Plastic Welding 101 [How to Plastic Weld]

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Learning how to plastic weld is a priceless skill to have. #youbreakityoufixit

Lucky for you learning how to plastic weld is really in expensive to get into!

In today's video, I show you how to get started repairing your broken plastic parts.

I prefer plastic welding over glueing. I have never had great luck with glue.

And, usually, when I'd go to glue something my expensive epoxies would be out of date and garbage. I hate throwing money in the garbage.

Heres the plastic welder I like:

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Hi there, last year we bought a large black plastic farm tub that sold for close $350. It had been accidentally punctured by the store. They sold it to us for $50 and we were going to use it for a child pool and if that didn’t work, for a planter. I’m 69 years old woman, good crafter, and discovered plastic welding. Y’all I fixed the pool with some of the pools own plastic shavings, metal mesh, a paper clip and black zip ties with the metal welding tool. So proud of myself and we had fun in the water. Farm pool fixed and holding up extremely well. I’m particular so I worked on the fix till it even looks good inside and out. Very happy I have YouTube to learn new skills


You know a bloke is on the level when he admits he forgot his tin snips.
The only thing more common than that is checking every pocket on your body for the pencil you were holding 1 min ago....
New subscriber.


I'm a graduate engineer with 40 years experience in the car manufacturing industry specialising in injection moulded plastic components. Nearly all plastic components on cars today are made of ABS. ABS can be glued with a 2K component glue, but this will never be as good as the way the repair job is shown in this footage. I also do my own plastic repairs but my personal choice of tools is a hot air welder, which demands a lot of practice to use properly.
The transparent parts of indicator and tail lights are not ABS, these are usually made of acryl (plexiglass), which cannot be welded. To repair these one has to use glue. The best glue for this, I have found, is the cement used to put plastic models together with, such as Revel uses.
The transparent plastic on headlights is usually made of a polycarbonate, the same stuff DVDs are made of. The problem with this is that it goes blind in stark sunlight because of the UV.


You saved me $350. I’m piecing together a car that had minor damage from hitting a pole. The headlight was $350, but I “plastic welded” the broken tabs back on and it’s as good as new. Thanks!!!


Perfect video. Man doesn't sound like a girl, a drunk or a hick. Straight to the point. Information and camera shots in focus and audio is outstanding. You did it right..


I didn’t even know that plastic welding was a thing! As a DIYer, this speaks to me.


Plastic welding is one of the most under appreciated repair methods out there. I've uses it for many things big and small and it's saved me a lot of time and stress, especially when some parts aren't available.


I've been plastic welding broken bits for years, but never thought of embedding stainless steel mesh. Thanks for the heads up!


Absolute gem. I "stitch" my mudguards, splash shields and other plastic stuff with wires and zip ties. Your welding method is definitely the proper way.


I can't tell you how many plastic car parts I have replaced because of split tabs, etc. I never even thought about welding them. Excellent info, thanks!


I plastic welded a tiny vital plastic piece that held the window regulator together before I knew what plastic welding was. I did not know exactly what I needed, but I spent $20 and saved $30 and the hassle of physically removing and installing the entire regulator and instead just reassembled it. $10 of that $20 was a reusable tool. The broken round piece fit onto that $10 hole punch as a mold propping it up with vice grips. Then I used needle nose pliers to hold the donor plastic as I melted it with a plain cigarette lighter. It was a beautiful repair. Everything snapped back into place great and I no longer have any issues with that window. I also asked God to help me as I was snapping that plastic piece back into place. I have to give credit where it is due.


Great video. Most of the time when I do plastic welding I use zip ties for the filler and use steel wool because I always have those items in the garage or in my tool box.


I'd recommend active ventilation and gas rated respirator. You know .. plastic fumes and cancer go hand in hand


If you don't have a plastic welder you can use acetone to dissolve leftover plastic (same type of plastic as where you want to repair) and make a paste that will strongly bond the plastic together and fill in the cracks


for bigger parts you can also use paper clips instead of mesh. i sometimes bend them in a zig-zag and melt it in, specially on bumbers i use paperclips or a bigger holed mesh. 3d printer filament works also as filler, you can buy them with carbon fiber in it also but thats more expensive and not needed if you brace it with mesh or other stuff :)


Wow, the stabiles steel mesh is the solution i have been whaiting for. Thanks


Feels like I'm watching my dad repair cars again. He also uses hot stitching or stapling on certain types of plastic repairs but I think it's not as cheap to come by. Very useful and thanks for saving people's lungs on the respiratory tip.


fantastic, thanks for the great vid. Not only did you save $100 but you saved the environment of more plastic in landfill. Great job


Great vid. It reminded me that my dad fixed a broken axle on a plastic covered wagon when I was a kid. ( I'm in my 60s) He used a poker which he heated in our coal fire. All the best from the UK. 👍🏻👍🏻


You are not cheap you are frugal.
