen around the world. As we reach a turning point in our time line, relative to our thoughts, then there is a decision between a positive and negative out come, and our reality  will merge with the one we are closer with. Kind of like water tension between realities. The closer we are in reception to other dimensions, the more we blend together.

The closer we get to the dead line, the more these realities blend with ours, causing strife, and havoc around the world. At the same time though, we see good groups around the world now a days coming together, and working for a better cause, and to better each other, and the world as a whole. What is going to happen to us if these realities fuse with ours? Both the good AND the bad. It would be a war, perhaps destined by our time lines, in a way, such a reality is very befitting of how we as a whole act and think. Let's just pray I am right, and that we pull towards the good in the world.

"Birds of a feather flock together"


Does one literally get to see / record a pattern on the back board when conducting a double slit experiment?.


Can anyone send me this video? It's says it's not available and I would love to see it! Thanks in advance.


it's ok as long as we don't run in windows...


According to Bashar, what we perceive as ‘outer reality’ is not real. There really is nothing ‘out there’ out there. It is all a projection of our consciousness, reflecting to us our state of being in ‘physical terms’ to help us grow and rediscover who we really are from a new perspective. On the path of rediscovering who we really are, we are still exploring definitions and belief systems which do not always work out to our advantage. With a certain time-lag we get the respective feed-back from our reality projections that show us in 3-D that we are still operating on belief systems which are not conducive to our growth. Hence the unpleasant events we may encounter in our lives and the atrocities we can see on TV. Regarding the description of the physical mechanism of how to project a ‘reality out there’, Bashar is fine with the terminology used by modern scientists when describing the universe as a multiverse and the manifestation of matter as a result of energy waves which are holographically fixed by thought patterns, i.e.: the multiverse as a hologram.
The result and the purpose of our virtual reality projections (inside our consciousness) are the experiences we have when shifting across an infinitude of still and static virtual reality frames at the rate of Planck-time. Experiences matter. They are real, our reality isn’t. When shifting we are looking through the eyes of the respective version of us which is already in the frame – still and static. Has been and will be. When leaving the frame one moment later for the next one, we are leaving the previous version of us to look through the eyes of the next one, the one which comes with the next frame, equally still and static. Similar to the frames of a film strip in a cinema providing the illusion of time and movement when projected onto a screen. In order for us to have our experiences as fully as possible we perceive the projections of our consciousness as if we were alive on the screen, participating in the middle of the projected environment. At night and upon death we leave the cinema (for the next one)
Shifting from one frame to the next occurs at an incredible speed. The version of us which began reading this sentence is no longer the version (of us) reaching the end of the sentence. In between an incredibly high number of other frames (and other versions of us) which may be differing from the previous one just by one atom (Bashar). So when a questioner is asking a question in a Bashar session, upon finalising the formulation of the question, that questioner is no longer the version he ‘was’ at the beginning of the question. The same applies to the counterpart. There is an infinitude of ‘Bashars’ talking to us from the other side and an incredibly high number of versions are selected and actually materialised for creating the illusion of ‘him’ listening to the questioner only for reaching the point where he can ultimately begin with his answer.
The driving engine of the reality projection are our definitions and belief systems. The ones we were already borne with (Bashar), the ones we took on along the way from our social environment, the ones we use to consciously replace old ones which we discover as no longer useful. Without definitions and beliefs there is no reality projection, however unconscious and hidden the beliefs may be. The beliefs create the feelings and the feelings create the thoughts, leading to activities and behaviour. Top down from the template level reality, where the physical mind is in communication with the Higher Mind, receiving or rejecting advice from the higher levels. The vibrations of the beliefs and definitions determine the specific sequence of virtual reality frames we ‘get’, i.e. select from the infinitude of still and static frames (from the matrix) for the purpose of our specific reality projection (inside the matrix). If we changed the vibratory level of our definitions and beliefs, we would be immediately manifesting a different sequence of frames, and project a different ‘reality’, which is more in alignment with what we say we prefer. Shifting through the virtual reality frames is an automatic process, we cannot stop it.


Cambell is good and the interview with him and Bruce Lipton is priceless.


am glad i rediscoverd this channel !!!!


We are someone else's game. We are killing someone else's boredom.


Could it be 1 mind generating the information?


Okay this is freaky weird guys. Pause at 7:07. Mandela Effect. Look at the Volkswagen logo. No line. Now look at the "real" Volkswagen logo today. There is a line in the middle. And they never changed it


Epigenetics above genes our community environment is playing the Instruments we respond and listen to... We Feel the Music in our Souls.. and in our Cells.


Yeah.. but what hapens when you crack the code? When you can manipulate it?
Do you then really want to do whatever you want? Or do you sit back on the chair, knowing you can do anything and do the things that you've did so far and relax?
