MQTT Tutorial: Part 1 Intro to MQTT

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Websites mentioned in the video:

Raspberry Pi:
NanoPi NEO2:

The next video in the series will be a more hands on tutorial on how to setup an MQTT broker on a Raspberry Pi, and how to start using MQTT on the Pi.

The third video will be a project where I setup a home monitor using a raspberry pi, some sensors, and MQTT.
Рекомендации по теме

This is VERY informative! I'm glad you spent the time to put this together and share it with everyone. I am just now really getting into MCU projects with RaspberryPi (RPi), NodeMCUs, other ESP8266 based MCUs, components (relays, temp sensors, etc) as well as working on a LAN centric management system. I had been considering setting up a DB server and coding my devices to update/get data via the DB - but then, in the process of doing an install on a RPi of openHAB, I started seeing more about MQTT and mosquitto. I'm glad I looked into this and am getting such a great introduction to the MQTT server/protocol (as well as so many related resources) instead of spending time re-inventing the wheel! I hope you get more views, likes, and subscriptions - this/you are a great resource!


Thanks for making this video, it was very well put together and easy to follow along especially for someone who just started looking into MQTT yesterday


Thank you very much. That was an excellent demo. I have recently jumped into this field and I hope to watch more videos from you.


Thank you very much for your video. Really help me to initiate in the matter of communication between devices. It was clear and very well explained


Very informative and clearly presented. Thanks You!


So do I have to run MQTT on my computer to get the information from my raspberry pi server?


It's called "Mosquitto" because of

M o s Q u i T T o

Wanted to add - great video.
This is a field I'm just getting my head around, so thanks for taking the time to explain things in an understandable way.
