Legal-Graphics' COVID-19 Timeline

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Currently, the timeline is 10 pages with over 200 source pages, but those numbers will grow. The first page of the timeline is a "Big Picture" view of the full sized timeline on the following page. The 2nd page of the PDF (first page of full sized timeline) has a complete legend to explain the categories currently in use: Signs of Virus; Key Events; Good News!: Legal Matters; Oklahoma Events (we're based in Oklahoma City) and Economic News.

Rather than using a standard date bar, the timeline starts Day 1 when the world first learned of the virus. Countries and states have been added according to the date they had their first confirmed cases. Countries with deaths over 5,000 and US States with over 1,000 deaths are shown with yellow italicized text. If a state issued a shelter in place (SIP) order, a white circle with appear in the right had side of state name. The number within the circle represents the number of days after their first confirmed case that the SIP order went into effect.

Most of the timeline entries link to the source document we used. And all of those source documents have a live link to the site where we obtained the information. In many instances we have summarized the article and bolded key language. So if the article is of interest to you, we encourage you to go to the original article in its entirety and without our emphasis.

Not all of the articles included in the source section have an entry on the timeline. On many days, we just ran out of space. However, you can access all of the stories that have had one time been included in our research by starting on Page 12 and scrolling through the pages until the end. The articles are in chronological order.

Many of our sources have interesting interactive charting. In those cases we encourage you to go to the site in order to get the full effect since our representation is merely a introduction to what you will be able to see.

We have tried to remain neutral in our postings. If you cannot tell our political affiliation we have succeeded!

Our goal has been to update the timeline daily and so far we have been successful.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

The Team at Legal-Graphics
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Great free download. Very informative and chance to see the pandemic events day by day (and news without a political push).
