How to create AKS Cluster 2023 | Azure Kubernetes Service | Azure Container Service | K21 Academy
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📌 There are 4 ways to deploy an Azure Kubernetes Cluster, which are using:
I) Azure Portal
II) Azure CLI
III) Azure PowerShell
IV) Using template-driven deployment options, like Azure Resource Manager templates and Terraform
➡️ In this video we are going to install a Kubernetes On Azure(AKS) Step by-step cluster using Azure Portal.
➡️ In order to manage containerized workloads and services, Kubernetes is an open-source platform that is portable, flexible, and supports both declarative setup and automation.
➡️ The Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed Kubernetes service in which end-users maintain worker nodes while Azure manages the master node. Users may deploy, scale, and manage Docker containers and application-based containers over a cluster of container hosts using AKS.
🤔 So, want to know how to setup a AKS- Step by-step cluster?
⚡ Want to start from basics to advance level ? We have this FREE CLASS On Docker & Kubernetes Certification To Get Higher Paid Jobs. Our experts will also be sharing with you a complete ROADMAP that will help you to have a clear picture of how to start from basics to the advance level.
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See you in the next video!